Lost ones
Guys I forgot about Rosie, pretend Rosie was there all along and she got through the herd by the kids coving her in guts and somehow managed to get through undetected.
Kenny would be lying if he said his bones didn't ache every time he moved. A bed made for one was barley large enough for two let alone four, the entire night was a nightmare.
All four of them were forced to squish together in order to get a decent nights rest before the long journey ahead of them.
They were reduced to a tangle of limbs by mornings light. Kenny would rather sleep on a floor made of rocks than to sleep in that bed another night.
He never thought he'd be so happy to wake up. Despite the uncomfortable position they all laid in he was surprised that none of the kids had woken up when he all but pried their arms off of him.
Each one of them were still sound asleep. This time he didn't bother to try and wake them up, once his kiddies were up he'd have to wake up the rest of the demons, so why not wake them all up at the same time.
If only they'd stayed behind at that damn school rather then follow them. Alas he was forced to take in six stray teen in less than a day.
Leaving his bedroom for the day he was shocked to see there was no sign of fresh blood decorating the house. He was mildly disappointed.
He kinda hoped the kids would just go at it and end his misery, sadly that wasn't the case.
Entering the kitchen he was a sight he was not ready to see at all. Brody was nursing a cup of what looked like canned coffee in her hands. He grimaced slightly at the sight of her two missing fingers.
Even though the bandages he could see her two nubs of where the rest of her fingers should be. On the bright side she didn't turn.
Schooling his expression he walked passed her to the oven. When she noticed his presence she smiled tiredly at him.
He smiled back for a few seconds before his smile turned into an evil grin. She looked mildly alarmed when he pulled out two large cooking pans. "What are you doing?"
Kenny looked up her with the same grin "wake up call" he shrugged, walking off.
Not even a second later he brought the pans up and slammed them together. He continued repeating the process all through the house.
In mere minutes kids in all stages of waking up poured out of their rooms. Each of them giving him stink eye.
Aj only frowned, his bag already hung over his shoulder. Kenny gave him a small head nod. His own bag was resting near try front door where he placed it before entering the kitchen just waiting to be picked up for a fast exit.
Time for devious lesson number two. When Brody emerged from the kitchen she was met with tears of joy from various people and two guilt stricken faces by one Aasim and Omar.
"Alright, time to move. You have five minutes to get ready, take longer, get left behind." Nobody made a move to leave, they all collectively decided to stare at him. "The fuck you looking at MOVE!"
The moment he raised his voice everyone ran off to their respected rooms. Rosie simply looked at him unimpressed.
"Three or two" Kenny glanced down at Aj
"Two" Aj shrugged.
Just like Aj had chosen they walked out of the house after two minutes "Catch up!" Kenny spoke louder than usual as he and Aj waltzed out of the house, Rosie also followed along because fuck getting left behind. The door closed just in time hear the teens panicked voices.
It took a total of ten minutes for the kids to find them and when they did they looked pissed. "Is this why you told us to pack our stuff when we woke up?" Tenn spoke up before anyone could begin to fight.
"Yeah, expect the unexpected" he mimicked Kenny while glaring.
Kenny only flicked his forehead then turned to teens to explain. "unless you decide to make a permanent settlement you have to get ready to move no matter the time, even when you have a permanent settlement you have to be ready to leave in a moments notice if you want to survive."
Violet only hummed in understanding. "Are all of lessons going to be taught like this?"
Many kids grew pale at the thought of having every lesson like this. "Yeah. Some won't be too bad, and I'll actually kindly teach you some things however the important stuff have to be scared and drilled into you. Get ready to experience a week of hell." Aj became ashen making everyone scared.
"You don't mean...." He trailed off. Kenny only smirked then turned back around without answering. It was safe to say Aj almost fainted.
"What's a week in hell Aj" Marlon tapped his shoulder.
Aj just turned and stared at him "we're going to die"
And with that Aj grabbed onto Kenny's hand "what does that even mean!" Ruby exclaimed catching the attention of walkers.
Aj only facepalmed. A week in hell meant a week where Kenny went over every survival rule he could think of, using dirty tricks to teach them. And Ruby just started another lesson"
"HEY! DEAD BITCH! DINNER IS SERVED!" Kenny only grinned more when at least 15 walkers came stumbling out of the forest.
"Lesson three, stay quiet when moving. Lesson four, if under attack of large group of walkers run or fight. We're going to fight. Long range fighters in the middle keep them far away if you can. form a circle. Close range surround them, keep them safe, kill the ones that get too close. Rosie, with me" the kids learned not to questioned and did as they were told.
