Chapter 9
The night had been long, longer than Severus could care to acknowledge. He'd held Granger until he'd felt her body retreat back into sleep. He'd given her the potion designed to remove any withdrawal symptoms from the vile drug that Wormtail had been giving her. The potion had taken it's course while he'd put her into a forced sleep. Letting her body ride out the pain with blissful unconsciousness.
Severus had worked tirelessly through the night, meticulously packing away anything he wouldn't want found by either side. Squarreling it safely inside the suitcase he'd gotten from Albus' abandoned home.
He'd separated the world inside the suitcase into two halves. A safe place to store what he would need that couldn't be easily accessed and a more open world for her to explore. He'd made half walls to divide her sleeping area, bathing area and toilet as well as a small sitting space where—when she was capable—be able to relax without having to be in a bed.
He hadn't even considered the fact that she'd be unable to stand or walk until he'd been designing the space. She'd done well lifting her head and moving, but he wasn't so confident in her coordination. Though given her lack of senses he believed it to presently for the best and had designed everything in the sitting area to be on the floor. Hoping that she could at the very least crawl.
Presently, she laid inside the large double bed, her potions locked away in a cabinet with her special cup at her bedside table. He'd tried to keep everything similar to what she'd known upstairs in his room, even going so far as to charm a light source to burn for nearly 12 hours, syncing with the daylight outside.
It was the perfect prison.
Now Severus sat at his desk at Hogwarts. Sipping a much needed cup of coffee as he waited for the twins to arrive. He'd charmed a mirror on his desk to allow him to see inside the small world he'd created, giving him peace of mind over the girl's health.
He could tell she was just starting to come around by her hands weakly coming up towards her head. Her brow furrowed as she seemed to take immediate notice of the change around her. She was indeed a clever girl.
Her hand came down fiddling with the chain on her necklace before her other hand reached out blindly. He had plans to work on her hearing that day but he needed to ensure his efforts went uninterrupted.
As if on cue, the wards near the front gates alerted him to a request for his presence and he quickly closed the connection on the mirror. Coming to his feet, he made his way out of the office to usher in a new reign of terror within the hallowed walls.
Hermione instantly knew that the world around her had changed. Gone was the thick stale air of the world she had come to know. Her heart raced as her senses struggled to orient to the new space. The air smelled clear and fresh, as though she were outside again but lacked the sort of earthy smell that came with it. Instead, the air had a lingering lavender to it; a source to which she discovered to be the linens that covered her.
The space was warm but not unpleasantly so. It was just the right temperature to be comfortable though lacked any breeze that would have come should she have truly been outside. She could feel the heat of a light warming the skin of her arms to her right, reminiscent of the feeling she got from the window. She had reached out hesitantly to the side and had been pleasantly surprised to find a cup.
Her body felt odd, the ever present fullness that brought her pain and pleasure had gone. A lingering memory of fingers soothing away the burn inside her instantly flashed through her mind space and she found herself reaching between her legs; despite the possible danger the action could have brought. She moved cautiously under the blanket, her heart thumping as though she were about to steal the most precious gemstone in the world.
When her fingers ghosted over her mound, she found herself confused by the lack of stimulating sensation the action normally would have brought. A bit bolder now, she parted her legs just so—an action that normally would have caused a spike in her need—left her void of any sensation aside from the soft fabric moving against her legs.
A slow apprehensive breath filled her chest when she went lower, her own fingers parting her intimate place to find it void of stone. Her heart thumped harder when she pressed just inside herself finding the action completely lacking in any additional stimulation.
It was then she realized how clear her observations were, how sharp her mind had seemingly become. Her body no longer cried out silently for a need that she had no control over. Her skin didn't hum with the pain of withheld sensation. Her chest no longer ached for something she had never wanted but had always needed. She felt, at peace.
Her hand rose back to her chest feeling for the necklace. She had smelled blood, and lots of it. Though she knew some of it had been her own, there had been another as well. She could recall the medicine man having come to her side, how he had eased her pain. How he'd held her, let her explore his face, his hair and neck. She remembered falling to sleep inside his embrace, comforted by his smell. The way his fingers had run through her hair, cradling her head. In the moment it had all felt like a dream, a mirage but now—she was sure—he was her salvation.
A new desire was building inside her, one that was completely her own. An urge, a silent plea to be held in his arms. She didn't know why, she didn't understand how; only that it was something she wanted. Her silent, dark world was suddenly looking so much brighter than she could have ever believed. The days that had passed were as confusing as they were hope bringing. This world was new but it wasn't the same as where she'd been.
Her hand took hold of the cup, before a small vibration in her stomach caught her attention. She tucked the cup to her chest before turning onto her side. She placed her free hand over the hollow area before feeling the small vibration come again, bringing with it a gentle ache.
