Chapter Four
For the first time in months, Alec finally had a good sleep. He didn't have to worry about getting stabbed in the breakfast line the next morning. He didn't have to listen to the whispers of the other cell mates and more importantly, he didn't cry himself to sleep. Not that Magnus knew about that last part.
Magnus slept comfortably beside him, an arm thrown over his forehead and the other resting on his stomach. He breathed deeply in and out, even snoring a little. Alec found himself smiling like an idiot at the little snorts coming from his nose.
"Hey. Wake up. It's late. We should get going," he whispered, nudging Magnus.
Magnus groaned. "No. Leave me alone. I need my beauty sleep..."
"Why do you need more beauty sleep if you're already beautiful?"
Magnus smirked at this, eyes still closed. "You make an excellent point. But one can't be too beautiful. Having extra beauty sleep hasn't hurt anyone yet."
Alec sat on the edge of the bed and stretched. "That was the best sleep I had in months. I could've slept forever."
"That's because you were with me and not some rat infested prison. Plus you felt safe." Magnus ran a finger over Alec's back, feeling the small muscles move as he breathed. "You can sleep again once we get a car and get the fuck out of this dump. Maybe grab some breakfast along the way."
Alec nodded. "Sounds good. But where are we getting a car?"
Magnus smirked. "I'll handle that part. You just get dressed and pack up for now."
Alec never questioned Magnus' cryptic suggestion. In fact, he didn't even want to know. All he could think of sitting down to a delicious hot, home cooked meal. He was practically drooling at the thought of it.
"Are there any diners around here?" He asked as Magnus slipped on a pair of jeans.
"No clue. I'm sure if we drive long enough we'll come across something resembling one. We are in Texas after all. The vending machines here are empty. Probably never even seen a chocolate bar before in its life."
Alec packed up, checking himself out in the bathroom mirror before leaving. He had a flush to his cheeks that wasn't there before yesterday. His eyes looked brighter. He looked healthier. It was surprising what the course of a day could do to a person.
Outside, Magnus stood next to a dark green pickup with no front licence plates. Or back ones for that matter. He smiled broadly as Alec looked at it. "Isn't she adorable? It's a Chevy. From the 80's, I do believe. She's got a cute charm to her."
"She looks like something out of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre," Alec put a hand on the hood and the metal creaked ominously. "Where did you even get this?"
"A magician doesn't reveal his secrets. And neither do con men. Let's just say I have contacts in a lot of places who sort of owe me one." He opened the driver's seat door and hopped in. "Come on. Get in! I'm starving and I can't wait to get some good ol' Texas food in me."
Alec climbed in. He was surprised how clean it was on the inside. "What, no hidden compartments for weapons? I'm shocked."
"Oh there's compartments. It just wouldn't be a Magnus Bane truck if it didn't have any. I just forget where they are." Magnus started the truck and laughed at the deep rumble of the engine. "Oh listen to her purr. She sounds beautiful."
"She sounds angry."
"Bullshit. Ignore him, Charlize. You're gorgeous. The mean old man just broke out of prison. He's a little bitter," Magnus cooed to the truck.
"I'm not bitter! And stop talking to the truck! It's weird!" Alec shouted. He was starting to feel the effects of hunger the longer he sat there and watched Magnus stroke the steering wheel like a cat.
Chairman Meow.
"Who's watching Chairman if you're here?" He asked. Magnus finally pulled out of the parking lot and was into the road.
"I didn't want to leave him behind but I had to. I gave him to Ragnor, believe it or not. He seemed more than happy to help out."
Alec snorted. "You gave your cat to a homeless man? Why?"
"Why? I wasn't going to give him to Isabelle. She's too busy. I wasn't dropping him off at the shelter and I most certainly wasn't going to take him along on our little road trip. He'll just slow us down. Or get car sick. Maybe both."
"Chairman doesn't get car sick. You said so yourself when we brought him back to my place."
Magnus paused and shrugged. "Texas always makes him barf. It's the air. It reeks of homophobes."
Alec smirked but didn't say anything as they drove down the never ending expanse of road. It felt like they were just going in one direction. The horizon wasn't getting any closer. The clouds in the sky never moved. It was driving Alec insane.
"Can we turn on some music? I'm going crazy by watching the same tree pass by a million times," Alec flicked on the radio. He immediately regret that decision when he heard the news being read out.
Reports of a riot has been rumoured to have occurred at the Alicante Prison earlier today. Authorities have been advised that there has been a prisoner on the loose due to the riot. Police are strongly recommending extreme caution when you're out on the road. This prisoner is extremely dangerous and will more than likely try to harm you. The description of him is as follows: tall, around 6'3, black hair, hazel eyes-
Magnus flicked off the radio. "I wouldn't listen to that. It'll only make you upset. Besides, you're not even dangerous so I don't know what the fuck or who the fuck they're talking about."
