"Morning," a hazy voice called.
Dean blinked uncomfortably at the smell of strong coffee and the sight of bright sunlight pouring into the room. He looked over at the alarm clock perched on his bedside table.
"You've gotta be kidding me." He rubbed his eyes as he sat up. "What the hell are you doing up at six in the morning? And, more importantly, why the hell did you find it necessary to invite me to your early-bird fiesta?"
His brother just shrugged. "Thought we could use an early start."
"But six o'clock early? Sam, come on. I don't give a shit about what you do before eight AM, but what I do before eight AM is not yours to choose." He flopped back down onto the bed, throwing the covers on top of his face.
This went ignored as Sam poured a mug of black coffee for Dean and set it near the alarm clock.
"Whatever. Just get dressed. We have a kid to find."
Half an hour afterward, the two pulled up to the teenager's house. Dean was only partly awake, but still insisted on driving, so he stumbled out of the driver's seat and was the first to notice that Kalila's car was nowhere in sight.
"So, she's a no-show. Surprise!" He threw his hands up in disbelief.
"Give her some time, Dean; it's six-thirty in the morning."
He turned back towards his car. "Women are slippery, man. This Kalila chick's just like Bela. This is exactly why I-"
"Why you what?" The thick accent behind the question stopped Dean cold. "Why you only have one-nighters? Why you don't keep girlfriends?"
Sam watched her, barely holding back an I-told-you-so, as she sauntered around the corner of the white house.
"I've been here all morning, actually, and last night I called some friends and did a little research on you two."
Dean spun around. "And?"
"You're John Winchester's boys." She let out a half-laugh. "You're old friends of my guy, Bobby Singer. Sam's part demon, you've been to Hell... I can go on."
The brothers simply stared at her, dumbfounded. Sam had begun to feel uncomfortable about the knowledge she had of him.
"You have some pretty big secrets that you've been holding back. Both of you."
The brothers shared a glance. They knew she was trouble with a capital T, and Lady Trouble is a force to be reckoned with.
"I wanna know why you think you're privy to that information," Dean started in. He ignored Sam's quiet calls for him to cut it out. "You have no right to-"
"Oh, spare me the big brother speech," Kalila cut him off. "You may look hulking and scary but we all know you have your own fears and guilt hiding behind that grill." She rolled her eyes. "Besides," she called as she turned to saunter toward the house, "who was able to bed you last week?"
Sam suddenly felt that the teaming-up wasn't a coincidence after all. "Dude, she did this on purpose," he said to his brother. "You think she's tracking us?"
Dean shoots him a warning glare. "Shut up, it was one night. She's totally not tracking us." He shakes the thought off and heads toward the front door, broken into by Kalila from the inside. "All she is, is Mischief in a hot body."
Sam tilts his head, unsure, but follows him inside anyway.
The broken window the boys had found the day before let in a lot of light and a lot more insects. The broken line of salt still stood at the door, thousands of its white crystals kicked and blown across the floor. It was evident that something had gotten in- something malevolent.
Sam swept an auburn lock out of his face as he looked through a bookshelf near the front door. Things were unnaturally dusty around this place. Surely, he thought, it hadn't been that long since a family member had looked through last week's newspaper.
But something else caught his eye. Not on the bookshelf, but in the floorboards. Everywhere.
"Sam, wouldja get your ass up here?" A deep voice called.
Soft bickering between Kalila and Dean ensued, along with some wall thumping as they fought over who got a closer look at their finding.
Waving it off, Sam reached down into a crack in the hardwood flooring. It seemed out of place, the crack: the floor was new and expensive-looking, hardly the typical weathered barn floor you'd expect to see a crack in. In between his thumb and index finger, he picked up a small corkscrew of silver metal. There weren't many others, but there were enough for him to grab a small fistful to stuff into his pocket as he ran up the stairs.
Dean's voiced was raised as he angrily faced away from Kalila, his arms crossed in defiance. "Well, maybe if you weren't so damn stubborn we could figure this out-"
"What, more efficiently? Like adults? Are you kidding?"
As soon as she spotted Sam, Kalila fell silent, upset and slightly embarrassed. She was bent down behind a walnut dresser pulled out from against the wall. Her hands were working, studying something in the baseboard of the wall.
"What you got?" Dean asked, looking at his brother's closed fist.
Sam opened his hand, letting the tiny corkscrews even out across his flat palm. "I'm not sure, but they look like silver shavings to me."
Dean nodded in agreement. "Well, that makes this easier. Check out what I found," he said, pointing to the wall where Kalila knelt.
She scoffed. "What you found? Please, I think he knows better." She scooted to make room for Sam as he squatted down beside her. A small dot was scorched into the white baseboard.
"Okay, so what is it? Sulfur?"
"No," she said, rolling her eyes. She flicks on the flashlight in her hand; the bedroom's window didn't provide nearly enough light. The soft white light focused in on the circular burn. "It's blue. We're hunting a Djinn. See," she started, grabbing his hand and placing his pinkie into the burn, "it placed its handprint on its victim, but this is where one of its fingers hung off the body and burned into the wall instead." She dropped his hand and watched as Dean rolled his eyes. "Oh, and I heard what you said earlier. I was tracking you, and that's Miss Mischief to you." She turned back to her work.
Dean gave Sam a look and held a hand to his head in frustration, but Sam just had an odd half-smile plastered on his face. She was smart, perhaps a little overbearing, but she knew what she was doing. This was going to be one hell of a ride.
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