Chapter Twenty-Four: Fitz
Sophie and I are the first ones to come downstairs to the conference room. After finishing breakfast, I pull Fitton's folder out as Sophie prepares the pictures and information that she had asked Mr. Wallace to import them onto her computer. "That's very clever of you," I compliment her as I open the folder.
"Thank you," she says politely, her hair swaying forward and hiding her face slightly. I think I might've seen some red on her cheeks, but with her hair covering my perspective of view, I can't truly tell.
I pull out the marriage certificate and "death"certificate and look at them again. "You have the photos that Mr. Wallace showed to the Altruistics and Sovereigns, right?" I ask, remembering the pictures of the car crash that was supposed to be fatal.
"Yep. And all the information that Mr. Wallace gave," Sophie adds.
"About the ex-girlfriend?" I inquire. "What was her name again?"
"Um..." Sophie uses her touch pad to scroll through the information. After a few moments, the female Percipient leans back and says, "Her name's Isabella Devon."
"Didn't we talk about her a while back?" I question. "Mr. Wallace said that Isabella was arrested because she was assaulting Arien multiple times."
Sophie nods. "Mr. Wallace actually had a list on what Isabella did specifically to get arrested," she says. Upon seeing my shocked expression, the female Percipient turns the computer screen slightly towards me so both of us can see. "I haven't read the entire list," Sophie admits. "but I've read the first five or so."
Nodding, I look at the first one. "Pelting her with tomatoes?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. "That's... pathetic. Wow- I have no words."
The female Percipient nods in agreement. "I know, right? Audrey and Donovan decided to name a lot of 'better' pranks instead," Sophie says, shaking her head at the Sovereigns' antics. Pointing to the second form of assault, she comments, "Apparently, she decided to up her game and break into Arien's house."
My eyes widen considerably. "What- why?"
Sophie shrugs. "Apparently, she stole a necklace that Fitton gave Arien for their one-month anniversary," she explains. "She had to stay two nights in the county police station because she entered someone's house without a warrant and stole something. But Isabella wasn't charged with stealing the necklace because the police couldn't find it when they searched her house."
I raise an eyebrow. "Is there a picture of her necklace?" I ask before thinking.
Sophie scans through the photos momentarily before looking at me again. "Here it is," she announces, gesturing for me to look at the screen. I see a younger Arien smiling at the camera and fingering a thin-chained necklace. I see a gold, oval-shaped pendant hanging in the middle of the necklace.
"Is there a photo that zooms in on the actual pendant?" I ask, glancing over at Sophie.
She nods and clicks on the next photo. "It's actually a locket pendant," Sophie explains as she points
to the runes decorating the interior of the pendant. "Fitton apparently said that it meant 'I'll love you for all eternity' in Greek." She then frowns. "I thought that Greek inscriptions look different, though."
"That's because they do," I comment, earning a confused glance from the female Percipient. "That isn't Greek at all. The runes don't even come close to translating into 'Ill love you for all eternity' either."
"Then what does it say?" Sophie asks.
I frown. "You don't see it?" I ask, my eyes widening when Sophie shakes her head. Then why do I see it? I ask myself as I stare at the inscription again. "Well, it says 'Follow the words that try to hide'," I tell Sophie. "What words?"
Sophie shrugs. "I have no idea," she admits. "But... how did you know exactly what it said?"
"I... don't know," I say, paling slightly. "And you're sure you can't see what it says?" I ask her.
Sympathy in her gaze, Sophie shakes her head. "It's just a bunch of jumbled lines to me," she says.
I'm about to say something when I feel something pull my leg... literally. I glance underneath the table to see no one there. Frowning, I sit up straight and ask, "What's the next felony?"
Sophie wrinkles her nose in disgust as she says, "Forgery of warrant to enter Arien's house. Arien actually let her in because she didn't know, but she called the police after Isabella destroyed about two-thousand dollars worth of objects in her house."
I raise an eyebrow. "Where did Arien live again?"
"She actually lived in the same house that she and Fitton lived in together during their marriage," Sophie says. "Even after he left for whatever job he had."
I raise an eyebrow as I look at the screen. "It also says that she lived in a rather wealthy neighborhood in Oregon," I notice. "How would she have afforded that? Didn't her parents cut all of their ties off with her?"
Sophie nods. "Apparently, Fitton sent her enough money to pay all the bills and to buy groceries," she explains. "So she had a rather balanced life until..."
"Her death," I finish for her. Looking at the fourth felony, I raise an eyebrow skeptically. "Physically assaulting her by grabbing her hair and swinging her around?" I mutter to myself. "Please tell me that Isabella went to jail for this."
"She did," Sophie confirms. "For three weeks since she was arrested before."
"Just how many times did she assault Arien?" I ask exasperatedly.
Sophie scrolls down for a moment before her eyes widen. "Nine records of assault?" she asks in disbelief. "I apologize for saying this, but this woman's insane!"