It took her mind a rather long time to understand. She was hungry, her stomach was empty. This was an entirely forgotten feeling and it took her exceptionally longer to figure out what to do about the circumstance. When her brain finally clicked that she should drink, her mouth became pleasantly surprised by the soft fruit smoothie that painted her tongue. Quenching her thirst and sating the rumble inside. She settled down to take small sips of the delicious beverage.
That was how the medicine man found her—quite sometime later— having nursed the drink well longer than it should have taken as she'd savored every small mouthful wanting it to last as long as possible. She pulled her lips away from the cup when the back of his fingers brushed against her brow and tilted her head back to let him know that she was awake and alert.
Severus had disposed of the twins in their respective rooms as quickly as he'd possibly been able. Claiming important work to do. He'd already made a list of the returning students, sending it off that morning. He really only had one priority left that day and it was the girl before him now.
The term wasn't set to start for another week and a half but the school would be filled by weeks end by the other returning professors. His life—his obligations, would triple by weeks end and he had to make sure the girl was sufficient enough on her own should he be unable to come to her side.
His lip twitched when he felt a calmness wafting out of her. Her mind had been a mess before, so much so he hadn't even been able to get a general read but now, he feel her clearly. It was as he had hoped. Spurred on by the success, he looked down at the potion for her ears that he held in his hand; hoping it would have the same results.
His gaze turned to the glass he'd left for her and pursed his lips. She'd nearly drank it all but he would have expected her to have finished it by now. Was she still worried about food? Did he need to reassure her that she would not go hungry again? She hadn't used the stone for food but she had acted on her own to take the cup. Perhaps it was time to expand her world just a little bit further.
Hermione's hand flexed when the cup she'd been holding started to be lifted away. She resisted for only a moment before relenting. She didn't want to ruin what she'd been given, especially since she had no way to know what the man would want for penance for her disobedience.
Severus set the cup down clearing away its contents to refill it with a warm calming tea. His hands guided her in the position where he needed her to be in; on her side, facing away from him. He was going to give her the first dose of the medicine for her ears. He had waffled back and forth on whether he should do both or one and had settled on the later due to her fragile mind.
She would need three total doses, easily spaced out in the time of a single day. He wasn't sure how she would react to having her hearing back but he was prepared for the possible backlash. The medicine didn't have a short window and if necessary, he could extend the doses over three days and still have the desired effect.
Hermione tilted her head when the hands ran over her cheek, brushing back the hair that covered her ears. She'd curled her hands up to her chest under her chin wondering with barely controled apprehension what the man was to do. When the hand tucked her hair behind her ear and gave it a small caress she became even more confused.
Her back tightened when she felt his weight behind her, his thigh pressing into her back. She curled her legs up more but his hands never strayed from her head. There was a cool glass like sensation around the shell of her ear before her world took a sudden and painful spin.
A soft whine gurgled up the back of her throat as hands came down to hold onto the bed that suddenly felt as though it were swaying. She could feel a warm liquid going deep into her ear. When the liquid seemed to have no where else to go she felt a sharp pop, as though a bubble had been burst inside her head before her world gained a new sensation. A low humming white noise was starting to fill her skull, making it pound most unpleasantly.
One hand left the bed to clutch at the side of her head, bumping against the hand that had rested on her temple. The hand didn't move and despite the reprecussions she pushed against it trying to get to her ear. The hand didn't relent, instead it took her wrist forcing it back down to her chest when she felt another drop of warm slow moving liquid making its way inside.
Severus held her in place as the second drop filled her ear, he could tell from her face that she was in pain. He quite remembered the feeling in his youth and knew it was a short-lived side-effect. The third drop went in and the canal spilled over. He quickly took a piece of cotten covering it so that the potion would have time to do its work. A small charm would keep it in place before he gently released her to sit back on his heel.
Hermione felt odd, like her body was being held off center by an invisible force. Even when the hands that had held her still had retreated she felt her coordination had greatly diminished. Her brain was ticking trying to understand what it was feeling while trying to come to terms with a sense it had gone without for so long. The sound of rushing water pulsed in her skull making her dizzy.
When the hands made to pull her onto her back she felt the world sway without her and her hands came out, taking hold of the arms that had moved her. She held on tighter as they raised her up from under her arms, her head bobbing as she struggled against the weight that kept her off balance. She felt pillows being moved behind her back but didn't release her hold on the man that had done this to her.
Severus let her take hold, his diagnostic spell revealed the success of the potion and he knew what sort of feeling she must have been experiencing having felt it in his youth. He knew the feeling would pass and that sitting up would help to orient her brain into knowing which way was up. He waited for her to finally lift her head before taking her cheeks into his palm to try and bring her comfort.