"Me," Alec whispered. "They're talking about me. They think I'm dangerous because I killed a cop-"
"But you didn't."
"They don't know that. They think just because I got thrown into that particular prison, I've had one taste for blood and now I want more. They think I'm a serial killer or something."
Magnus clicked his tongue and rubbed the steering wheel with a hand. "I'm almost certain a serial killer has to kill more than one person. Plus it has to show a pattern-"
"You're not helping the situation right now."
"Sorry. Sorry," Magnus cleared his throat. "My point're not dangerous. I know you. I wouldn't just break anyone out of prison, you know."
Alec looked over at him and smirked. "No? Then why did you break me out? Did you miss me or something?"
"Ha!" Magnus chuckled. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, Alexander. Honestly, I drew names out of a hat. Yours just so happened to be the one I pulled out."
Alec snorted. "Lucky me."
They drove for about twenty minutes before Magnus had to pull over and pee on the side of the road. While he was standing there doing his business, Alec sat on the back of the truck and looked around at his surroundings.
There was nothing as far as the eye could see. If he concentrated hard enough, he could imagine a group of cowboys riding towards them on horses with guns out, ready to shoot. He quickly shook that thought from his mind before his imagination went any further.
"You have to take a leak? Might as well do it now before we hit the road again," Magnus said as he zipped up the front of his jeans. It was only then that Alec noticed that he was wearing a pair of light coloured jeans, a red plaid shirt and a pair of cowboy boots.
"Magnus....what the hell are you wearing?" He asked.
"What do you mean? I'm wearing authentic Texas fashion. These boots are made from cowhide. The good stuff. Not the cheap stuff they sell at knockoff stores. Why? What's wrong with it?"
Alec raised an eyebrow. "You stick out like a sore thumb."
Magnus, offended by this, huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. "Well excuse you. I was trying to look like a local. It's called blending in."
"There's literally nobody dressed like that."
Magnus thought about that for a second. "Huh. I guess you're right. Maybe I can start a fashion trend? Everyone wants the latest and the greatest."
Alec rolled his eyes as Magnus looked down at himself, more than likely admiring what he was wearing. "Are we done here? I'm tired of looking at the same scenery."
"Same scenery? You've been looking at the same scenery for six months. I don't know what you were expecting to see after all that time," Magnus retorted after he hopped into the driver's seat.
"I don't know either. I just need to be somewhere that isn't here...." Alec rubbed his eyebrows and sighed. "Where are we even headed, anyway? You never told me your grand plan."
Magnus wiggled his eyebrows. "I have a friend in Florida that can help us out with our current situation."
"Florida?" Alec croaked. "You've got to be kidding me!"
"I kid you not. I haven't seen this friend in years but they too owe me a favor. This seems like a good time as any to ask for one. Don't you think?"
Alec shrugged. What he couldn't understand was how so many people owed Magnus a favor. He wasn't exactly the type to go around doing good deeds for people. "Let's just get out of here. I'm starving."
"Of course you are. I can't imagine prison food to be a two star Michelin worthy meal." Magnus climbed into the driver's seat and started up the truck. "We'll stop by a diner and grab a quick bite to eat before our long road trip."
The engine roared to life. "Is that a good idea? Me going into a diner while I'm supposedly an escaped killer from prison?"
"Just wear your hat and don't take it off. Or pray that no one notices you. I like to think all Texans are as dumb as a bag of rocks so they probably won't notice you."
Alec snorted at this. "That's kind of discriminatory, don't you think?"
"Not at all. I spent a year in Texas as a kid. Everyone called me either Fairy or Faggot. My car even got spray painted one time. Faggot was spelled wrong."
Alec tried to imagine Magnus living in Texas, dressed in plaid with jeans and a cowboy hat but couldn't envision it. This didn't seem like a place Magnus would ever consider living. It wasn't because of the homophobes or biphobes or any of the phobes. It just wasn't the place for him.
"Julie's Diner, 10 km. Imagine working in the middle of nowhere. Drive three hours a day just to go to the place where your tips are shit and everyone just drives past," Magnus commented. "At least if there's a chainsaw massacre, their settlement plan should bring in a hefty amount of money."
There was an awkward silence for a moment before Alec spoke, unsure of exactly what to say. "How can you even joke about something like that?"
Magnus glanced at him. "You're right. That was inconsiderate. I'm just eager to get out of this shit state. Texas," he shuddered, "I wouldn't miss it if it got blown off the map."
Charlotte's Diner was something straight out your stereotypical, middle of nowhere restaurant imagination. From the neon lights in the window that said "Open" right to the checkered linoleum floors as they stepped inside, everything about this place screamed "Run" to Alec. He half expected a man with a chainsaw to break through the diner at any moment. He kept his guard up anyway.
