We stared at each other for a moment after we broke apart. My heart was beating so fast I was certain she could hear it. I stared into her eyes and she stared into mine. The world was silent for the moment and I felt more at peace than I had been for quite a while.
"Hey! We could use some help!" My brother yelled from somewhere, I didn't see him. Probably opened a window.
I didn't say anything back, neither did she. She shook her head playfully, "Well, I'm gonna go and finish up." she said as she got up. She kicked her foot in the dirt, then began to walk. I got up and followed.
She opened the door and we both walked in, "What were you two doing?" Dylan said the second he saw us.
"Trying to leave you two alone to sort out your feelings," Tatiana said immediately, "Since you clearly have something going on."
I tried not to laugh as they looked at each other and proceeded to act repulsed.
"I'd never be with him," Emily said, once she was done pretending to puke. Dylan never verbally responded he just never stopped gagging.
I removed myself from the conversation by picking up some packed boxes and walking back outside. Once I placed them in the truck, I realized I needed to redo some of it so it could fit more without crushing anything so I began to rearrange a few boxes.
There were footsteps coming into the truck. I turned around, "so they're arguing again," she stated.
"Of course they are," I rolled my eyes while smiling, "You really like to instigate them."
"Kinda, I find it funny."
"Of course you do." I found a place for the last box and then took a step back. "There doesn't seem to be much left."
"Nope, I believe there are like five or so boxes left. I brought one, I put it over to the side." she pointed at the box lying on the floor next to the box full of dishes.
She kicked the box lightly pushing it closer to the other boxes, I made a few steps til I was next to her. She took my hand into hers and we walked back to the house. She let go of it when we entered. She tiptoed a bit to whisper in my ear. "Let's see if we can get the rest out in one trip,"
"Okay, you pile some in my arms and then take whatever's left."
"Perfect," she said, as she picked up the first box. She was able to stack four of the boxes. They weren't heavy, we started with the heavy stuff first, and right now I'm glad we did. She held the last box and shuffled it so it was between her arm and side. I followed her, she opened the door and then followed me out.
We put the boxes down and then Dylan and Emily came out. "Finally that's over," Emily said wiping her forehead. "I'm so not ready to unload."
"You don't have to Em," Tatiana replied.
"No, no. I'm going to."
I don't remember how the rest of their conversation went just that they continued talking. At some point, they went into the house again leaving me and Dylan out in the heat. I liked the feel of the sun on my skin, even if it felt kinda smothering. Sweat was starting to roll down my neck, pooling onto my t-shirt. I wiped some of it with the back of my hand, then wiped it on my jeans.
Dylan found a place to sit on the ramp of the truck, I continued standing. He crossed his arms and leaned back a bit. "You two were out here a long time," he said with a small smirk.
I rolled my eyes, "It was like five minutes and we had to rearrange some of the boxes to fit the rest."
"Bullshit." he started.
I put my hand up to shut him up. It didn't work. Not that I really thought it would.
To escape the conversation I started to focus on the leaves falling from the trees. Successfully tuning him out he rambled but I was in a state where I had no idea what he was saying. After a while, he realized it and stopped talking. Most of the leaves were yellow, but there were reds, and browns sprinkled amidst them. As a kid, I remember liking the brown ones the best because I felt they had the most crunch when they were stepped on. Now I think the red is my favorite.
Tatiana and Emily came out, Tatiana was holding a tray of four cups and a pitcher of water. There were sliced lemons next to the pitcher. Emily was still talking to her, once they got closer she quieted down a little. Probably still mad.
"Still, you don't need to butt in, I got it all under control," Tatiana said, before coming to a stop. Emily grabbed the cups off of the tray and then handed Dylan and me one.
"You did not have any part of that situation under control. I had to swoop in and save your ass, again."
Tatiana grabbed the pitcher of water and poured some into each cup, "You didn't have to. Besides I've had to save you just as many times."
Emily grabbed a slice of lemon off of the tray, that was now sitting in the empty space in the moving truck. "Not even close and you know it." she put it in her water, "If I were to add it up, the numbers would be Emily- five billion and counting, and Tatiana- three."
Tatiana walked and stood by me, "Four."
"No, that incident in 2015 doesn't count," Emily sat on the ramp of the truck and took a gulp of water.
"Well, then that incident in 2012 doesn't count."
"Which one exactly?"
"All of them."
"No, can't do that. I omitted one from you, you cannot, let me repeat, cannot take that many off of my score."
"Damn you."
Dylan cleared his throat, "Excuse me, but what is going on?"
"I was trying to tell her that moving, is a good idea considering the situation but it isn't going to stop her psycho brother from finding her later if he found her this time, he can find her again. But she thinks she has everything 'under control.'"
"I do, I'm going to. Anyway. I am capable of taking care of myself, and I'm not arguing anymore."
"You better, I mean you better have an armed security guard or a Doberman."
Tatiana glared at her. "Hey, maybe we should focus on the task at hand. I'm sure Tati has some plans for safety when she actually gets there." I turned to her, "Right?"
"As a matter of fact, I do."
"Okay, so let's take a break, drink this water in peace, and then we'll get to the last part. Possibly the hardest part and then, if the precautions aren't up to your standard you can lecture or place some yourself."
"Okay, fine." Emily then pointed to Tatiana, "If one thing looks out of place you will find a random Doberman or a grizzly in your house in the middle of the night."
"A bear would maul me."
"Better than your brother getting in."
Tatiana curled her lip and agreed. She took my hand and led me to the house. "Thanks," she muttered as soon as she shut the door. "You didn't have to though, I could've handled it."
"I know, you were. I just figured we'd need the extra two hands to help with the rest of the moving,"
She cracked a smile, "I love the way you think." she moved closer and pressed her lips to mine for the second time today. I ran my hand through her hair as she pulled me closer. We pulled apart for a second to put our cups on the floor. She grabbed my shirt and pulled me closer to her, my lips met hers as I leaned against her. She took a few steps back until her back was to the door. I held her face with one hand and ran my fingers through her hair with the other. She kept her hands around my shirt before moving them to hold my waist.
We started at the sound of knocking at the door. We broke apart, trying to catch our breath. Tatiana tried to fix her hair before opening the door. As she was starting to, Dylan yelled, "Are we ready to get to moving again?"
"Just a second," Tatiana raised her voice enough to be heard.
I could hear Dylan mutter something before leaving.
She turned around, rolled her eyes then laughed. "I feel like a high schooler, sneaking around, stealing kisses, trying not to get caught," she said. "Honestly it's kinda nice though."
"It does feel like that, doesn't it."
"Well, we better go," she picked up her glass, I did the same and we walked out the door, back into the autumn heat.
Sorry it took so long to update. I haven't had a lot of time for writing. I have the next chapter written I just want to go over it again. I hope the chapter is decent.
Random kinda, but I overheard a conversation in the parking lot that reminded me of Dylan and Dakota XD they were arguing about one parking too far away.
Thank you to RM_116 for the review it helped a lot.
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