Even Rosie barked in understanding and followed him away from the group where stragglers started to make their way towards the group blind spot. "Lesson five, always have at least one person looking out for stragglers coming from blind spots!" Kenny raised his voice in order to make sure the kids hear him over the sound of walker moans and the sickening crunch of bones.
Walker after walker fell to the ground every passing minute . Seven walkers were taken out by arrows while five were killed by the close range attackers. Rosie managed to watch Kenny's back, successfully killing two. Kenny ended up bashing three walkers skills in with his crowbar.
"Let's get going" he motioned the kids over. His hand gently scratching the back of Rosie's ears.
The kids shared a knowing look of absolute terror. None of them truly knew how bad Kenny's lessons were gong to get.
Louis was the first to fall since he was forced to carry Kenny's bag along with, Brody, Aj, Tenns, and Violets after he continued to complain about how much his feet hurt. They haven't even been walking for more than three hours, weak.
Aasim was next. Violet got the most laughs out of that lesson, but hey, it wasn't Kenny's fault that the boy refused to take someone with him to the bathroom to watch his back leaving him to almost get bitten by a walker.
Did Kenny already see the walker in the direction Aasim was was headed? Yes, yes he did. Did he not say anything for the sole purpose of teaching? That's another hard yes.
Did everyone get mentally scared at the sight of the boys nether regions, as he ran out after the scare? That's another yes.
Marlon was the third to fall. It's safe to say it was his own fault why he was forced to hold his weapon for hours on end after Kenny made Violet steal it and him not noticing.
That night was even more torture. There's a reason why you keep fire low at night. Omar on the hand decided the fire had to be big in order to cook their meal.
Aj tired so hard to put it out before it attracted walkers. Kenny wouldn't let him though, he even covered his mouth with his hand and pulled him into a tight hug.
Everyone gave them strange looks, in the end walkers rained upon them making them run through the pitch black forest in search for another place to rest. They didn't get much sleep that night.
The teens looked like they were part of the undead by the time morning came. Each one of them sporting messed up hair, with large black eye bags that could hold their backpacks and duffel bags of food.
It was barley an hour into the day before another lesson was taught and that lesson was: for the love of god check the backseat. Poor Ruby sat in a car that had a walker buckled up the back seat. She may or may not have pissed her pants when it grabbed her hair.
Tenn fell into a pond shortly after that. There's a reason why you shouldn't try jumping across wet rocks to reach the other side.
Brody made a grave mistake that day too before they had a break to eat. You really shouldn't insult the man who hands out the food. She barley got anything to eat.
Why she decided it was okay to openly criticize him about his teaching methods while also insulting his adopted kids he would never know.
Violet was by far the best one in the group. Other than Aj of course. She somehow always managed to to catch on to his lesson and general survival rules that were common sense.
By the time day four passed the kids were a minute from turning around and head back to their school. Even Tenn wanted to go back.
There was one good thing about the hellish training they went through. They were more prepared to survive beyond any walls, and they soon became grateful of those lessons.
Everyone walked calmly and quietly chatted among themselves preparing for when Kenny would decide their next lesson.
Kenny suspiciously glanced around like he was waiting for something. Aj looked on edge too. From what Kenny managed to pick up on from their really non-quite conversation was that they thought he was starting to loose it since there was nothing alive for miles.
In retrospect that should have been a Major red flag for them. Something was wrong, he could feel it in his gut. Rosie walked closely next to him, her snout coming up every now and then to sniff the air.
The moment she began to growl it was almost too late. Gun powder. The all too familiar musty, sulfuric, smelling powder practically slapped him in the face. "TAKE COVER!" Kenny immediately shouted, as he ran behind a tree.
The teens all startled and did as they were told. Kenny's eyes widened when the spot where they were all previously walking on was open fired on.
That's when he heard it. A loud pained scream. When he turned to look he saw blood pooling out of Violets shoulder. Rosie leaped out her teeth bared.
Kenny cursed loudly, before he ran back out and dragged Violet behind a tree, their attackers barley missing them. "AJ, GUN NOW!" The poor boy scrambled to to pull his gun out.
The moment the gun slid across the floor and into Kenny's hands he ran out again. He shot two bullets in the direction of the attackers, one managed to hit.
He was able to make it to the car across the street for cover by the time they recovered. There weren't many people he had to take out. When he peeked out he saw dozens of bodies littering the floor. Both walkers and humans alike.
