Chapter Thirty-Five: Sophie
After eating breakfast at around six in the morning, I come back to my room. Before I know it, I'm pacing back and forth across my bedroom floor, trying to guess where Fitz and Donovan are. I immediately assume that Jacob has caught them and is torturing them, but I shake it off, knowing that Jacob wouldn't risk coming back into the spotlight to kidnap two more teenagers.
My mind then drifts towards Fitton. He did sneak into Fitz's room and start a duel, in which he lost. Getting revenge on Fitz seems plausible, I think to myself. But why would Donovan be included as well? Is it because of his technological powers? I stop pacing to think more on that possibility. I then shake my head again. Donovan never told anyone about his abilities. How would Fitton find out while Mr. Wallace doesn't know?
"Hmm," I wonder out loud as I continue to pace across the bedroom. "But Donovan and Fitz left willingly, or that's what it seemed like from my perspective. Maybe Fitton caught them once left..?" I groan. "But why did they leave?!"
Suddenly fed up with the lack of concrete conclusions, I grab my pillow from my bed. Falling onto my bed, I smother my screams of frustration with the fluffy pillow. There may have been a few sobs mixed in with my screams, but I was screaming too much to actually care.
A few minutes pass before I pull my face back up again. Gently placing my slightly tear-stained pillow back on its rightful place on my bed, I climb off of my bed and stand in the center of the room. Fitz?! I transmit loudly, trying to transmit it as far as I can. Even though I know that I wouldn't have gotten a response anyways, my heart deflates as if I lost all of my hope at once.
Rubbing my eyes, I slowly make my way over to my desk. Swallowing, I open the third drawer and pick up Fitz's prostrator. I gently rub my thumb over the smooth metal as I absentmindedly stare down at the weapon.
Knocking on my door yanks me back to reality. Shaking my head, I put the prostrator back in the drawer. I then open my bedroom door and find myself staring at Benen, surprisingly."Um, Benen?" I ask, stepping aside to let the male Altruistic in. "It's really early for you to be up and about. Can I ask what's wrong?"
Benen smirks as I close the door. "If it's really that early, then why are you awake?" Benen points out, making me rub the back of my neck sheepishly. Shaking his head, he brings us back to our original topic. "Anyways, remember that memory that you sent me?"
I nod, raising an eyebrow. "Yes..." I begin. "But we didn't get to see if you got anything from it..." My mind makes a connection to why he's here. Forcing myself to keep my face neutral, I ask, "Is that why you're here?"
The male Altruistic nods. "Exactly," he says. Raking a hair through his auburn hair, Benen says, "Well, I actually... recognized that memory, if that makes any sense."
I shrug. "I doubt anything actually makes sense anymore," I say, earning some chuckles from the Altruistic.. "But anyways- I'll check your mind to see what your mind was reminded of when I transmitted that image to you."
Benen suddenly tenses up. "This is where you have to read my mind, right?" he asks uncertainly. "Will it hurt?"
I shake my head. "No," I say. "I don't think so..." I then touch two fingers to Benen's temples, going into the male Altruistic's mind. In the blackness, I stay silent for a few moments. Then I decide to transmit, Do you remember what I sent you?
Um... not really, Benen admits truthfully. It kind of... vanished, and I can't picture it at all. What was it about again?
I project the image of Benen leaving his room with Donovan and Fitz. Audrey, Laurel, and I were curious on what you three were doing, I explain to him. You three left, and after that, we couldn't find you. Any of you. We kept searching, but that was the last time we saw you three. That is, until you mysteriously showed up again.
Did I actually disappear? Benen asks. Because all I remember was waking up in my bed, and then Laurel practically tackles me onto my bed with a hug.
Sounds like Laurel, I transmit, a smirk growing on my face. But anyways, what memory did you get from the memory I sent you?
Um... I don't know how to explain it, Benen says after a moment of silence. I feel like you should look at it yourself...
...Okay..? I transmit uncertainly before seeing the memory he's talking about. I then go into the memory. My point of view changes so that I'm seeing what happened through Benen's eyes. I quickly notice that he was in Fitz's room by how the connecting door is open and that the lights are only on in my room.
But the view is like a bird's eye view...
As if they were being levitated up- so they wouldn't be spotted.
I can already feel the tears streaming down my cheeks, and I haven't seen half of the memory yet. I can feel my heart going into my throat when I see myself walking into Fitz's room. My heart hammers loudly against my chest as I stare at the memory. A lump forms in my throat when I witness myself falling onto my knees from Benen's perspective. I whisper something, which I remember was Fitz's name, before I fall onto the ground, asleep before I hit the ground.
The view then changes from me to looking at a levitating Fitz. More tears fall from my cheeks as I see him bite his lip so he wouldn't transmit to me. What made my silent crying even worse was when I saw that from Fitz's expression right then and there, not transmitting to me was just about the hardest thing he's ever done in his life.
And that just hurt even more.
I watch as the three of them slowly drift downwards towards the ground. My voice choked, I watch as Fitz walks over to me as I sleep soundly, not knowing that he was right...there. My eyes widen when I see myself being gently picked up bridal style by the male Percipient. He then lowers me onto my bed, gently fingering my already forming bruise before stepping back.
He and Donovan then exchange some words, which I can't hear. The view of the memory moves up and down for a moment, as if Benen nodded. Donovan and Fitz then talk to each other a bit more before leaving the room. After that, the memory ends.
Well, more like I couldn't watch more, so I pulled my consciousness away from Benen's head.
I wipe my eyes halfheartedly as my mind replays through what I just saw. Suddenly, waterfalls of tears stream down my face as I step back. "He was right there..." I say, my voice breaking at the end when I look over at the connecting door. "If only I had opened my eyes right then and there. I could've stopped him from going wherever he was going."
"He went to a hideout," Benen says, surprising me. "I'm guessing you couldn't hear the conversations?" he asks after noticing my evident shock. When I nod, the male Altruistic continues, "And the only reason Donovan went with him was because Mr. Wallace didn't want Fitz to go alone."
"Well, why didn't Mr. Wallace want me to go with him..?!" I ask, my frustration prominent. "Fitton has telepathic powers."
Benen shrugs nonchalantly. "To be honest, everyone knows why Fitz didn't take you along with him," he says, making me furrow my eyebrows.
"But why..?"
"Because everyone can see that Fitz doesn't want you to be infiltrating any sort of building," Benen says. "Especially after... that." My eyes widen, but Benen wasn't finished there. "After we rescued you, it's no surprise that Fitz would risk his life instead."
I scowl. "But Donovan's life is at risk too," I argue.
"And that's not by Fitz's choice," the male Altruistic reminds me again. As I wipe my tears away again, Benen turns towards the door. "I hope this helps with your investigation, Sophie," he says. Before closing the door, Benen waves sympathetically at me.
I plaster an obviously fake smile on my face until I'm sure that the door is closed. Then I let my "smile" crumble down into a morose frown. Tears slowly begin to fall from my eyes again as I stare at the desk with Fitz's prostrator again.
That is, until I remember what Benen said about Mr. Wallace. And after that, as I make my way towards the conference room, I can only picture myself throwing the grey-haired man into the ceiling when I find him.
But when I get to the conference room, I see nothing.
Quickly exiting the room, I try to track his thoughts instead. When I can recognize everyone's thoughts except his, I can only come up with two possibilities.
Mr. Wallace either went with Fitz and Donovan on their infiltration, which is unlikely.
Or the middle aged man "disappeared" like Benen, except I don't think he's coming back as soon as the male Altruistic did.
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