Chapter Eighteen: Fitz
Apparently, when Sophie and I burst into the laboratory, we startle Caroline so much that she drops an empty sample tray. But when she sees us, she shrieks excitedly and practically tackles the two of us into a hug. Smiling, we use our free hand to hug her as well, our fingertips brushing slightly behind her back. Caroline then pulls away and shrieks even louder at our hands. Blushing, we let our hands fall separately to our sides as she exclaims, "You two..! Finally!"
We turn to see Steven rubbing his head as he appears from behind a table. "What are you screaming about..." Steven's voice trails off when he sees the two of us. After hugging us in a similar fashion compared to his wife, Steven steps back. "What's new?"
Before either one of us can speak, though, Caroline squeals, "They were holding hands! It's finally happened! You owe me a fancy dinner date and twenty dollars, dearie!"
Sophie and I stare at them in utter shock. "Did you seriously bet on whether or not we'd be together?" I finally manage to choke out, my face already flushed to begin with.
The couple nods without any guilt.
Sophie shakes her head, her face bright red. "We aren't dating..." she says, blushing deeply. When I see the shocked faces of the married scientists, I blush more, suddenly feeling very awkward and nervous.
"Yet!" Steven says, catching us off guard. "And I don't have to pay anything!" Laughing at Caroline's pout, he explains, "Caroline and I made a deal after we saw you two for the first time- how long it'd take for you two to either be in a relationship or kiss." He raises his eyebrows at the last word, making both of us redden a lot and avoid looking at each other.
Caroline giggles. "Anyways, I said that for either one, it'd take about two years or less. Steven thinks that it'll take three years or more," she adds in.
Although they're betting on when we'll kiss, Sophie and I both nod in comprehension. Shaking my head, I clear my throat, fiddling with my collar from all the blushing. "Actually, we'll need a chemical analysis of something," I begin, looking over at Caroline.
"What specifically?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.
Sophie shrugs. "That's what we're trying to figure out," she comments.
"We're dealing with the murders of Arien Leroy and now, Susan Goldberg," I explain. "Both of them had some green liquid dripping from their mouth and in a puddle. The glass around them implies that the liquid was in a bottle before."
"It may be prescription medicine," Sophie adds. "But Fitz and I think that poison makes more sense. But we need actual proof of what it is."
Steven nods. "Mr. Wallace came by earlier to hand the autopsy reports to me, along with their death photographs," he tells us. "It's such a shame that two women had to die because of a murderer."
Caroline nods in agreement. "Did they know each other?" she asks us.
"They were friends," I respond. "And Susan went to Arien's 'wedding'."
"Arien eloped with her boyfriend, Fitton," Sophie explains. "And Fitton also knew the two of them."
Caroline gasps at the elopement and Steven's eyes widen in surprise. "Is Fitton dead?" Steven asks after a moment.
I shake my head. "He has an official death certificate that states that he died three years ago in a car crash," I say. "But Susan, before she died, admitted that Fitton went back to visit Arien."
Steven asks, "Susan died here?"
I nod. "Donovan, Benen, and I found her dead early this morning," I say grimly.
Caroline looks at me sympathetically. Shaking her head, she claps her hands. "So that's where the green liquid on the floor was from!" Caroline exclaims. When we all look at her in surprise, she asks Steven, "I was in the conference room about three hours ago, remember?"
Steven facepalms himself. "Oh yeah," he mumbles sheepishly.
Sophie shakes her head. "You already have a sample of it?" she asks, voicing my thoughts and surprise perfectly.
Caroline nods. "Yep! Just needed to see what it was," she says. "But now I have an actual reason for doing so!"
I smile. Who do you want to work with? I transmit to Sophie.
Her eyes widen, but she doesn't jump up in surprise. Um... Sophie presses her lips together in thought. I think you should work with Caroline today, and I'll work with Steven. What do you think?
I nod. I'm good with that, I confirm. And since we can talk telepathically, we can update each other. I smirk at her. Sound good?
Fine by me, Sophie transmits, smiling as well.
With that, I turn and walk over to Caroline. As I watch her pull out the sample of the green liquid, I ask, "Did you see Susan?"
Caroline shakes her head. "Oh, goodness no. She must've been taken before I went down there." She shudders slightly. "There's a reason why Steven's the pathologist. I wouldn't have been able to handle it." She then proceeds to put a drop of the liquid onto a clean slide before inserting it into a machine. Looking at me, she asks, "How were you able to handle it?"
I tense up at the question. Pressing my lips together, I glance over at Sophie and feel my muscles relaxing considerably. Before I know it, I'm mumbling, "Sophie," under my breath. After I realize what I've said, I blush considerably, hoping she didn't catch my slip-up.
Unfortunately, she does, and she can't stop smiling at me in a childish way. "Do you want me to pretend that I didn't hear that?" Caroline asks, her grin only growing bigger.
Unable to meet her gaze, I nod. "And don't tell anyone that, please."
"I'll do the second part, but I won't pretend that it never happened," Caroline negotiated through a fit of giggles. As I groan in embarrassment, Caroline laughs more before grabbing a sheet of paper. When she looks at the paper though, she blanches completely.
I frown. "What?" I ask.
Caroline's really pale, Sophie transmits, causing me to look at her. Suddenly, I see Steven scribbling down something furiously down onto a piece of paper.
What's with Steven? I ask her.
He apparently found something- She suddenly stops mid-transmission since Steven hands her the paper.
What is it? I transmit as Caroline gives me the paper she paled at moments before. I raise an eyebrow. "There's nothing on it."
Caroline nods. "That's why it's so bad," she says. "That means that there isn't any record or theory
that can tell us what this substance is. It could be man-made or natural. It could be anything, real or fake."
Sighing inwardly, I transmit to Sophie, The substance isn't something that has any records based on it. We're in the dark on that. And what was Steven writing down?
Um... Steven found something.
What is it?
I see Sophie sighing. I don't know, since it's in some sort of language that I don't know. Neither does Steven.
I frown visibly. Is there any way you can send me a memory of that? I ask.
Sophie rolls her eyes and walks over to me. "Or you can ask me to bring it over," she says. I smile at Sophie when I see that she's also brought the death photo. I first look at the word and frown. "I can understand this perfectly," I say, shocking the female Percipient. "I don't understand why you don't see it."
"What does it say?" Both Steven and Caroline ask.
I scowl. "Top left corner."
Sophie and I then look at the photo. This one has Sophie and me hugging in the bottom right corner, while Laurel and Benen are kissing in the bottom left corner. We then look at the top left corner.
Sophie screams, and I pale so much that I must look like a sheet of paper.
"What?!" Steven shouts.
My hand shaking, I point to the left corner to show a shadowed figure almost sinking into the darkness.
But there's enough light to show the burnt red hair and brown eyes that should've died three years ago.
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