Chapter 5
Hermione found herself drifting, it wasn't uncommon for her mind to simply shut off, clearing out the world around her. Her fingers had returned to the curtains, lightly turning the material in her fingers but her mind made no observations on its texture.
She was sure a long time had passed. She had since sucked the water dry from the cloth he'd given her, the fabric lost somewhere on the bed. The blanket had returned and she'd pulled it up to her chin, the scent brought her comfort though she didn't understand why.
A soft smell was starting to fill the house, overtaking the stale dry air. The dragon's head pulsed inside her, as though calling out to its owner. It had often activated on its own, leaving her body tight but the hands would always come. Usually, after she could no longer feel the sun on her face. That was approaching, she could tell from the heat that covered her legs. The sun had shifted in the sky, the day had waned. Where was the man with the steel hand?
Severus set down his pot of mashed potatoes turning off the burner. He'd made a light late lunch for her, hoping that perhaps putting something solid in her stomach would help to aid in her rest. He'd eaten something quick for himself while he'd cooked, nothing award winning. He'd also set out to find more information about the dragon's head. He'd found reference to it in one of his texts but the reference glossary listed a book that he no longer had in his possession. He did, however, know where to find a copy.
He glanced up at the clock, a little past three, if she managed to keep the potatoes down, perhaps he could move onto more solid foods, if not, he'd switch to broths. He didn't very much like the idea of putting her on a liquid diet as she desperately needed to gain weight. He could give her more nutrient potions after today, needing to have one day between administration to stave off any unwanted effects.
Severus licked his finger tasting the small amount of gravy he'd added to give the potatoes more flavor and to keep them from tasting dry. It was a small risk, though not something he couldn't easily rectify. He placed only one large spoon full of mashed potatoes in a small soup bowl before adding just a tablespoon of gravy. If this went down well, he'd have enough left over for dinner as well.
Satisfied that he'd prepared an adequate meal, he turned back towards the stairs leading to his room. The girl had been quiet in the hours that had passed, though he wasn't sure if that worried him or not. When he stepped into the room he was partially relieved to find her lightly running her fingers over the warm window pane. Her head was turned towards the window but she'd remained on her back. Her other hand was lightly toying with the beads on her necklace, the digits moving as though exploring every centimeter of their design. She looked, for lack of a better word, relaxed.
Severus called the bench from the end of his bed settling it in place, the vibration of its landing catching Granger's attention nearly instantly. He looked at her curiously before taking a slow seat. She'd already known he was there before he even made a move to announce his presence.
Curious. He looked down at the bowl in his hand before wafting the warm steam in her general direction. He watched her face shift before she turned completely to face him, her hands curling up to her chest as she leaned her head out just a bit to smell the air.
She was not dim—no, she was still clever, perhaps in a different way. He pondered the significance of this finding before letting his mind turn back to his original task.
He leaned up brushing the backs of his fingers over her lips before reaching down to take the cubed tigers eye. Her lips parted as expected and he pressed the cube in-between. Again, he waited, taking the time to watch her mind work. It was difficult because half of her face was shielded but he was a master of the art.
When she'd tasted the stone, he pulled it from her lips. Her head moved closer following its path until she was slightly leaned over the edge. He'd left the bed partially raised when he'd left her before so he didn't make any more changes. She seemed to be able to move her head well enough that he didn't fear her choking.
Taking a small spoonful of potatoes he raised it up, using his pinky to press against her bottom lip gently guiding her to open her jaw before he pressed the steel inside. Her head jerked slightly before he turned the spoon so that the food would touch her tongue. When she closed her lips he slid it slowly out, checking to see if she'd taken the bite. She had.
Hermione pursed her lips as her tongue flattened the whipped mash, her mouth exploding with flavor. She'd not had solid food of any kind since her capture. A weak broth at the most, fed to her after the hands had exhausted every ounce of strength she'd possessed. This tasted good, more than good. Like the tea, the flavor of it warmed her soul and she found herself cautiously swallowing it down.
The cubed stone came again, pressing against her lips, she opened them and just like before the stone was exchanged for the metal spoon, laden with food. She was starting to understand. Or so she thought. These hands, this man, was attempting to communicate with her. It was like learning a new language. Her mind struggled to put together the pieces.
Hesitantly, she reached down, while still slowly eating the bite he'd given her and took hold of the round stone. She pressed it on her own to her lips and waited.
