Chapter Twenty-Five: Sophie
Currently, Fitz and I are sitting on the ground in his room. Both of us silently look between the picture of the open locket when it was in Arien's possession compared to Isabella. Our eyes weren't deceiving us. Isabella had the necklace without the inscription while Arien did.
And to make things more confusing, only Fitz could translate it.
Fitz frowns. "Is there a possibility that Fitton bought two separate necklaces?" he asks. "And they just look the same?"
I ponder about it for a moment. I then flip between the two images before catching one similar detail that contradicts his question. Pointing to the edge of the locket, I say, "There's a small chip on the side of the locket, around the rim. Both of them have it in the exact same spot." When Fitz raises an eyebrow at me, I beckon him to come see it for himself.
Fitz quickly sees it after I point it out. His teal eyes widening, he whispers, "I stand corrected." Sitting up straight, Fitz furrows his eyebrows in silent thought. Suddenly, he ponders out loud, "Do you think that more of Fitton's belongings have those inscriptions that are on Arien's locket?"
I look away from the computer screen, my mind already trying to piece together an answer for the proposed question. I frown and say, "There may be. I'd... actually didn't think of that..." I then lean over the computer and scroll through the images. I see Fitton's belongings coming into view and click on the first image.
I then continue to scroll through the images, looking for any sort of runes that look similar to the ones we just saw. I see a pile of books, and Fitton studying profusely. And then a picture of him and Arien dancing in the kitchen. Then there's a picture of Arien cooking happily while Fitton watches her.
I shake my head. "They look like the average couple right here," I remark. "Happy, truly in love...'
Fitz then raises an eyebrow. "And then Fitton left Arien unofficially after they were married for ten years for a job. Then they never saw each other for twenty years," Fitz points out. "Fitton was supposed to be dead, Arien is actually dead, and the only witness of their wedding-"
"That we know of," I interject.
"Is also dead," he finishes, smirking at me for my intervention.
I shrug. Poking him teasingly, I whine, "Don't weigh every happy thing down, Fitzie."
Fitz rolls his eyes. "I haven't heard that nickname since when, last year?" he asks, chuckling.
"Well, I think 'Fitzie' is a better nickname than Ms. Sophie," I complain. I then groan when Fitz smirks mischievously. "You are not going to call me that, right?" I ask in a pouty whine.
Fitz leans back, raising an eyebrow. "Depends," he says vaguely. "If you keep calling me 'Fitzie', then I'll call you Ms. Sophie."
"Ms. Sophie," he retorts, smirking.
I can't help but smile at him. "We'll agree to disagree," I say, earning an amused smirk from the male Percipient. When I look at the next photo, my smile falls completely. My face pales so much that I begin to think that my blood circulation. I begin swaying between staying conscious and passing out from my light-headedness.
Fitz places a hand on my forehead to feel my temperature, another hand on my back to stabilize me. His expression full of concern, Fitz asks, "Sophie..? Are you alright?" He then glances at the computer screen, his eyes widening considerably. "Oh..." he finally mumbles after a minute. "That's why..."
In front of us, there's a picture of Fitton in the getup of a chemist. He's wearing safety goggles as he carefully pours some familiar green liquid into a small bottle. More of the same liquid is being created in a glass machine adjacent to the "scientist".
"Is that the same liquid that was on Arien and Susan..?" Fitz finally asks, looking at me. His face has paled slightly, but not nearly as much as me.
"The poison?" I ask. "Most likely. Then doesn't that mean that he-"
We're interrupted when Mr. Wallace practically slams the door open. As I jump in surprise, I quickly click on the picture before the current photograph. The male Percipient and I then stand up to face the middle aged man. "Is there a reason for you to slam my bedroom door open?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.
"I don't know, but this guy can seriously run," Donovan remarks, entering the room.
Mr. Wallace's eyes widen slightly at the new addition inside the room. Clearing his throat loudly, Mr. Wallace says, "I was notified that there was a virus on your computer. I came here to delete it." He then grabs my laptop before I can hand it to him, making Fitz raise his eyebrow in suspicion even more.