His thumbs lightly caressed the healed skin undee her eyes and over her cheeks, the coloring having faded to a light pink. He was sure it would always remain but it wasn't as dark as he originally believed it would have been.
His action was rewarded with a light fluttering of her lashes but she didn't open her eyes. Instead, she pressed her cheek into his palm. He felt her take a deep breath before she pressed her lips into the heel. Not tasting but simply feeling the texture. Her hands that had held his arms came down to his waist searching for any extra fabric to take hold of.
"Miss Granger, can you hear me?"
Hermione's brow furrowed deeply, Her brain was just starting to register sound when she'd heard a deep mumble under the static that had filled her world. Her hands too had felt the vibration from the man's chest and together her brain told her that it was speech. The medicine man was speaking to her. She hadn't the foggiest idea on what had been said, only that she was sure he'd spoken. The sound made her already pulsing head throb and she pulled herself forward to hide her heavy head into his chest.
Severus pursed his lips at her reaction to his voice but didn't attempt to call out again. The potion needed more time. Her deafness had been much longer than any simple childhood ear ache. She would need time. He was, however, satisfied that she hadn't screamed or tried to claw at her head, something he'd been wholefully prepared for. For now he let the world go quiet.
Letting her rest against him, he turned partially to call the food he'd brought with him from the kitchens. He was sure the smell would grab her immediate attention and take her mind off the discomfort in her ear.
He'd requested a simple pasta dish, with tomato sauce and no meat. The juice he'd left for her had meant to only be her breakfast and thus he'd already prepared to bring her a late lunch. As the plate floated in from the small kitchenette, he couldn't help but smirk when she shifted her body towards the smell. Once the plate was in hand he brought it close to her nose letting her get a small smell of it before untangling himself to come to his feet.
Wanting to test her mobility as well as see to her basic needs; he took to his feet beside the bed, taking a small bit of the pasta onto a spoon before bringing it closer. She had remained sitting up in his absence and that brought him hope that she wasn't as bedridden as he'd previously believed.
He gave her the first bite where she sat, using his pinky as he'd done before to signal that he had brought her food. She took the bite with a low hum, the sound of which, didn't seemed to be noticed by her. When he took the next bite; he held it out a bit farther, making her use her nose and hands to locate its source. Using her hands, to find his own, she leaned forward just a bit more and opened her mouth. The action rewarded her with another bite.
Hermione felt as though he were playing a game with her. Normally, he'd bring the bite directly to her but now, he seemed to be teasing her. The food in which he offered made her stomach warm and the taste was absolutely worth moving for. She didn't understand what the purpose was, only that she was going to do whatever he wanted to taste just a little more.
Further and further he went, until she was no longer able to reach out from where she sat. She could still smell the food on offer and knew there was still more to be had. Despite her world still rocking, she shifted her legs around pulling them up so that she was on her hands and knees. Her body swayed slightly but she was able to right herself enough to reach out once more.
Severus dodged her reaching hand so that the spoon wouldn't fall to the mattress but let his arm be caught instead before giving her another bite. It was like trying to lead a cat. Tricky but not impossible. Taking another step back, he led her down the side of the bed bite for bite on her hands and knees. The action may have looked exceptionally demeaning but it served him a very important purpose.
When she got to the end he wanted to see if she'd come to her feet on her own and helped to guide her so that she wouldn't fall face first over the edge. She sat in an odd position, with her legs making a W. When he raised the spoon up, she raised her body but did not make any attempt to come to her feet. Her hand reached well over her head but she didn't make any attempt at moving her legs over the edge of the bed. Curious but also sated with her present mobility, Severus lowered down the spoon giving her the bite.
Hermione settled back, chewing the bite. Though there were no bars to hold her inside the bed, she was still extremely wary of crossing the line. Her vertigo had eased from her movement but her ear was still buzzing, blocking out any other sound in the room. Her body jolted when his hands came under her arms, still occupied with chewing her bite, she didn't make a sound to being lifted so effortlessly from her knees. Her hands found purchase on his arms before her legs naturally uncurled.
Severus waited until her toes nearly touched the floor before lowering her down. Despite the previous success with crawling, her legs completely collapsed under her own meager weight. Confused, he settled her back to sit on the edge, watching critically when she quickly pulled her feet from the floor bringing her knees to her chest. His eyes narrowed and he took one of her feet into his hand checking the work he'd done on her ankle that he'd broken trying to free her from her shackles.
Confusion mounted when his examination showed nothing physically wrong with either foot nor her knees. It was a question he would need to answer at a later time. Instead, he settled down beside her taking the bowl from where he set it. His experiment complete, he brought her hand to take the bowl guiding the other to take the spoon. She would need to be able to feed herself in his absence.
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