Chapter 12 - The Boys in Action
Luke POV
I clench my hands into fists as I think about what happened to Olivia. We had spent hours searching for her and my heart almost stopped when I thought she was dead. I can't believe I nearly lost her.
My brothers, cousin and I storm up the stairs and into the room where my uncles and grandmother and currently arguing. There was certainly a lot of tension between the family, and a lot of guards were certainly going to lose their jobs.
"What are you doing?" Uncle Leo turns to us as we burst through the door.
"Whatever it is you're planning, we want in," I demand.
"Don't be silly," my Grandmother shakes her head, "we've got it covered, you don't need to worry."
"No," I feel my fist automatically clench to preserve my anger, "she's my sister. I deserve to get back at whoever did this."
Everyone looks at Felix, including me. It's not a secret that most decisions rely on him. He can be intimidating, but we also respect him a lot as he's done more for us than anyone else. So whatever he says, goes.
"You're not seriously going to let them, are you?" My Grandma folds her arms.
"He's got a point," Uncle Felix says, to everyone's surprise.
I nod my head, "thank you."
"But if they're already on the other side there's not much we can do," he sits back in his chair.
"What? No! They should be punished," Liam agrees with me.
"Not when they're on the other side," Uncle Jeremy says, shaking his head, "it's up to the Daltons."
"They couldn't care less!" Theo joins in on the now-turned yelling match, "you really think they're going to punish these people for hurting Olivia? So long as they don't cause them any trouble they don't care!"
"Those people are on Dalton territory now and I can assure you they're not getting back over," Uncle Marcus narrows his eyes at his son, telling him to stop talking.
"This is insane!" Liam scoffs.
"I was attacked by them too. I deserve to go after them," Lewis's eyes darken as he looks to the floor.
"That's enough, gentlemen," Grandma shushes us, "until you're adults you don't get to make these decisions."
"No! I want to decide now, I've had enough of waiting!" I demand.
"I decide that we let Olivia heal before deciding. I want her to rest, she has been through a lot and we need to take care of her mental health as well as physical," Uncle Felix stands up, " I don't want to hear any more from you boys. Leave."
I storm out of the room, slamming the door on the way out. I was probably going to get in a lot of trouble for doing that but at that moment I didn't care. I hated the people that kidnapped my sister and hurt my brother and I'm going to make sure they pay for it. My brothers and cousin follow behind me closely.
"Olivia said the people who took her had some sort of symbol on their wrists," I remember, one of the things she could recall from the situation.
"So?" I hear Liam.
"Even though they were masked, they can still be identified by those symbols," I tell them, "if they wear them all the time, that is."
"Wait, you actually want to go find them?" Theo asks, sounding shocked.
"Of course. It's how we get to the other side that's the tricky part," I trail off, deep in thought.
"Obviously they wouldn't wear those things all the time! That's begging to get caught," Liam rolls his eyes.
"But Liv was the only one that saw it and they knew she was out of it most of the time, so there's a chance," Theo shrugs.
"I've got an idea," Lewis tells us, smirking. Oh, this is going to be good.
We grab a bag each and throw them on our backs, filling them with what we need. We rush out of the castle and avoid and questions from staff as much as possible, sprinting towards the wall.
"We should've brought the horses," Liam says, out of breath as we are still running, "this running is stupid in these clothes."
"Shut up," I yell behind me, also out of breath. We slow down as we near the Centre Building and catch our breath.
I approach the guards, "the King sent us to have a look around after the recent incident."
They instantly bow and let us through.
"That was easier than I thought," Theo says, taking off his bag.
"Okay, let's just hope this works," Lewis copies him.
We change out of our clothes into more normal, less royal looking ones which consists of jeans and T-shirts- something we only wear when the adults are away. The boys and I use masks to cover our eyes until we get past the guards, who will instantly recognise us. Guards give us strange looks, we knew we looked suspicious but keep moving nonetheless. It's only the guards, the people from our kingdom and some of the Daltons who know what we look like, so it should be easy once we get into the villages of the other side.
We sneak as far as we can go before reaching the doors on the other side. There is a large arch on the other side, identical to the one on ours. It is, of course, heavily guarded. Even more than usual, I should've expected, after what happened.
I dig into my bag and pull out a gun.
"Whoa- where did you get that?" Theo widens his eyes when he sees it.
"I stole it from Uncle Felix," I say, which doesn't quite seem to satisfy them as they look a little uncomfortable, "don't worry, it's only got one bullet in it which I'll fire at a window and when we get back I'll put it back before Felix even notices it's gone."
I fire the bullet at a window, as planned, and we hide behind a wall as many of the guards rush towards the sound. Then, we sprint onto the other side, managing to not get spotted. How we actually pulled it off I had no idea, but I was happy.
We entered a village after a while of walking and take our masks off to avoid further suspicion. I look around and see the Dalton castle not too far away and roll my eyes, ours is way nicer than that.
At the meeting I could easily see why Uncle Felix and the others despised them so much. Every little thing about them irritated me. All of them. I felt dirty being on this side of the wall.
"Luke, come on," my cousin nudges me and I snap out of my daydream.
"Let's go," I begin to lead them through the streets.
"What are we actually looking for again?" Liam asks as we dodge the people walking on the busy streets.
"A group of people wearing the symbol Olivia described. Or even one person," I tell him.
"But do you really think they'll be walking about out in the open after what they did?" Theo asks.
"I don't know, they could've taken off their masks and nobody would have know who they were," I shrug.
"And they might not even be wearing those symbol thingies," Lewis says.
"Just keep looking," I tell them and we do.
"How? We can't just grab people's wrists and check for a symbol," Theo laughs, "we really need to think these things through ahead of time, you know."
He is right. Not that I'd admit it.
"Stop them!" We hear loud voices shout thought the crowds.
We turn round to see the crowds part to reveal guards who I guessed were the same ones from the Centre Building. I wasn't about to find out.
"If they get us we're dead," Theo says, backing up.
"What do we do?" Liam slowly backs up too.
"Run!" I yell, and we take off running in the opposite direction.
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