Chapter 25: Sophie
"Audrey invited me to Level 7," I begin. "She told me about how Mr. Wallace told her to wait one more day before they were going to 'take action.'" I pause when Fitz nods, silently telling me that Donovan told him that as well. "Audrey was actually relieved when she was told that she was going to be able to do something-"
"Wait," Fitz says, holding a hand up. His teal eyes full of confusion and concern, he asks, "Wait- she was told that she was going to do something?"
Instead of asking him why he asked that, I press my lips together as I glance between him and the male Sovereign. My eyes widen when I realize that Donovan wasn't told that he was going to be taking action like Audrey was. "Oh...I see," I finally breathe out.
Fitz nods as he senses my realization. "Carry on with what happened, Sophie."
I nod. "I asked her what Donovan said, and she said that Donovan didn't say anything and nodded." I glance down at Donovan before looking at Fitz again. "She was worried about Donovan because his face was apparently neutral throughout the conversation." Before I can say the next part, I let my voice trail off into silence. I don't realize that I was shuddering until Fitz grabs me gently my shoulders. Refusing to look into his eyes and get distracted, I step back and say, "And the worst part is, Audrey said that even if Donovan isn't a part of what'll happen, she said that she feels determined to."
Donovan jumps up at this. "God... I need to talk some sense into her!" He looks at Fitz for reassurance.
Fitz, however, shakes his head. "We can't do this while the idea is fresh in her mind. She'll be more stubborn than ever." His features apologetic, he tells Donovan, "Wait until morning, at least. Until then, we can't let the Altruistics, Audrey, or Mr. Wallace know that you don't want to be a part of that-" He then looks at me. "And that we know what they talked about. Mr. Wallace and Audrey not knowing is a priority, before Laurel and Benen." He then walks Donovan to the door. "Laurel and Benen might find out. If they consult you, tell them to come to either Sophie or me. We'll then tell them a shortened version of this."
Even though the last part was directed towards Donovan, I nod as well.
"If they don't, don't go around telling them to come to us unless it's necessary," Fitz adds as he opens the door. When he does, he lowers his voice to a faint whisper. "Go to sleep, and we'll talk about this tomorrow. Understand?"
Donovan nods silently. And with that, he turns to walk down the hallway to go to his door.
When Fitz closes the door, I don't immediately go back to my room. "Do you think you'll be able to go to sleep now?" I ask, straightening a bit when Fitz suddenly turns around to face me.
He shakes his head slowly as he runs a hand through his hair to muse it slightly. "I can't give you an answer right now," he says, which I take as a no. "Would you?"
After a moment of silence, I shake my head to his last question. I exhale loudly before turning to go to my room. Suddenly, Fitz reaches out and grabs my hand. I squeak softly at the sudden movement as I turn around to face him. One look into his teal eyes and I'm frozen to my spot, my breathing chopped while my heart races.
"I know that you didn't want to say anything earlier because Donovan was here," the male Percipient begins. The pause in his voice makes my swallowing louder than it actually was. "But he's not here now. So stop withholding and tell me what you skipped."
My eyes widen before I look down at my feet for a moment. I already know that I won't get anywhere with keeping quiet longer. I look back up at him, my heart pounding more we make eye contact. "Well, Audrey also said that Mr. Wallace was saying that the 'one day' was a ruse because he already knew that Donovan wouldn't be a part of this. So apparently, after he dismissed the two of them, he said that he'd call her back at 10:30 to talk more." As soon as the time leaves my mouth, a CODE RED! CODE RED! rings in my head as I softly ask, "What time is it?"
Fitz comes to the same realization as me. Letting go of my hand, he walks over to the nearby digital clock on his nightstand. "It's 11:15," he breathes, turning back to me. "45 minutes past the given time." He pauses, glancing between me and the alarm clock. Sighing, he looks at me again. "Either now or in the morning, I want you to ask Audrey to tell you about the talk they had."
"If you're worrying about her not trusting you, she does," Fitz interrupts. "You should know this since she told you all of that information beforehand."
I shake my head, knowing that if I wait until morning, I won't get the answers I need. I swallow my lump in my throat. "I- I'll just go now..." I finally say. "It's better to ask her now while she still remembers it, right?"
Fitz nods. "Yeah, but be careful. I'm wary of her."
"You know, I can't help but think that too." The meaning behind the words tugs at my heart when I realize just how much I mean them.
Audrey looks at me in confusion when she opens her bedroom door. She glances behind her shoulder momentarily, hesitating to let me in. Not missing this, I ask out loud, "Can I come in?" I resist the urge to brush Audrey's arm aside and storm in.
"Huh? Oh- um, sure."
She then steps to the side to let me in. As I quickly go inside, I'm about to turn around and ask Audrey about her hesitation when I see it for myself in front of me. "Mr. Wallace?" I finally ask, my lips moving along with my voice. "What are you doing here?"
The middle aged man stands up, almost too briskly. Brushing invisible dust off of his suit, he clears his throat and turns to Audrey before glancing at me. "I was just talking to Audrey for a bit. What are you here for, Ms. Sophie?"
I note the sudden formality and how quickly he changes the topic. I was expecting this, so I created an excuse as I was coming down here. "I was just having some trouble falling asleep," I explain, knowing that my sagging posture will sell my story. "I didn't want to awaken Laurel, knowing how quickly she falls asleep. So I wanted to come to see Audrey." I widen my eyes innocently like Laurel's. "Was I interrupting something? If so, I can always come back."
Mr. Wallace shakes his head. "I was actually leaving," he says as he makes his way to the door. Then he turns to face Audrey- and there.
He nods softly. As if Audrey made the right decision.
It takes all of my willpower to not call that out. Instead, I wave my hand to dismiss his sudden attempt to leave. "Don't worry- I'll just come back tomorrow," I assure him as I walk towards the door as well. "I don't want to interrupt, and" -a yawn interrupts me- "I'm feeling tired again."
Mr. Wallace nods, but I see the glint of uncertainty and skepticism in his eyes.
Careful to not stare at either of them too long, I turn away and walk up to my room. And as I wait for the elevator to arrive, I glance back to stare down the hallway.
But at that point, the man was coming out of her room, and we exchange glances.
Skeptical glances- of both of our lies.
I sigh. Some of us are too smart for this cruel world, I think to myself. But the harsh reality just makes the world a more frightening place.
A place where lies are like people.
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