We were spending almost every night together after that one and I really enjoyed Wooyoung's company, but I was still scared that people would have understood what kind of relationship we had. So, to not raise any suspicion, I decided to move our 'meetings' from the Shilla to my apartment. Soohe and I were done, so my place was a safe zone for us to meet. The first time I took Wooyoung there he was thrilled.
"This place is huge, San! Do you live here all by yourself?" he said with his eyes wide open.
"Yes, all alone, so that nobody will disturb us while we are here" I smirked, getting closer to him.
"Don't you feel lonely?"
He was standing in front of the window wall, admiring the lights of the city reflecting on the Han river. I stood behind him, hugging him and placing a soft kiss on his exposed neck.
"Now I don't" I whispered in his ear.
That night we made love again. I never had such an intense chemistry with any of my partners before and every time with Wooyoung I was left breathless, heart pounding like crazy and with this weird feeling in the pit of the stomach.
We were lying on my bed, his head resting on my chest, when I noticed his eyes more lively than usual, looking all around the room.
"Do you like this place?" I asked, still petting his head.
He nodded "Your bedroom is bigger than my dad's house!"
"Are you really not going to see him for the holidays?" I was curious to know something about his family.
He smiled forcefully "My mom died five years ago, that's why I don't want to go back home. That woman, the one my father remarried, she doesn't want me back either"
"Oh..." I didn't know what to say, so I just hugged him tighter.
"I miss Kyungmin!"
"Who's Kyungmin?"
"My little brother"
I was looking at him and for a few seconds I saw that sad shadow take over his eyes once again. I gently took his chin between my fingers and turned him to my direction so that he could face me.
"Come to my parents house with me" I said firmly.
He looked at me with a shocked expression, trying to understand if I was jocking or not.
"San, I don't think it's a good ide..."
I didn't let him finish "It's a small family dinner, nothing special: just me, my mom, my sister and her husband. They will be very happy to have 'the younger brother of my old friend' over for the day. They won't notice!"
He didn't answer, he just kept staring at me with an unsure expression on his face. I got closer and pressed my lips against his passionately.
"I want you to be with me! I don't want you to start the new year all by yourself... Come! Please!"
After a very long and persuading insistence, Wooyoung decided to come with me. It was risky but I really meant everything I said. I wanted him by my side.
So, in a few days we were knocking on the wooden door, my heart beating fast. It was my sister who came to answer. Her eyes widened when she noticed I was not alone.
"Isn't this a nice surprise!" she said "You never took any of your friends with you, what's the special occasion?"
"Woo, this is my older sister Haneul. Haneul, he's Wooyoung"
"Nice to meet you" Wooyoung bowed politely, so did my sister.
When we sat down for dinner the atmosphere was a bit tense: Wooyoung didn't say a word since we arrived, I could tell he felt under pressure for the stares my mother was giving him.
"How's dad?" I asked all of a sudden, trying to smooth the tension.
"Busier than when he got a job!" my mom scoffed "Since he retired he didn't stop a minute! He'd better come back with a nice present because I won't forgive his absence this time!"
"Where is he right now?"
"Sydney, he went with a friend of his helping him to close an important business. I really don't understand why he keeps doing this while he could just relax and finally enjoy what he worked for all these years!"
Wooyoung, who was listening carefully, turned to my direction and with a very low voice he said:
"I wonder who you took after!"
Even if he was trying to being heard from me alone, my mom caught it too and she laughed.
"They could practically be the same person!" she stared at Wooyoung for a few seconds and then she asked "How do you know my son, darling?"
Wooyoung looked at me with panicked eyes, I smiled reassuringly.
"He's the brother of an old friend, he just arrived in Seoul and I promised my hyung to take care of him as long as he makes new friends"
"Where are you from?" this time was my sister asking.
"I'm from Namhae, miss"
"Gosh, you're so polite! Just call me Haneul, this thug never addresses me as 'noona' so I got used to it" she laughed, poking my cheek.
Wooyoung smiled "Thank you, Haneul!"
The evening was very nice and around midnight the crackle of fireworks was heard everywhere. Looking at my older sister, my brother-in-law and Wooyoung lighting firecrackers together, I thought: if they knew about my relationship with him they'd kill me.
I found many cute fanarts today, but these two were definitely the best!
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