Chapter 44 - Blackout
Olivia POV
"Olivia! Get up! Uncle Felix wants to talk to you!" A loud banging on my door causes my eyes to shoot open. Liam and Lewis had been sent to escort me to the King's office.
My heart stopped. As I imagined, it wasn't just the King who wished to speak with me. I completely avoided eye contact with my twin brother as Felix motioned for me to sit down.
The twins stood beside me in my chair, but the King looked up, "you are excused, boys. She got into this herself, she can deal with it herself."
Sighing, the twins left the room. There was no use in any of us arguing, although I really didn't want them to go. I was surprised that there were only two other bodies in the room. I had imagined my entire family here to watch my trial, but it was only my uncle and my twin.
"Olivia, I would appreciate it if you looked at me," I couldn't tell if he was angry, but I looked up slowly at the older man.
"You know why you're here, you know exactly what you've done," I refrained from rolling my eyes at him. Luke simply stared at me, but I looked anywhere but his eyes.
"What do you think your punishment should be, Olivia?" Felix asked, snapping me out of my daydream.
I furrowed my eyebrows, "why?"
"I want to know how serious you're taking this," I could hear my own heartbeat and I felt a little dizzy.
"Honestly?" I asked, and he nodded, "nothing."
They both inhaled sharply and I quickly spoke, "I've always been loyal and done everything for you! Luke has always been your priority and I've accepted that, but for once I do something for me and you think I should be punished for that?"
"Are you kidding?" Luke laughed without humour.
"No! Maybe if you hadn't kept me locked up for years I wouldn't have ran away! Maybe if I had the freedom to date whoever I wanted I wouldn't have fell for the only man I ever met outside of the stupid castle!"
I continued, despite the other two trying to interrupt, "maybe if this was an open and loving family I would have told you what was going on! But I can't talk to any of you about anything anymore!" I was desperately fighting the tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
"I told you she'd try and blame it on us," Luke adds.
"Shut up!" I yell at him, "you don't get to say shit to me!"
"Olivia!" My uncle scolded harshly.
"No! I am sick of this stupid family! He killed Logan, and are you punishing him? No, because he's the favourite, all hail his Royal Highness," I bow in my chair sarcastically, "running away with a Dalton is less of a crime than murder! Running away with him isn't even a crime for the love of Jesu-"
I can tell Luke wants to say something, but his jaw clenched and he stays silent.
"What?" I yell, standing up and putting my face in his, "say something! You're a murderer!"
He doesn't say anything, so I shove his chest with my hands, "say something!"
"That's enough!" My Uncle stands up, grabs my wrist and yanks me away from Luke, although the shove clearly didn't affect him. If it did, I'd know about it. The King whispers something to Luke and he nods, leaving the room.
"I've dealt with Luke," Uncle Felix says as he sits down once again, leaning back into his large chair.
"Don't you realise what he's done?" I cross my arms, once again trying to fight back my tears. I couldn't help thinking about him, "it's murder, Uncle Felix! No matter who he is."
"Yes, but he's my nephew. What do you want me to do to him? Give him the death penalty?" He asks.
"Yeah maybe that's for the better," I roll my eyes, but I immediately felt regret in my chest after saying it.
"Olivia, you're still my niece. You know I could never hate you. The same goes for your brother. That being said, you still have to explain yourself," he tells me and I nod.
"Bring him back," I tell him, "bring Luke back, please. I think he should hear this."
He nods, standing up and leaving the room. I rubbed my sweaty palms on my knees. All I had to do was explain myself.
Just tell the truth.
The two enter the room silently. I lift my head as they sit down, "I'm going to tell you everything."
Uncle Felix nods and I sigh, beginning my long story, "first of all- I know that this contains a lot of me breaking the rules but it's the truth and I don't want interrupted until I'm finished."
"I went for a ride on my horse and I kinda might have went to the forest-"
"Next to the wall?" Luke interrupts and I sigh.
"I said no interrupting and no giving me into trouble until I'm finished! But yes, next to the wall." The two of them stare at me expectantly, a cue to continue.
"I went to the forest and fell off of my horse, and then I met this guy that said he ran away from home. All these guards on horses came by looking for him but I didn't know who he was at the time-"
"So this was Logan?" The King asks.
