It was hard for Bianca, being poisoned. It was just as hard for me. It hurts to see your sister wincing, passing out, and bleeding because of a stupid monster.
Well, I was out for revenge. Because, honestly, ain't nobody got time for that.
Chiron was doing his best, I knew that, but it almost seemed as though Bianca was getting no better. I'll admit, she was passing out way less frequently, but she still wasn't the same.
One day, as I sat next to Andrew in the dining pavilion, he started to talk to me.
"Is Bianca ever going to get better?" He asked. I sighed, staring down at my food and suddenly not feeling hungry at all. "I don't know, Andrew. We're trying...but we can only do so much. Since we're second generation we can't handle as much nectar or ambrosia as our parents could."
Andrew nodded, a sad look in his golden eyes. "I'm sorry."
I ruffled his hair. "So am I, buddy." Andrew and I both glanced at the stars above us, and I whispered one thing to myself. "So am I."
The next morning, I didn't open my curtains. I got dressed as quickly as I could and sped out the door toward the Poseidon cabin. Bianca had been let out of the infirmary last night.
How did I know?
I can't really answer that question. I just did.
"BIANCA!" I yelled, banging on the door with my fist. "BIANCA I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!"
The sound of footsteps distracted me, and I stopped mid-bang. Jack was strolling down the row of cabins right toward me. I glared at him. "What do you want, Jack?"
Jack shot me an innocent look. "Well, I was just on my way to get some breakfast, when I heard someone screaming like a banshee. Then I thought to myself: 'wow, sounds like someone is making noise. I should go help them'. And now, here I am."
"I wasn't trying to make noise I was trying to visit my sister." I snapped. Jack shrugged. "Just because you're not trying doesn't mean you're not making noise. Now, if you'll excuse me,"
Jack slipped by me and walked away, bobbing his head as though he were listening to music.
Sighing, I lifted my fist to hit the door again, but I was interrupted by...well the door swinging open.
"Asha?" Bianca asked, rubbing her eyes. I tackled my sister with a hug that shot her back into the cabin and flying into her bottom bunk.
"WHAT THE HECK!?" Another voice yelped from the top bunk. Jay looked down at us, his light green eyes glittering angrily.
Ignoring him, I sat next to Bianca on her bed and wrapped my arms firmly around her. "Ready to train?" I asked. I felt Bianca shrug. "Only if you are."
"AHEM!" Jay yelled above us. "I was trying to sleep here! This is my cabin too, you know!"
"Yeah, we know." I replied crossly. "Now please excuse us while we greet each other warmly like siblings."
"Yeah, it's not like you greet me like this, Jay." Bianca scoffed. Jay stared at her. "I'm not your brother, I'm your cousin."
"Well, you're still family, so why don't you join in on our little group hug?" I said. Jay snorted. "In your dreams."
"More like nightmares." I retorted. "Hey! You're the one who asked!"
"Well, I didn't need a snappy narcissistic reply from you."
"Narcissistic? Puh-lease."
Bianca giggled into my shoulder. Jay turned to her and grinned. "You think I'm funny, right, cuz?"
"Actually no," Bianca laughed. "I think you talk like a teenage girl."
Jay huffed and strode out of the cabin, still in his pajamas, might I add, and called over his shoulder. "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful."
"Well then, I don't hate you, because you're not beautiful." I yelled after him. Bianca grinned. "Well, I'm starved. Care for some breakfast?" She questioned. I rolled my eyes. "Nooooo...because I'm neeever hungry."
"No need for the sarcasm."
Bianca got dressed quickly. (With me facing the door of course. We may be sisters, but we had enough respect for each other not to pull a Jack and stare at one another when we were getting dressed. Wow, that was a really confusing sentence.)
Bianca and I walked side-by-side to breakfast. I was glad that my twin was pretty close to being normal again. The sky was bluer, the sun was brighter, and everything was sharper.
In fact, this walk was going great. Everything was going great. This whole day was a great day.
Okay, the day had been short. Really, nothing had happened. But I wanted to be happy, and heck, if I sound really sappy right now I couldn't care less.
Bianca and I separated as usual in the dining pavilion, heading to our tables and ready to shove some food down our throats.
"I saw Bianca." Andrew said, grinning. I nodded, not bothering to suppress my own grin. "I am so ready for things to go back to normal."
Andrew's round, golden eyes darkened, and suddenly his young, innocent face became older. "Yeah...back to normal..." He murmured.
I tilted my head, my fork and my hunk of food hovering an inch from my gaping jaws. "Come again?"
Andrew shrugged. "I feel like something is different. Something is going to change. This it really still the safest place for demigods?"
I widened my eyes and gingerly set down my fork. "What do you mean, Andrew? Do you know something the rest of us don't?"
Andrew shrugged, his eyes growing confused. "I'm not sure, Asha. It's just...a...a feeling. For some reason I can't explain..."
I know Saint Peter won't call my name... I sung in my head, the song starting to pulse through my mind.
Andrew shook his head uncertainly. "Whatever the case...this feeling..."
I ruffled Andrew's hair, doing my best to stay upbeat. "We'll beat those monsters to dust if they come anywhere near this place." I assured him.
The unconvinced expression on Andrew's face shot a shiver up my spine. Did this young second generation know more than he let on?
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