I chuckle softly. "Tell me about it," I say, smirking at her. My smirk weighs down into a scowl when I feel something pull my leg again. When I see nothing underneath the table, I transmit to Sophie, Something's pulling my leg underneath the table. I don't see anything, though.
Are you- Her thoughts pause mid-sentence and her eyes widen. Okay, scratch that. You're not the only one feeling that. Um... it could be the Altruistics.
My eyes widen in realization, That's true, since Benen can also turn invisible if he touching Laurel, right? When Sophie nods, I track their thoughts and figure out that their location is indeed underneath the conference table. Telepathically confirming their current location to Sophie, I transmit to Benen, What are you doing invisible and underneath the table?
Finally! Benen says, startling me slightly. You noticed, but I think you would've reacted more... visibly if you actually saw me.
That's... pretty true, I admit. Anyways, why are you invisible and underneath the table?
Erm- well, Benen begins, making me raise an eyebrow. Before I tell you, look at the screen again. Keep... I don't know... acting smart and stuff.
I roll my eyes, but nudge Sophie to grab her attention before looking at the screen again. Way to sound exactly like Donovan.
Oh no. Slap me if I ever do that again, okay?
I sigh, shaking my head. "Stealing and hacking into her emails?" I question out loud. "Did this woman have anything else to do with her life other than to torture her ex-boyfriend's girlfriend?" Furrowing my eyebrows in thought, I ask, "Why did Fitton and Isabella break up?"
Sophie tilts her head to one side, interpreting my question. "Um... let me check the other information on her," she says before sorting through the information on the laptop.
In the meantime, I decide to transmit to Benen again. We're acting natural, Benen. Now what were you going to tell me?
You know Mr. Wallace? the male Altruistic asks. I nod briefly. I assume that he saw my action since he continues, Well, he's standing behind you.
I force myself to not go rigid. How far? I ask him.
Near the doors, Benen tells me.
Wait- why? Does he need something?
That's the thing.... I don't think he even needs anything. I think he was just spying on you two and your investigation, Benen says slowly. But then again, this may just be me jumping to a conclusion too quickly.
Why do you think he's been spying? I ask, now more skeptical about Mr. Wallace. And how long has he been like this?
We were about to come in here while we weren't invisible, Benen begins. And that was about two hours ago.
You stayed here that long?
Yeah. Anyways, he hasn't moved from the same position ever since we quietly walked in while invisible, Benen says. And then you said something, and he was so pale- like snow!
I furrow my eyebrows. What did I say? I question, but then get an idea. Was it '"Follow the words that try to hide"?
Yeah, Benen confirms. That's exactly it! He heard you say that and tensed up so much! I almost broke away from Laurel so I could ask if he was okay.
I can't help but smile at the male Altruistic's compassion for everyone's wellbeing. Should I turn around? I ask him. Or is he still behind us?
Still behind you guys, so... be smart, Benen transmits to me.
Chuckling softly, I turn to Sophie. By the way, we should be acting natural. I tell her. Mr. Wallace is behind us and listening to our conversation. I then try to sense their thoughts, but their thoughts fade away as if they're leaving.
Keeping her eyes on the screen Sophie transmits, Laurel told me. She also said that when you easily translated the runes, Mr. Wallace looked like he was about to faint.
That's what Benen said as well, I say, my mind focusing on that one sentence entirely. What words are trying to hide? How would someone follow them?
I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Sophie says out loud, "Found it!" Nodding, she turns the computer so it faces both of us. "It says here that he left her for Arien," Sophie explains. She suddenly frowns.
"What?" I ask. "Was there a reason for him to leave Isabella?"
"They-" Sophie rereads the passage that she's on to make sure that she didn't miss anything. "He left her on the altar."
"Before they were married?" My eyes widen. "Wait- didn't Arien elope with Fitton when she was in her twenties?"
Sophie nods. "And their marriage would've happened when they were... seventeen?!"
"A teenage marriage?!" I ask. "Why?"
The female Percipient shrugs. Suddenly, Sophie pales considerably, her eyes very wide.
I raise an eyebrow. "What happened?" I ask, my gaze full of curiosity and concern.
"It's, um..." Sophie clears her throat. "There's a photo of Isabella wearing the same necklace that Arien had."
"Was it after she stole it?" I ask, still not understanding why she paled so much. I then look at the date the photo was taken. Checking back to the open locket while it was with Arien, this photo's older.
"It's a close-up of Isabella with the open locket..." she begins. Biting her lip hesitantly, the female Percipient suddenly asks, You and I both saw those runes, right? Out loud, she announces, "Oh, I'm just worrying myself too much."
I raise an eyebrow. Yes, and I translated them. Why, Sophie?
Sophie sighs, her face still pale. Because... just look.
I press my lips together in confusion as I look at the close up of Isabella. Instead of focusing on the ex-girlfriend, I stare at the open locket. There's... where is the..?
The runes? I don't know, Sophie says. Dread fills into my stomach as Sophie also transmits, But I think that Fitton got that sentence engraved in the locket specially for her.
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