"Yes but I didn't know who he was and then I left and I told-"
"He was on our side?" Luke growled.
I pause, should I tell them about Lydia? They'll find out anyway, I guess, and it's a good way to give context to her actions. Ignoring their questions, I continued.
"-I told Lydia and she got really excited because this kind of thing never happens to us ever so she said I should go out and find him again. So, I kinda did but when I went back I found this huge hole in the wall-"
"Where?" Uncle Felix asks.
"In the forest! And he told me he found it one day and thought it was cool and told me it was a good break for him because he was royalty. So then, obviously, I kinda figured it out and I must have fainted or something because- well, I woke up in his castle and had a total meltdown-"
The two stare at me in horror, and my uncle clenches his jaw, "you were in their castle?"
"I didn't mean it! Really! He must have took me there after I fainted!" I frantically explain.
"Of course he'd do something like that," Luke rolls his eyes.
"He didn't know who I was either at the time! Don't you understand?" It was hopeless, they were too angry to listen to the real story.
"So when did you figure out who he was? I mean, obviously at some point you did," the King asks and I nod hesitantly.
"I-" Why is this so difficult? "-he kinda told me who he was and I had a meltdown and it slipped out but he didn't really seem to care who I was."
"Did you care?" Luke asks and the two stare at me.
"I- yes! Of course I cared- I do care- but-" I pause, did I care?
"Really?" My brother scoffs, "and this was before the meeting? Is that the real reason why you were so worried that day?"
"Well-" I stammer and the two just glare, I couldn't look at either of them, "I guess so."
"Just tell us why you left, Olivia," my Uncle Felix was clearly losing his patience.
"It just- happened-"
It all came spilling out of me, I couldn't hold it in anymore. Maybe because I couldn't keep secrets anymore. Maybe because some part of me was desperate for their forgiveness.
My twin brother who, despite everything he had done, I always begged for forgiveness like the little girl I was. I wasn't sure why, maybe because he had always been such a powerful figure in my life and it had been drilled into my head that I was here to serve and supervise him as king.
"Well," my uncle sighs, "you have spent a long time lying and betraying us which I cannot overlook."
Just hurry up and tell me my punishment or whatever. I've dealt with enough.
"However I do appreciate your honesty just now," he clasps his hands.
My twin brother remained silent.
"You have left behind a lot of mess for us to clean up, and as much as I think you deserve to clean it up yourself, I don't think you deserve that freedom," he continued, "your uncles, Luke, Theo and I will be going on a little trip. More of a break, actually."
I widened my eyes and he continued, "since your brothers, Lydia and yourself have been so dishonest, you will be staying here. I have let all of the cleaning staff off on paid leave for the duration of our stay, and the four of you will clean this entire castle while we are away."
"What?" I gasp, "that's impossible!"
"I thought your betrayal was impossible, but life's full of surprises," he bitterly replied, "and if it's not completed or done properly, you will do it all over again until you get it right."
I sighed, "okay, fine." I didn't want to argue.
"We will be leaving at the start of next week and will be back three weeks after-"
"Three weeks? You can't possibly expect the four of us to clean the entire castle in three weeks!" I interrupt, "and I can kind of understand Lydia and I, but Lewis and Liam have barely done anything wrong!"
"Do not argue with me, Olivia, this is me being kind with your punishment. Well, this is only the beginning, but we'll discuss that when we return," he waves his hands dismissively, "and Lewis and Liam will be forgiven when we return. You two will not be let off so easily."
"What? That's so unfair!" I can't help complain.
"Don't you dare start," my brother rolls his eyes, "this proves even more that you are still a child. I can't believe you were so stupid as to convince yourself you were in love. This is why we keep you here, you can't be trusted on your own-"
"It's time to leave, Olivia," our uncle cuts him off before my brother can continue.
I stormed out of the office, slamming the door behind me, I'm definitely going to regret that later.
Immediately I am followed by two guards as I walk away from the office. They stop as I stare at them, "you're not serious."
"His Majesty has requested we accompany you, Your Highness," one replies.
"Oh God!" I groan, "so you're following me everywhere?"
They nod. I groan again and march to my room, trying to walk faster than the guards before realising I was extremely unfit. I still had a temper, though. I stopped abruptly, a wave of exhaustion taking over. I clutched my aching head.