"How y'all doing today?" A woman in a pink apron asked them. She had auburn hair tied back into a tight bun and kind, gentle brown eyes. "Take a seat wherever. I'll be with y'all in a jiffy."
Magnus cringed as they chose a booth close to the entrance. "If I have to listen to the accent for one more second-"
"Relax. It won't be for much longer. Just try and enjoy the food, okay?" Alec whispered as the woman approached their table.
"Alrighty then. Here's our menus. Can I get you boys something to drink to get you started?" She handed them a menu. Alec's mouth nearly frothed at the burger section.
"Coffee for me. One sugar and cream," said Magnus. "Gideon? What about you?"
Alec looked up to see Magnus eyeing him. Who was Gideon? When he realized that that was his middle name, he gave himself a mental slap on the forehead. "Uh, I'll get a coffee too. Black."
The woman nodded. "Alright. I'll give you fellas a moment to decide on what you want. Be back in a second with your coffees."
Everything on the menu sounded delicious and Alec couldn't decide. "What are you getting? I can't decide if I want the bacon cheeseburger or the hot turkey sandwich."
Magnus wasn't paying attention. He had looked up from his menu and caught sight of the news that was playing on the tv, his mouth gaping open in shock.
Alec snapped his fingers. "Hey. Why are you staring like that-" He winced as Magnus grabbed his chin and turned his head. That was when he saw the news.
"Civilians are advised to take precautions. This man is armed and dangerous. If you have any information or have seen this man, please call the number on the bottom of the screen or call your local police department-"
A photo of Alec was in the top right corner of the screen for the world to see. Any one of the people in the diner right now could be taking out their phones and dialling the number. Even with his pathetic disguise, Alec felt exposed and naked in front of everyone.
"Relax. No one's moving a muscle," Magnus whispered.
He was right. Nobody in the diner was frantically taking their phones out and dialling the number on the screen. They ate in silence or chatted quietly to the person sharing a booth with them.
A wave of relief went over Alec. "Yeah. Maybe they didn't recognize me?"
"Maybe-oh. She's coming back to take our order." Magnus smiled as the waitress returned to their table. "We're ready to order now."
"Fantastic!" She whipped out her notepad. "So what'll it be, boys?"
"I'll get the fish and chips. Ranch dressing on the side, please," said Magnus. "What about you, Gid?"
Alec knew that was his cue. "I'll get the bacon cheeseburger platter. Gravy on the fries."
The waitress nodded. "Okey dokey. It'll be ready in no time."
Magnus huffed as she walked away. "I'm normally not an antsy person, but this place is starting to give me the creeps."
"Shouldn't have mentioned the Texas chainsaw massacre earlier," Alec smirked into his coffee.
"Shouldn't have mentioned the Texas chainsaw massacre earlier," Magnus retorted in a mocking tone. "You think you're so clever. How about you suck my dick, Lightwood?"
"I already did."
The waitress came came back with their food ten minutes later and it smelled and looked delicious. The very first bite of burger that Alec had made him drool and moan softly, as did the fries.
"I wish I made you moan the same way those fries do," Magnus grumbled. The crust on his fish looked beautiful and it smelled fantastic. "How is it? Your food, I mean."
"So good," Alec said through a mouthful of burger. "Best I've had in months."
Magnus laughed. "Probably the most you've had too. Eat up, big guy. You need your strength. Plus you need to put some meat back on those bones. Your time in you know where wasn't exactly kind to you. Plus it's a long drive to Florida."
They ate everything they had on their plates, with Alec even ordering a vanilla milkshake for dessert. He inhaled that too like it was air and felt full by the time he was finished.
"You ready to go before shit goes down?" Magnus tossed the keys into the air and caught them.
"I'm ready when you are. How far is it to Florida?" Alec climbed into the truck and slammed the door.
"Far away, I know that much. We might have to sleep in the truck if we can't find a motel anywhere. You okay with that?"
Alec nodded. "Sure. Do you have blankets?"
Magnus smirked. "Ten steps ahead of you, Alexander. I'm all packed for a camping trip in the back. Blankets, pillows. You name it and I have it."
Alec rolled his eyes. He should've known that Magnus would come prepared. "You really thought this out, haven't you?"
Magnus was quiet for a moment. "Of course I have. I couldn't let you rot in prison. Especially for something you didn't even do. Of course I was going to do something about it. I care about you."
Alec blushed as the engine roared to life and pulled out of the diner parking lot, leaving it in a cloud of dust as they sped towards their next destination.
A/N: I know it's been a while since I last updated but I promise to work on this story as well as Fading Scars 2. Thank you for your patience!
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