I watch with a confused expression as Mr. Wallace quickly clicks on the touch pad a few times. After a few more minutes of silence, Mr. Wallace sighs in relief before handing the computer back to me. "Luckily, I managed to eradicate it before it traveled to any important documents on your computer," he says, sighing in relief.
"Thank you," I say as I place the computer down.
Fitz takes the computer in his lap. "Just checking all the documents to see if they're untouched," he mutters, his eyes focused on the screen.
Mr. Wallace goes rigid. Fiddling with his collar nervously, the grey haired man says, "I assure you that everything's there. Don't waste your time with that."
Nodding in comprehension at his words, I thank him as he leaves the room. Once the door's closed, I look at Fitz. I cross my arms and raise my eyebrow. "It seems like you found something, Fitz. What is it?" I ask, my voice laced with my genuine concern.
Fitz whispers a few curses under his breath as he scrolls through the photographs again. Sighing in exasperation, the male Percipient places the computer down and runs a hand through his dark brown hair. "It's more like what I didn't find," he hisses, glaring at the laptop screen in front the two of us. "It's gone, Sophie."
"What's gone?"
Instead of answering me directly, Fitz clicks on the image that I'd clicked on to hide the picture of Fitton. "Remember this photo?" he asks.
I nod, my confusion seeping into my features.
"Well, where'd the next photo go?" Fitz asks. When he clicks on the next photo, I'm not met with the Fitton in chemist garments. Instead, I'm met with the picture after that picture, which is Fitton and Arien posing in front of their house.
All of the air inside of me leaves in a silent gasp. Looking at the Percipient with wide eyes, I ask, "What happened? We just saw that photo a few moments ago, right? Before Mr. Wallace-" I suddenly stop myself, my eyes widening more with realization. Staring into Fitz's teal eyes, I can't help but say, "He didn't, did he..?"
Fitz raises an eyebrow. "You tell me," he says, his frustration evident. "He suddenly comes in about some virus, and after that, this photo's gone. I think that he deleted the photo instead of the virus."
Donovan further proves this when he adds in, "I saw Wallace deleting something. I'm guessing that was 'the photo' you're talking about?"
I nod. Frowning, I voice my question, "Where would the deleted photos go on this computer? If my eyes aren't deceiving me, I don't see any option to delete a photo."
The male Sovereign shrugs. "I can try to get it back, you know. I saw where he put it," he admits nonchalantly.
Fitz merely raises an eyebrow. "It seems like there's another reason," he muses, staring at Donovan. "What are you hiding?"
Donovan's eyes widen in shock. "Dang, you're smarter than I thought, which was already high up," he says. Sighing, Donovan says, "I don't know how to explain it in better words, but it's like I can see each part of a piece of technology, and I know how it works."
Fitz stands up. Slowly handing the computer to the male Sovereign, he asks, "So it's kind of like how Sophie and I have telepathic abilities?"
The Sovereign shrugs as he begins to work on the computer. "Yeah, but technological."
"Does Mr. Wallace know about this?" I ask, thinking back to the grey haired man who just sabotaged our investigation.
Donovan looks up and smiles at me sheepishly. "I might be withholding that information," he says before looking at the computer again. Donovan's eyes then widen, his smirk crumbling completely. Furrowing his eyebrows, the male Sovereign takes the computer.
The male Percipient raises an eyebrow. "What's wrong?" he asks, making Donovan look up at him.
Donovan slowly nods. "Yeah... there is a problem," he says. "Apparently, there's a virus that actually latched onto the photo itself, so when I set the computer back to a previous time to get the photo back, the virus got to all the other things as well."
"There's actually a virus?" I sputter, my eyes widening.
"Well... now there is," he says. Turning around, he adds over his shoulder, "I'll take this to my room and try to fix it. Come to my room later."
Fitz scowls. "Your room is the easiest room to break into, Donovan," the male Percipient argues. "You don't need a key card like the rest of us- you have a lock instead."
Donovan stops in his tracks. Turning to look at Fitz, he says, "I have a plan that'll help with that. Just come to my room at-" The male Sovereign pauses to look at Fitz's bedside clock. "3:45. Got it?"
Still skeptical, Fitz nods, warily eyeing Donovan as he exits his room.
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