"Your Highness?"
"Are you alright?"
My vision was clouded with black static-like spots. The tunnel of my vision was getting smaller and smaller-
I opened my eyes and realised I was on my side. On the floor.
I noticed my Uncle Jeremy was above me, hands on my shoulders.
"Wh-what-?" I began to lift my head up but me pushed it back down gently.
"Hey, it's alright, take it easy now," he tells me.
"Did I faint?" I croak out and he nods.
"It's alright, the guards caught you so you never hit your head," he tells me.
"I-I felt like I was dreaming, I don't remember-" I try to sit up again.
"Olivia, lie down please until the Nurse gets here," he tells me, "you're as white as a ghost."
I didn't really remember much, I had no feeling in my body. I remembered I couldn't really see but that was it. I rarely fainted. Well, the past few months were the exception, apparently.
"What's going on?" I hear a voice from along the hall. I was still lying on my side with my uncle above me in a protective stance. My eyes still felt a bit tingly and the room was spinning.
"She fainted, it's okay she'll be fine," Uncle Jeremy replies before Luke's face comes into my vision.
My brother brushes a strand of hair out of my eyes, and he actually looks concerned, "hey, are you alright?"
"I-I don't know-" was all I could mutter before feeling overwhelmingly exhausted. I felt awful.
"This doesn't usually happen," Luke shakes his head, "something must be wrong."
"Hello, darling," the Nurse now appears into my vision.
"Do you think you can sit up for me?" She asks and I nod slightly, the three of them helping me sit up.
"I'm so sorry," I apologise to my uncle for having to look after me, rubbing my eyes.
"Don't be silly, sweetheart," he frowns, looking concerned.
I was never a person to complain, when I felt sick I usually just got on with it, so it was clear to my uncle and brother that something was seriously wrong.
The Nurse brings me something sugary to eat and tells my uncle that I am to remain in bed for the rest of the day. I sat on the floor for a while, not really feeling able to stand.
"I could do some blood tests if you like?" The Nurse recommends, "to check nothing major is wrong."
My uncle shakes his head, "she's just been under a lot of long-term stress. If anything else happens then yes, but I don't think it's necessary."
The Nurse nods, "high emotional stress can lead to fainting. Is it possible that something happened right before this that could have triggered it?"
The two look at each other and my brother nods at the Nurse wordlessly, knowing that they won't be giving any information. I am helped back to my room and I lay down on my bed.
"Are you comfortable?" Uncle Jeremy asks and I nod.
"Alright, rest up Princess," he pats my arm before leaving Luke and I alone in the room. With everything that happened this was rare, but I was sick and Luke wouldn't start a fight. He got angry and said things he didn't mean, I knew he still cared about me.
He sighs, clenching his jaw. After a few moments, he sighs again, "I'm sorry, Liv."
I had little energy to speak, so I reached out to squeeze his hand, letting him know I appreciated his apology. He called me Liv again, I smiled.
"I'm still angry at you, don't get me wrong," he tenses a little, "but I'm sorry for upsetting you and- you know, making you pass out."
I squeeze his hand again and smile, "it's not your fault." I notice a small hint of a smile that I know he didn't mean to reveal.
"Well, I'm here if you need anything," he concludes before walking out the door, and I hear him call from outside the room, "-but when you're better I'm angry again!"
I chuckle, finding a bit of relief in knowing that Luke still cared about me. I knew that he was just overly emotional and didn't really mean what he said to me but it still hurt. A lot. I closed my eyes, and for once, I was relaxed.
And then that moment quickly ended.
"Jesus Liv we thought you died or something!" I jump as Liam barges into the room, followed by his twin who shook his head slightly at his brother.
I grabbed them with both of my arms and pulled them into a hug, "I'm probably gonna be kept in here for a while."
"What happened?" Lewis asks and I explain to them my "meeting" with the King and Luke, the memories replaying in my brain.
"-and then I walked out and just fainted."
Even Liam, who was never usually serious, looked concerned, "did they say what it was?"
"Uncle Jeremy thinks it's probably just stress and I think he's right," I frown, "I just want things to go back to the way they were."
They both not silently.
