Chapter 18 - Curiosity Killed the Cat
Olivia POV
"What are you doing on this side, Liv?" He whispers lowly into my ear as I quickly turn around.
"That's the first question you ask me after everything?" I frown, "I told you I was coming to see you!"
He pulls me into a hug and sighs, "you're right, I'm sorry beautiful."
I internally swoon at the nickname, noticing that he smelt the same as usual. Logan quickly pulls away and grabs my face with both his hands, "are you okay? Did they hurt you?"
I gently pull his hands away, smiling, "I'm fine, honest."
"Why didn't you try and contact me sooner? Do you have any idea-"
I gently put my finger over his lips to silence him, "I was literally under twenty four hour surveillance by my entire family. I would have came sooner if I could have, but I couldn't leave that castle and I was still shaken up from what happened."
"It looked bad," he stroked my face where I had been hit, "I've not stopped worrying about you, you know. They wouldn't tell me anything about you and I didn't want to ask too much."
"I know, but we're here now," I take both of his hands in mine and he smiles.
We sat and talked for a while, just enjoying each other's company. I hadn't felt so content in a while.
Lydia POV
"Your Highness!" I hear a loud voice call and turn around. Two large men in armour march towards Jessica and I, guards.
"Oh no, this is bad," she whispers to me and I nod, pushing her behind me slightly.
"Yes?" I ask, trying not to show my nervousness. Please don't ask for Olivia. We have one job.
"Your father wishes to see you at the castle. He says it's urgent and we must escort you back immediately," one explains as they bow.
"My father?" I ask, confused.
"Go," Jessica nudges me slightly, before lowering her voice to a whisper, "I'll take care of everything."
"Thank you," I whisper to her as I turn around, "I'll be back soon."
The walk back is silent, my heart beating rapidly in my chest. Could they possibly know? And where did that other guy go?
"Lydia!" Uncle Leo rushes towards me outside the main doors, "are you okay?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I ask, narrowing my eyes in confusion.
"We received a note with a threat-" he sighs, "a threat against our entire family. And proabably the Dalton's, too."
"What?" I gasp.
"We couldn't trace any fingerprints but a note was delivered here threatening the royal families and whoever wrote it claimed to have possession of bombs that they were threatening to set off," he drags me inside quickly.
"So what do we do?" I ask.
"We? No, no, Lydia you're not doing anything. The castle is heavily guarded and we're sending out guards to the villages," he says.
"What about Olivia?" I say out loud, instantly slapping my hand over my stupid mouth.
"Believe me, we have people out looking for her, but I thought she'd be with you?" He eyes me suspiciously.
"The streets got busy and we lost her in the crowd. I'm sure she'll come back soon," I lie nervously, feeling my palms get sweaty.
"Just please go to your room and stay there until someone comes to get you, Lydia," he orders and I nod.
Olivia's out there. But the bombers would probably target the castles, and they're hopefully both far away. I sigh, flipping onto my bed.
Olivia POV
An extremely loud bang stops us dead in our tracks. I cover my ears in shock, my breath catching in my chest.
"Logan what was-"
Another, even louder bang causes sudden a scream to escape my mouth. Logan grabs me and holds my head against his chest tightly as I clutch his shirt with my shaky hands. I look up and see his eyes frantically scanning the land trough the trees, where the noises had come from.
He looks down at me, "we need to get out of here."
I shake my head, "don't you want to know what that was? It sounded dangerous! People could be hurt!"
"And risk both of our lives? No chance."
"Your people could be hurt, Logan," I grab his hand, "please. Something's not right."
"Just-" he looks into the distance again and back into my eyes, "quickly, then."
I drag him behind me as we run towards the area of the noise. Probably not the smartest idea, no, but my instincts were kicking in as a princess and I had to check it out.
As we found the edge of the woods, I realised for the first time that the woods were only about fifty metres away from the centre building on this side. On our side the woods go much farther. Maybe it was cut down a bit?
"Liv, look," Logan nods towards the building and I gasp.
The entrance on this side had been hit by what I think is a bomb, but not too much to destroy the entire building. Only one wall at the side of the entrance had a gap in it and bricks and glass are scattered on the grass in front.
Logan lightly pushes me behind a tree and nods towards the increasing number of guards at the entrance, "we can't let them see us together, remember."
I nod, I had almost forgotten.
"We can watch from a distance," he tells me.
"Do you think it was a bomb?" I ask him worriedly.
"Probably, but I haven't heard of those around here in years," he continues to stare at the destruction, "and a pretty small one by the looks of it. It didn't do much but it still could be enough to hurt someone."
"But look-" I say pointing to the crowd of guards, "who could have set it off? No one's there."
I scrunch my eyebrows. How could someone set off a bomb without actually being there? Could it have been timed? Can bombs be timed?
"Maybe they caught whoever did it," he shrugs and then sighs, "but this is bad."
"Where are you going?" I ask as my blonde - secret - boyfriend stands up.
"I'm going to take you back to the hole in the wall and then you're going to go back home," he takes my hand gently.
"Why?" I ask, confused.
"Because I have no doubt our families will be looking for us and knowing my mother she'll think something's happened to me," he frowns, "and I want you to be safe. Please."
I nod and squeeze his hand, "okay."
But suddenly I feel a powerful heat on my back and the same banging noise, almost sounding like the popping of a balloon but much, much louder this time. I feel something hard harshly hit against my back and I cry out in pain. Logan grabs me and pushes me to the floor, landing on top of me and covering some of my body with his. Another bomb.
"Stay down," he mutters lowly into my ear and I nod, listening to our heavy breathing as we listen out for anything else.
That bomb was so close it could have hit us! It practically did! It all happened so fast I had barely any time to think about it.
The first was at the side of the Centre Building farthest away from us, so I figured the other was at the other side.
What is going on?
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