Chapter 2 - Mystery Boy
Olivia POV
Twenty minutes into the game and I still haven't found a single one of them yet.
This is why I hate hide and seek.
Don't get me wrong, it can be pretty fun, but not with my brothers in such a large castle. Another few hours pass and we have went through a few more games, apparently I'm not the best at hiding.
We then gather back at the main castle entrance, and decide to spend the rest of the day doing whatever we wanted, which was rare. We knew something had probably happened at the wall, but since we couldn't do anything we took advantage of the freedom.
Jessica usually has her riding lessons this time, and she's the closest. I don't really want to walk far to meet anyone, especially in this dress.
Riding lessons!
I suddenly get an idea and run outside to the large stables. I smile and walk over to my horse, Violet. My uncles weren't very fond of me riding my horse by myself, but I told myself I wouldn't be very long. I take a slow ride and end up in some grassy fields.
This is the closest I have ever been to the wall, I think as I look up in awe. I look behind me and see the castle much farther away than I thought, and the farthest away I have ever been from home. I was miles away from the castle, too far to walk.
I find myself nearing the woods that I never even knew existed until now. It's right next to the wall, so no wonder. I take a deep breath as we race into the woods, avoiding tree branches that try to attack my face. I had never been allowed to ride this far, ever. I actually felt a little rebellious, butterflies shooting through my stomach. Or maybe I felt ill because I knew I was disobeying.
I decided to get off my horse and walk for a bit, holding onto Violet for support. I'm not great with heels even after all these years, especially with all the leaves and twigs and things that want me to trip.
The rhythmic crunching of the leaves beneath my feet is the only sound I can hear.
Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.
My feet become tired after a while of wandering around aimlessly, so I stop walking and begin to climb up onto Violet when something send shivers down my spine.
Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.
I can still hear the crunching of leaves, but this time it's not coming from me, and Violet is standing still. Panic stabs at my chest as I reach down and grab the nearest twig as some sort of weapon. I hold my breath as I near the source of the noise.
I suddenly hear many, indistinct voices getting louder. Violet stands on her hind legs, frightened, before taking off through the woods.
"No!" I yell, helplessly watching her gallop away.
I begin to run after her, but a hand grabs my wrist tightly and pulls me behind the bushes. I try to let out a scream but another hand covers my mouth.
"Shh, shh," a voice hushes me as I slowly calm down, seeing whoever it is doesn't seem to have any weapons that I can see. We stay silent and hear many people shouting and horses galloping. I couldn't really hear what they were saying as I was afraid of whoever was holding me, what's going on?
When the galloping fades, I am released from this mystery person's grip and immediately turn round to face them.
A man with dirty blonde hair and - breath-taking - blue eyes gives me an apologetic smile, "sorry about that."
"Wait, were they looking for you?" I try and put the pieces together in my head.
"Uh, yeah," he gives a nervous chuckle, "I kinda ran away from home."
"Long story," he laughs.
As I got a good look at him, his clothes looked expensive.
Maybe he's from a wealthy family. That would explain the search party. I don't recognise him, though. I know most people that live here, especially the rich men my age, and he looks my age, seeing all of the attempted arranged marriages my family have tried to set up for Lydia and I.
He helps me up, "sorry, again."
"Its alright," I gasp, "my horse!"
"Hey, calm down, we'll find it," he nods, "I know this place quite well, actually."
"Really?" I raise an eyebrow and he laughs.
We begin to walk on the path, keeping an eye out for my horse.
"So, I probably should've asked you this a while ago, but- uh, who are you? I mean, you must be an important guy considering the search party," I ask.
He shrugs, "not really. I just have an insane family."
"Oh, I get that," I giggle, "well do you have a name?"
"Would you like to tell me that name?"
"Nope," he smirks.
I sigh, "why not?"
"I'm kinda going for a fresh start."
"Is that why you ran away?" I ask.
He shrugs, "something like that. What about you? Do you have a name?"
"You can't not tell me your name and then expect me to tell me yours!"
"Well, you're dressed very fancy," he laughs, "are your family landowners or something?"
You could say that.
I was about to reply when I hear the familiar sounds of my horse and my head snaps in that direction.
Our conversation continues for a while until we thankfully find my horse.
"There you are," I cup her head in my hands lovingly.
"Well, I guess this is it," the mysterious blonde-haired stranger says as he helps me onto my horse.
"Wait, don't you want some help? You said you ran away after all," I strangely don't want to leave him just yet, well, he is absolutely gorgeous.
"Nah, my father's probably pretty mad at me as it is. I only needed a small break," he chuckles.
"Well then, until the day we meet again, stranger," I smile as Violet begins to gallop through the woods.
"I'll look forward to it!" I hear a voice yell through the trees and I laugh to myself.
"Where have you been? Do you have any idea what time it is?"
Just when I thought I was in the clear, I am greeted at the front entrance by my four, very cross-looking uncles.
"I'm so sorry, I had no idea it was this late," it seemed I had been out for hours.
"We were worried something had happened to you. The future of this kingdom relies on you and your brother and I have no doubt the number of people that want you dead on the other side of that wall because of it," Uncle Felix gives me that familiar death stare that would send anyone running.
I sigh, "I understand. I'm sorry."
I could literally recite that speech off by heart. If I was angry enough I'd probably do it just to make a point. Well, no, I probably wouldn't do that, but it's fun to think about. Maybe one day.
"Just go," he shoos me away as I hurry up the staircase, my heart still pounding from the previous events in the woods.
I get ready for bed, but can't help the smile on my face as I remember what had happened.
I try my best to sleep, but I can't stop thinking about him.
Who are you, mystery boy?
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