"I mean, yeah, Luke and I will probably make up after some time but he-" I gulped, unable to quite say it aloud, "-he killed someone! Isn't that alone not terrifying? Am I the only one that thinks it's a big deal?"
"We know," Liam nods, "it's just better not to think about."
When they leave, I get up from my bed and wrap a long cardigan around my body. I still felt a little light headed, but there was something I had to do.
I clutched the necklace Logan had given me. It was the only thing I still had of him, so I hid it under my clothes, just in case. I wouldn't let them take the last thing I had of him.
It made me feel safe. Like he was with me. I had realised that I had to keep going for him. I know he wouldn't want me to miserable. For Logan.
"Theo?" I knock on his bedroom door. No response.
I creaked the door open slightly and see him sitting on his bed, head in his hands.
"I feel like we need to clear the air, cousin," I announce, closing the door behind me.
He scoffs, "well, Luke told me everything, so I don't think I need to speak to you right now."
"Please, Theo!" I beg, "I just have to explain-"
"That the note I found was from Logan Dalton? Yeah, I guessed as much," he interrupts, "you thought you were in love, he died. End of story."
"You don't mean that," I frown, "I was in love. He's dead because of me, and I still can't get over it."
He rubs his forehead before sighing, "you're right, I'm sorry. Look, Liv, I'm angry, but I care about you more than I hate him."
"I'll get over it. Luke and Uncle Felix will, too. We all care about you a lot, and while what you did was wrong, I'm relieved you're home safe. But- honestly, did you really love him, or were you just caught up in having excitement outside of the castle?" He asks.
"I think at first, I was caught up in it," I admit, "but he really made me happy, Theo-"
"Spare me the details," he waves his hands dismissively, "but I understand."
I unconsciously grip the necklace around my neck, "I miss him a lot."
He opens his mouth to speak, before closing it again.
"What?" I ask.
"Nothing," he shakes his head, before pulling me into a hug, "just be good, take your punishment even if you think it's unfair and in time they'll respect and trust you again. I'm sure I can get them to be less strict if you behave."
I nod, "thanks Theo."
"No problem, Livvy."
"Do you think if I behave then over time I can go on a three week break, too?"
"Don't push it."
After a long, boring lecture from our Uncle Felix about being responsible and some other stuff I never really listened to, Lydia, Liam, Lewis and I were left all alone in the castle. With all the guards standing at their usual positions, of course. I still had my personal bodyguards following me at all times. There was no way I could sneak out, even if I wanted to.
We stared blankly at the cleaning materials in front of us.
"That's it?" Lydia asks disappointedly.
"How come us two get punished for this too?" Lewis frowns.
"Because our idiot of a sister told everyone that we knew," Liam rolled his eyes.
"I didn't have a choice! Besides, they would have found out sooner or later," I shrug, "come on, let's just get this done."
"Wait, you're really doing it?" Liam scoffs.
It's a good distraction from my him, I thought, not answering Liam's question as I picked up a mop and started cleaning silently. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the three of them glance at each other and then back towards me.
"Everything okay, Liv?" Lewis asks hesitantly.
"Everything's just great," I smile sarcastically, "you know why? Because it literally cannot get any worse for me!"
Lydia frowns, "uh, Liv-"
"I was kidnapped, shot, and my boyfriend was shot and killed by my insane twin brother who convinced my entire family into hating me," I scoff, before glancing up at them, "well, most of the family."
They remained silent.
"Come on, let's just just start," I throw a cloth at Liam, who holds it in between two fingers in disgust, "and try not to be too stuck-up about it."
So we cleaned, cleaned and cleaned for what felt like whatever.
My back, neck and shoulders hurt and the four of us were extremely bored. I was seriously praying for nightfall.
"You have got to be kidding me!" Liam groans.
"What?" I ask.
"It's only been an hour!"
Luke POV
"I'm sure you understand that this is more than a break?" Uncle Felix asks as we approach our little "holiday home" as Theo liked to call it.
"Yeah," I nod a little, "it's about me, isn't it?"
"Don't worry," he shakes his head, "your siblings aren't aware, nor are your cousins. Well, there's Theo but he's unaware of this little trip. I wouldn't leave them back at the castle without us if it wasn't important."
"I know," I nod, "just- let's make sure none of them find out, okay? We'll sort things and keep it a secret."
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