Chapter Fifteen: Sophie
I shake my head in disbelief as the five of us make our way down to the conference room. With everything happening, I completely blanked out on the name Fitton Galster until Mr. Wallace brought it up again. Is it really bad that I kind of wanted to get away from all of this? Honestly, I don't think so.
The five of us burst into the conference room to see Donovan looking at something with a confused expression. Laurel bites her lip to restrain her laughter when we see one of Donovan's hands off to the side, holding Audrey back as she attempts to tackle him. Benen and Fitz smile, and I can't help but giggle softly. "Where's a camera when you need one?" I ask.
I see Laurel take a photo before smiling at me. "Done and done!" she exclaims in a whisper, making Benen laugh audibly.
Mr. Wallace, on the other hand, rolls his eyes at the six of us. "Anyways," he suddenly says, causing the two Sovereigns to look up. The middle aged man grabs the file out of their possession and hands it to Fitz. "You two look at that while I make the other four look at a set of photos I've managed to recover from Leila's attic," he tells us.
We sit down at our seats, not wasting any time in looking through the file.
The thing is, there's only two things in the file.
A meticulously hand-written marriage license. And a death certificate.
Frowning, Fitz picks the death certificate up first and says, "Fitton Ethan Galster. We know that he's a married man; died the age of 56 three years ago..."
As his voice trails off, I pipe up, "Then he can't be the killer- he's dead."
Fitz reluctantly nods. "Yeah, but we can learn some things about him. For example, if he were alive, then he'd be fifty-nine years old. And he's said to have reddish-brown hair, with brown eyes. Slightly tan skin, but Caucasian. He died from..."
"A car accident?" I interrupt, reading ahead. "When?"
"Hold on, let me see... um..." Fitz's teal eyes scan through the certificate. I find myself smiling softly at his focused expression. Suddenly, Fitz straightens up, startling me. "He died on October 14."
"And that was three years ago," I muse. I then take the marriage certificate and look down at the date. Looking at the date, I blurt out, "This was a few months over thirty-three years ago!"
"What?!" Fitz exclaims. "Are you seriously telling me that Arien eloped with this Fitton person when she was sixteen?!"
"Was she really in love with him?" I ask absentmindedly, still trying to picture a younger Arien running away with a man her parents didn't think fondly of.
"Who knows?" Fitz retorts. He's about to say something else, but Laurel's loud gasp makes both of us to look up in curiosity. In front of us, we see a photo of car in the air after veering off of the side of a bridge.
"Is that the car crash that killed Fitton?" I ask.
Mr. Wallace nods. He then switches to the next photo, which is the car on the freeway below the bridge, the hood completely crunched from the impact.
I frown. "There's something missing," I say.
"Yeah," Fitz coincides. "The actual person."
Mr. Wallace flips between the two images. "He's here when the car's falling," he notes. "But he isn't here when the car actually crashes. You're right."
"Then why the death certificate?" Donovan interjects. "Were people trying to be dramatic or something? Since they totally win an Oscar for 'Fakest Death Ever'."
Rolling his eyes, Mr. Wallace switches to the next photo. I only catch a glimpse of a young Arien, what seems to be a teenage Fitton, and another female before it abruptly switches to the final car crash image again.
I frown, my lips weighing down even more when I see Mr. Wallace's pale face. "Switch back to that image," I say. I furrow my eyebrows when Mr. Wallace hesitates before doing so. There, I see Fitton in a traditional suit and Arien in a rather simple wedding gown. Next to the bride, a woman with brown hair smiles at the camera in a lavender, knee-length gown. "A witness," I whisper to myself. "Of the marriage."
"Who is she?" Fitz asks.
Mr. Wallace frowns. "I think I've seen her before... what was it- Susan Goldberg?"
Instead of asking how he knows her, I ask, "Is she alive?"
He frowns. "I haven't heard of her death yet, so no, I don't think so. Why?"
"We need to see her."
Mr. Wallace sighs, hesitating for a moment. "Fine. I'll have her come in as soon as she can."
Mr. Wallace sure wasn't kidding when he said that he'd have her come in as soon as she could. In a few hours, the six of us found ourselves sitting across from Susan.
