Chapter Twenty-Six: Fitz
At 3:42, I close Fitton's folder and stand up. Opening the connecting door a bit, I knock. "It's Fitz," I announce before Sophie can ask. "Can I come in?"
"Oh- sure," I hear Sophie say. "I'm just doing my hair."
Nodding to myself, I open the door completely. After I step inside, I turn to my side to see Sophie brushing her blond hair. She ties it quickly into a ponytail before standing up and facing me. Smiling gently, Sophie says, "Apologies for the wait, Fitz. I hope I didn't take too long."
Shaking my head, I say, "No, you didn't take long at all." I then step forward and slowly flick her ponytail so it swings back and forth. Smiling bigger, I begin to play with her ponytail gently, eyeing it like it's a toy to a cat.
Sophie giggles softly. "Don't mess it up," she warns teasingly. The female Percipient then reaches up to steady her ponytail.
Instead, Sophie grabs my hand and our fingers intertwine together.
My eyes widen at the contact and I stare into Sophie's brown eyes. When I see Sophie's cheeks tint red, I feel my own cheeks warming as well. Both of us then realize that we're still technically holding hands and let our hands drop to our sides. I can't help but be grateful that no one else saw that.
Pointing at the door, I manage to finally ask, "Shall we?"
Sophie tilts her head to the side. "Where to?" she asks.
Assuming that her mind's now preoccupied from what happened, I say, "Donovan's room- for the computer?"'
The female Percipient blushes more from embarrassment. "Oh, right! Sorry about that," she apologizes sheepishly.
"It's really no problem," I tell her as we go down to the sixth floor. As we walk towards Donovan's room, an awkward silence falls between the two of us. I then step forward and knock on Donovan's door, furrowing my eyebrows when he doesn't get the door after I knock for the second time.
Sophie's eyes widen. "Wait- didn't Donovan say that he had a plan to fix the lack of security in his room?" she asks. "What do you think it is?"
I shrug. "Let's hope he actually prepared it so it can visibly recognize someone," I say, doubt slowly entering my veins. What did he do?
My question is answered when something teal and small shoots out from a peephole that I don't recognize. I realize that the small, teal object is actually a piece of tzanion, but it's too late. It already reaches me.
Agonizing throe envelopes around my mind like a blanket. As I stumble back involuntarily, my temples pound against my head, threatening to blow my entire head up. Gritting my teeth, I place both hands on either side of the doorframe, using all of my arm strength to keep my body still. Just when I feel like my mind's disconnecting itself from my body again, the pain fades away. Unfortunately, it also leaves me with a massive headache.
Exhaling sharply, I knock on Donovan's door for the third time. "Donovan," I state monotonously. "Open the door."
"Who is it?" Donovan yells, the door muffling his question slightly.
Before I can open my mouth again, Sophie pipes up, "It's Sophie and Fitz. Please open the door."
I hear some cursing on the Sovereign's behalf before the wooden door swings open. Black spotting my vision, I manage to see Donovan paling at the sight of my weary self. Taking a few deep breaths, I slowly step into the room, my head suddenly becoming a nuisance to me with the headache.
After Sophie's inside as well, Donovan closes the door. Looking at me, he asks, "Don't tell me that-"
"That Fitz got the tzanion?" Sophie asks, crossing her arms. "Too late. What was that?"
Donovan rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. "I just remembered how Mr. Wallace has the mind powers and those blue 'tzanion' things could keep him out. So I managed to find a row of these in that same closet that I got the itch powder from," he explains, looking at me sympathetically.
"If they almost made me pass out," I begin, my spotted vision beginning to clear up. "Then what about the people who don't have telepathic powers? That's too dangerous for their minds- it might render them unconscious."
"Keep the peephole," Sophie interjects, looking at the male Sovereign. "If you put too much technology, Mr. Wallace will know that something's up. The peephole will be enough, I think."
Donovan nods at the suggestion. When he meets my gaze, though, he frowns. "Fitz..." he says slowly, coming near me. "The blue thing hit you, right?"
Straightening up, I rub my temple as an attempt to soothe the headache slightly. "You mean the tzanion?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "Then yes, yes it did. Why do you ask?"
I then turn to see Sophie's eyes widen. She opens her mouth, then closes it, pursing her lips together tightly. Finally, she whispers, "No..."
Ignoring my skeptical expression, Donovan looks at the female Percipient. "Are those tzanion things supposed to knock people out?" he asks.
Sophie and I both nod. "Yes..." she mumbles, looking at me again. Her brown eyes widen as she says, "But Fitz is still conscious."
"I have a massive headache," I interject, groaning softly before rubbing my throbbing temples again. "Now that I think about it, I am still conscious." I can't find anything more to add, so I silently try to tame my headache in the slightest to no avail.
The female Percipient, on the other hand, pales just like Donovan. "Fitz," she says softly, causing me to look into her eyes. "Mr. Wallace already said that we have more power than he would've thought. And he said that you're very powerful for overcoming Fitton..."
Donovan wrinkles his nose in confusion. "He did?" the male Sovereign asks. "When?
Paying no heed to his question, Sophie continues, "And he also said that only a few can still stay conscious after they've been hit with tzanion." She pauses to pick up the teal crystal. "Fitz, this is almost as big as the entirety of a pencil's eraser. So this must've made you pass out almost immediately, since this must be that powerful."
My confused expression then morphs into shock. "But I'm still awake..." I mumble, my own eyes widening at the realization.
Sophie nods. "Fitz, even Fitton blacked out," the female Percipient points out. "Even if it was for a second. You stayed awake."
I sigh, "I don't think that Mr. Wallace should know of... this yet. Or at all."
The female Percipient nods in agreement. "I can see why you want that," she says. "So I'll keep my mouth shut."
Donovan nods in agreement. "Same here," he echoes. "I won't even tell Audrey."
"Even?" I ask jokingly, raising an eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Just shows you how seriously I'll take this," Donovan says with a harumph. I make a mental note to remind him about this later on.
Sophie then eyes me nervously. "But remember, if Mr. Wallace finds out, I don't think we can hide it even more," she says.
I frown as I think more about the possibility. "How about this?" I negotiate. "If he somehow finds out, then I'll tell him." I pause, turning to face Donovan. "That also goes for you and your technological abilities. I won't tell, but you'll have to say the truth if he's found out."
Donovan nods. Satisfied with his answer, I turn to face the female Percipient. Wincing at my raging headache, I ask, "Do you know where we can get some Advil?"
Sophie smirks. Instead of answering me verbally, she just exits the room and beckons for me to follow. After looking at Donovan, who merely shrugs, I walk after the female Percipient.
And only then do I realize that I forgot the computer in Donovan's room.
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