He had to duck down again a few seconds later, more bullets hitting the car making a loud clack sound. The moment the bullets stopped he popped out again, firing his own shots.
His aim was a bit off due to his now single eye, and in the past he made sure Aj was the one with the gun, but he had kids to protect, not to mention he was too young to have to fight with guns just yet.
The blood in his veins were on fire, as he pressed his finger down on the trigger. The loud bang after the shot echoed like if they were in a cave. It brought him back to the day Aj was born.
The way his past group members had to use up the small amount of bullets they had to keep the walkers off them, or the day the motel was lit up with bullets when raiders came knocking at their door.
A mix of bullets and blood filled his vision. A sharp sting of pain shot through the left side of his thigh, he didn't pay much mind to it in the end, as he lined up the gun the best he could, taking out the second attacker leaving only one left alive.
He immediately ducked down again, another round of bullets coming way too close for comfort. The moment things quieted down he popped out again. His attacker stood standing, having been too slow to duck.
Kenny took his chance and fired. The gun sounded up empty. Every click of the trigger drew up empty. "Seems like Lady Luck is on my side" the middle aged women crackled, her own gun reloaded and ready to fire. "It's a shame too, your a real hottie. I was always into older men" She added.
Kenny only shivered at the implication. "Well, times up." She pointed the gun at him. Her finger getting ready to press down on the trigger.
He's looked down the gun of a barrel time and time before, yet his ears still filled with cotton.
The women's finger was fully pressed down against the trigger when she was violently thrown to the floor by Rosie. Red, there was so much red. Blood spewed from her face from Rosie's canines.
Somehow the bullets missed him completely. What he wished missed his ears was the blood curdling screams of the women as she fought back futilely.
Rosie on the other hand refused to back off and continued to bit down on her face till she went limp. When he was sure the women was dead he brought his fingers to his mouth and whistled to Rosie.
Her ears immediately perked up and turned to look at him. "Good girl, you saved me" he petted her behind the ears, and let out a soft bark "Let's go check on the kiddos"
She trotted up next to him, as he made his way to where the kids where all in a protective circle around Violet who was laying down on the floor with Ruby sitting over her with what look like medical tongs in hand. Brody was kneeling next to her holding a tray of bullet shards.
"What's the situation?" He asked handing the now empty gun back to Aj who frowned when he noticed there were no bullets left.
"Violets the only one injured, Ruby is patching her up. There's no sight of anyone else around" Marlon answered.
He nodded and turned to Aj and Tenn "come with me we're going to get ourselves some more supplies."
Louis only laughed "from where? Those guys corpses?"
"Uh, yeah" Aj replied, looking at him like he was the stupidest person alive. Everyone looked at them with a disgusted look.
"What? Their not using it anymore. Plus we need it" and with that he walked away with both boys flanking his sides.
There was a lot of good supplies left behind. By the end of it each one of the kids had a pistol and an assault rifle of some kind, all except the littlest ones since the gun was practically bigger than them. Brody also wanted the single sniper rifle they found. They even got plenty of bullets split between them all.
He was glad they found all sorts of Melee weapons too. No food or water though which was a bummer, but beggars can't be choosers plus who would bring those kind of supplies to a battle field.
He wonder what exactly went down to cause this since from the aftermath it was clearly an intentional full blown attack.
"You almost done Ruby, we shouldn't stay here for too long. Who knows when these guys buddies will show up."
"Almost done just need to finish this stitch and wrap it." He hummed and joined the circle surrounding them.
"Oh, shit. You have an army of teenagers" a new voice drew everybody's attention.
When Kenny says he wanted to take his newly acquired gun and shoot himself when all the kids decided it was a good idea to point the guns they have never used before in their life at the stranger as an intimidation tat-tic and almost shot their own teammates he wouldn't be lying.
The poor boy who was about their age with a hideous orange beanie on his head looked like he was debating weather to start laughing or run away. This was going to an eventful day.
❤︎ E N D O F ❤︎
❤︎ C H A P T E R ❤︎
❤︎ W O R D C O U N T ❤︎
❤︎ N O T E ❤︎
Guys I have been struggling to write this chapter, I can't even remember how many different times I've started writing this only to delete what I had written a few hours later.
I'll try my best to get chapters out faster for you, I Hope you have a wonderful day or night
❤︎ ꪶꪮꪜꫀ ꪖsꫝ ❤︎
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