"Hi!" Laurel and Benen shout excitedly, waving at her.
"Good afternoon, Mrs. Goldberg," Fitz and I greet cordially, nodding firmly at her.
Donovan merely nods as Audrey says, "Sup?" I give her an exasperated glance before facing forward.
Susan smiles softly at us, but only after she gives Mr. Wallace a nasty look. Not missing that, I transmit to Fitz, Do you think she'll be like Leila?
Fitz visibly shrugs. I don't know. I hope not. After a moment of absentmindedly watching the Altruistics engage in some small talk with Susan, he transmits, But I can tell she doesn't like Mr. Wallace. Sound suspicious?
Definitely, I reply, nodding. Looking at Susan again, I begin, "Mrs. Goldberg-"
"Susan," she interrupts, smiling at me. "Please."
Nodding, I rephrase myself. "Susan, do you know who Arien Leroy is?"
She nods. "Sure do. I went to her wedding, and we were best friends since high school," Susan explains. "Darn parents kicked her out and disowned her, so I let her in my house with that darn husband of hers."
"Fitton Galster, if I recall," Fitz muses. We share a knowing glance before he continues, "What did you think of him?"
"He was alright, for the most part," Susan says. "But he left her for a stupid job, and I never forgave him."
"A job?" Laurel asks. "What kind?"
Susan shrugs. Glaring at Mr. Wallace again, she says, "He wouldn't tell anyone. Not even his wife. I confronted him one day. And I said, 'Fitton, if you love that girl over there in that other room, you'll tell her why you're leaving.' Or you're just admitting that you don't love her."
"And what'd he say?" Laurel and Benen ask curiously. Audrey and Donovan roll their eyes at how interested the Altruistics are. I shoot them a warning glance before looking back at Susan. I will admit that now I was just as interested as the Altruistics.
"He said that he couldn't," Susan says angrily. "He couldn't!"
Laurel gasps, "No!"
"Does he not love her?" Benen asks tentatively.
Susan scoffs in annoyance. "How would I know? I was about to ask him about that the next day, but he ran away! Again!"
"Why?" Fitz asks, keeping his voice steady.
"I don't know, sonny!" Susan shouts. Throwing her hands in the air, she says, "That blasted job of his! That old hag should've died long ago!"
"Didn't he die in a car crash three years ago?" I ask. I tense up when Susan suddenly quiets down.
Raising an eyebrow, Fitz scoots slightly closer to me and protectively places his fingers on top of mine. I smile softly at him, but still feel the fear and panic swirling within me like a tornado.
Susan shakes her head. "If that blasted git of a man died, then he wouldn't have gone to visit his old sweetheart to make amends with her," she spits out. "She calls me, about five months ago, to say that she still loves that waste of space!"
Fitz nods in comprehension. So that means she was still alive then.
That also means that Fitton's death certificate is a lie, I transmit back to him. And that makes him a bigger suspect than before.
What if the car crash was a ruse, and he was gone because he somehow escaped and went into hiding?
I frown. Why would he need to go into hiding three years ago?
Fitz shrugs. Don't ask me. Otherwise, we wouldn't be here now.
Fitz and I both stare forward to see Susan stare directly at Audrey and Donovan, causing them to sit up immediately. "You better treat her well," Susan warns Donovan, pointing to Audrey. "Don't say you love her unless you mean it. Don't leave her- ever."
Audrey and Donovan look at each other before looking away, blushing deeply, which is a thing that I thought that only the Altruistics could do.
"They're not together," Laurel interjects, pointing at the Sovereigns.
Susan smirks. "You're just too young to see it. Wait a while."
Laurel nods, still confused.
Uncomfortably, Mr. Wallace helps Susan stand up. "It's too dark out- why don't you sleep in the conference room?"
After yanking free of his grip, Susan turns to us. "Would that be too much trouble for you sweethearts?"
"Nope!" Laurel exclaims.
"Not at all," Fitz and I say, shaking our heads.
"It's fine by us," the Sovereigns muse.
Susan claps her hands together. "Then it's settled!" She then turns and slaps Mr. Wallace's back. "Well, get moving!"
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