Chapter Twenty-Five: Sophie
If I had drunken some water before Fitz had come into my room, I would've done a major spit take. Instead, I just stare at Fitz like a deer in headlights. "He just said so?" I ask, disbelief never more evident in my house than before.
Fitz tilts his head, nodding. "I read it from an article," he says. The male Percipient then goes back into his room, leaving me in my shock. When the connecting door closes behind him, I begin to wonder if I had said something wrong while in shock. Fitz? I ask uncertainly. Did I say something wrong?
What- no, Fitz transmits. Sorry- closing the door became a habit of mine. But I'm just going to get the computer to show to the article, don't worry. And just like he said, Fitz comes into my room again with an open computer. Smiling at me, he types a bit on his computer before handing it to me.
I accidentally wrap my fingers around his hands as I reach to take the computer. At our touch, both of us stop and stare at each other. My cheeks burning like a forest fire, I look down first and take the computer. Biting my lip out of embarrassment, I force myself to focus merely on the article on the screen in front of me instead of the teal eyes gazing down at me.
After reading the article, I finally look up and curse myself mentally when my blush comes back at full force. Clearing my throat, I ask, "So we now know that Jacob's the last person who saw Leila.. And we need to visit him now..?"
His cheeks still tinged a faint red, Fitz pulls at the collar of his button-down shirt before replying. "Well, yes- we need to find out where Leila is before they transfer him to a more secure prison if he's found guilty."
He better be found guilty, I think bitterly.
Once again, I don't realize that I've transmitted to him until the male Percipient's voice fills my head, I know he does... and he doesn't deserve any mercy.
For some reason, my eyes burn as I say, I know. He doesn't. I squint my eyes slightly as an attempt to not let my tears flow down my cheeks. Even still, Fitz gently closes my computer and wipes a rebellious tear before I can realize that it's falling down my face. "Thanks," I say, my voice cracking at the end.
Nodding silently, Fitz doesn't move closer or move away. Instead, the male Percipient stays right where he is, his fingers gently caressing my face. A few moments of silence pass by before Fitz steps back, his warming touch disappearing. "Anyways," he says, clearing his throat. "We should ask Mr. Wallace if we can go visit Jacob before his trial."
I frown at the mentioning of Mr. Wallace. "And if we can't?"
Fitz's teal eyes suddenly harden, making me straighten up in my chair. "He can either let us go, or I can ask Steven instead."
"Either way, we're going?" I ask, my voice unintentionally ending my statement off as a question. Not caring whether it was a statement or question, the male Percipient nods, showing just how important Jacob Grahams suddenly became.
Suddenly, someone shrieks in the corner, where I didn't see anyone before. Screaming myself, I jump up and levitate the closest thing to me, which was a blow dryer, unfortunately. Fitz stands still, narrowing his eyes at the area that the shriek originated from. After a moment, the male Percipient announces to no one in particular, "There's no threat. And there's no reason to be hiding still."
Just as the last of Fitz's words trails off into the air, Laurel and Benen appear from thin air. I'm so surprised that I accidentally lose control over my blow dryer, letting it fall. Fitz notices this from the corner of his eye and uses his own telekinesis to barely manage to catch the electronic appliance before it collides with the ground. Thank you so much, I transmit to the male Percipient, earning a smile in return.
"What's happening?" Laurel asks, her trembling slightly. "Why are you talking about Jacob? Are you two visiting him?"
I look from Fitz to Laurel. "I... I can't tell you," I finally manage to say. "I don't want you to get hurt again because of this." Because of me, I add mentally. I look at Fitz again, brown meeting teal. I can't do it, I transmit to him. I can't tell her... I don't want her to suffer more. It's my fault that she even was kidnapped in the first place... Just because-
-because you wanted to save me, Fitz says. His expression softening more, he steps closer to me. That happened more than two years ago, and it wasn't your fault..! He must've seen the skepticism on my face because he them transmits, Don't even try saying otherwise, Sophie Foster.
At this, I narrow my eyes. "Fitz Vacker," I begin, trying to stand up taller. "If you think for a second that it wasn't my-"
Fitz suddenly tilts my chin upwards, so I'm looking into his eyes. His eyes have darkened slightly, and my voice suddenly trails off. Leaning down so his mouth is next to my ear, the male Percipient whispers, "I won't hear a word of it unless it's not about 'it being your fault', alright?"
My voice still hasn't come back to me, so I end up nodding silently. Fine... I transmit to him, still managing to stare into his steely gaze.
Thank you, he says, his transmission disappearing into nothing. I can tell that he's left my head when the male Percipient says out loud, "Jacob's trial is in four days, so we need to see him before then."
"Why?" Benen asks immediately after the last word leaves Fitz's lips.
"Like Sophie," Fitz begins, looking down at me. "I don't want you two to be endangered from this, but remember Leila?"
They nod.
"She's missing."
And cue the gasps from Altruistics. Despite turning insane for a few moments, Benen and Laurel still can find the sliver of goodness in anyone. No wonder they're Altruistics.
"And it's believed that Jacob's been the last person to see her," I finish, wincing slightly at the name.
Cue more gasps.
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