Chapter Eight: Fitz
I'm talking with Benen and filling him in on the memories predicament when I hear something fall to the ground with a loud THUD! I raise an eyebrow when I notice that the sound wasn't too far away. My eyes widen in shock when I realize that it's Sophie that fell, and that she's unconscious.
"Sophie!" Laurel yells, kneeling down besides her. As she tries to shake the female Percipient awake, I go to the fridge to grab a bottle of water for her. When I come back, I see Sophie awake and apologizing for her...reaction? Reaction to what?
Handing Sophie the water, I ask, "What happened?"
Sophie looks over at Laurel instead of answering me directly. "Do you want to tell him or should I?" she asks.
"I'll tell him." Standing up, Laurel faces me. I raise an eyebrow at Sophie before facing Laurel.
Well, now facing empty space.
My eyes widen. "Show yourself now, please," Sophie says, and Laurel reappears. Both girls look for my reaction.
I'm speechless for a moment, trying to put my words together. Finally, I say, "Honestly, it's not as shocking as it should've been with the telepathic thing and all. But that is seriously awesome!" I add, smiling.
Sophie nods, "It's really cool! When did this happen?"
Laurel blushes from the compliments. "A day or two ago before we went to Oregon," she says after thinking.
Sophie nods. "So that's why Mr. Wallace wanted us to see you," she says in realization, and I nod in agreement- it made sense. "But with everything else, we weren't able to see that. What do you think about it?"
Laurel shrugs. "I think it can really give us the upper hand in the future," the female Altruistic says honestly. "It might help you guys and your telepathy. And I like it, but it takes some getting used to."
Sophie smiles. "Definitely!"
I turn to Benen. "How long have you known?" I ask, smirking.
Benen flushes a light pink. "What makes you think that I-" He stops when he sees the knowing expression on my face. Sighing, he says, "I was there with her when it happened. I was very surprised."
Laurel giggles. "He was so excited, you know. He said it made me a superhero!"
"Awww!" Sophie coos. "You two are so adorable! Please tell me you're dating..!"
"I wouldn't be surprised if you two are," I add. Chuckling when I see their flushed faces, I say, "And no, this isn't revenge for earlier today. We have another thing planned for that." Both of us laugh at their shocked expressions. "Sorry, I'm just joking."
The four of us are so busy making small talk that we don't realize that we have another guest until he clears his throat. "Now that you four know of your new... qualities, you'll have to start training," Mr. Wallace says, eyeing each one of us.
Benen raises his hand. "Wait- then why am I here? I don't have a quality."
Mr. Wallace's eyes widen. "You don't know? None of you?"
We all shake our heads.
"Benen has made the connection to Laurel in which he'll be able to always see her, invisible or not." Ignoring our shock, he says, "Now follow me."
We merely nod and walk after him.
"Since the Sovereigns are sleeping," Mr. Wallace begins, closing the conference room doors behind us. "We'll be using this room as your first class of training. Afterwards, there will be another training period in Mr. Donovan's room. Any questions?"
"Do the Sovereigns know?" I ask.
"Yes, since I told them."
"Why not in Audrey's room?" Sophie asks.
"She, well, has decided to make it clear that she isn't going to let people use her room," Mr. Wallace says hesitantly.
Laurel rolls her eyes. "Sounds like the Audrey we know," she remarks disapprovingly.
Finally, Benen asks, "If I have a connection to Laurel which always makes her visible to me, then why can't I see her now?"
Mr. Wallace smirks. "That's because you need to do something that will spark the connection entirely," he explains. "For now, the connection is dormant."
Benen nods, satisfied with his answer.
Clapping his hands together, Mr. Wallace then says, "Sophie, Fitz, I want you two to have a telepathic conversation. Sort through the memories together." He hands me some flash cards. "Use these to see how many memories Sophie still has and how much you've gained," the older man instructs. He then turns to the Altruistics. "Benen, I'll be showing you some different things to look out for to see, or have an approximate guess, to where Laurel is when she's invisible. I'll also be flashing different lights at her to see how long she can hold her invisibility. Do you all understand your instructions?"
We all nod and split up accordingly. Sophie and I walk over to our seats at the main conference table and sit down, silence between us.
Can you hear me? I transmit to her, looking into the female Percipient's brown eyes.
Sophie jumps out of her chair in surprise. Flushing in embarrassment when Mr. Wallace looks over at her from across the room, she thinks back, Yeah, I can. Sorry about earlier- it's been awhile since we talked like this, hasn't it?
I nod. Definitely. Remember how Mr. Wallace called it a staring contest since we were staring at each other so much? I smirk. Like we're doing right now?
Sophie looks away, blushing. Anyways, shouldn't we be looking over the flashcards?
Yeah, we probably should. I grab the first card and mentally say, Saridian.
Sophie visibly frowns. I... Don't remember that...
I nod, noting that Sophie doesn't have that memory anymore. Saridian is a red-violet crystal found in hardened volcanic ash. I don't know what it's used for, though.
It's actually used to calm muscles down, Sophie transmits. But it can also be used to calm muscles so much you numb your nerves temporarily.
I nod. So that memory's split. Choose a card.
Tegalla, the female Percipient says mentally.
Golden yellow. It's used to paralyze someone. It's usually found within gold, other times near it.
Weird, I don't think I've ever heard that before, Sophie sends. I must've transferred that to you completely. Okay... choose a card.
Sure... What's aceis?
As a question or as if you don't know?
Don't know. I can't think of anything that goes with aceis.
Aceis is a bright green crystal that always comes in the shape of a circle. It's more of the color of a green apple, and it's used for aromatherapy. Its smell can vary depending on the size. If large enough, the smell can be so strong that it can throw someone off. There's also a pink aceis that makes you smell things you like. Sophie frowns at how much she knows about this. The largest pink aceis, named Amortia, is... She pauses, blanking out on what to say next.
You must've already transferred to me that it's currently unregistered, I offer. It's been off the map for what- thirty years?
All too suddenly, Mr. Wallace wraps their training up. The two of us are surprised that we just spent three hours mentally talking with each other. Honestly, neither of us realized that time just passed by.
After bidding farewell, Sophie and I make it to our own rooms. We look at each other before transmitting, Goodnight. And that meant a bit more than just saying it.
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