Severus, couldn't help but smirk softly before reaching over towards the cup. He wanted to trust that she wouldn't repeat what she had done last time and cautiously raised the glass up to her lips. Like with the spoon, he pulled open her lips with his pinky before bringing the cup to her lips. When she calmly adjusted her head, he tilted the glass giving her a small sip of the water inside.
Hermione swallowed down the small sip, the water diluting the taste of the mash but quenching her thirst. She didn't dare to reach for it, not wanting a repeat of last time. Instead, she let the man set the pace. When the cup pulled away she felt the cube press against her lips once more and she was sure she understood.
The cube meant food, the sphere water. What did the one she'd put in her mouth before mean? Did she dare to test it?
Swallowing down her bite she reached down again, fiddling with the necklace until her fingers found the oval stone. She raised it up but didn't press it to her lips, silently asking for an explanation.
Severus pursed his lips. How did he explain that it meant pain and not that he'd cause her pain if she pressed it to her lips? She was just starting to understand how the other two worked. What if he failed and her understanding became muddled. He let out a deep sigh before reaching forward. He pulled her fingers from around the stone pressing the cube back into her fingers.
Hermione frowned but seemed to understand the message, or so she thought. Perhaps now was not the time. Clearly, he wanted to feed her first. She made no complaint. Raising the square stone, she pressed a small kiss to the surface before opening her mouth for another bite. She was rewarded for her action and the tension that had been building up over the day was starting to release.
On and on they went, slowly emptying the bowl. Fatigue and a full stomach were starting to set in the towards the end and Hermione found she'd lost the will to raise the stone to her lips. Regardless, another bite came and she gratefully swallowed it down before her stomach gave a small lurch at being filled.
Severus could tell she was reaching her limit and didn't press the last few bites. Instead, he set aside the bowl and gently guided her onto her back. His hand came up, gently running down her nose and cheeks trying to soothe her to rest. Her soft breath wafted against his palm and he was sure she'd understood.
Coming back to his feet he called the blanket up from her waist and laid it just under her chin. Her head turned then, towards him, her hand that rested beside her head opening and closing. He gave the pads of her fingers a light touch with the back of his hand before he turned away completely. Lunch had gone better than he'd expected.
Wormtail sneered as he settled down on his lunches, watching the dark house through his beady red eyes. The Dark Lord was not so easily fooled. He would know. His words had spared his life but his lust brought him to where he was now.
He was certain Snape had lied to their master, he just needed to prove it. Reclaim his rightful place in the ranks. He alone held the power to release the Duel Dragon that'd he'd placed inside the Mudblood to claim her. The other half had worked for him that day, covering his length with her warmth. Oh, how he wanted to taste her again. Her sweet ambrosia filling his tongue. He could never have enough.
She was his prize, his reward for all he'd done. He would have her again, and he would make sure Snape's head would be the price he'd paid to keep her.
Severus snarled loudly tossing the book he'd been reading aside. The potion for her throat had been finished but needed three hours to decant. He turned his attention on restoring her sight but found very little on the subject in his own library. He needed access to Hogwarts. Something could not risk now. No, if he were to go too soon it would raise alarm bells.
He let out a deep breath coming to his feet. The evening had settled now, he'd gone to check on her just as the sun had fallen and found her blissfully asleep. He'd lingered for only a moment, watching her chest rise and fall as though it had been taunting him. The ambivalence that struck his heart pushed him back onto the task.
Snape's head snapped to the dark frame just to the right of his mantle, normally empty he found the face of his latest sin looking back at him with those all-knowing blue eyes.
"Albus. You bring news?"
"The boy is bereft, have you heard anything?"
Severus pursed his lips, "I have."
Albus narrowed his eyes to the dark man's tone, his posture and eyes betraying more than the man would have ever willingly admitted. "Does she live?"
"What would it change?"
"This war is dependent on the boy keeping a clear mind, doing what must be done. You of all others know how well he does alone."
"It is time for him to grow up." Severus snarled, spitting his words through his crooked teeth. There was no way the girl could possibly be expected to fight.
Albus looked at him sadly but said nothing else, vacating the frame.
Hermione woke to find the warmth of the sun had gone. Her body feeling heavy, she turned her head slowly. It was time for the man with the metal hand. When the soft vibration of boots on the floor below reached her through the extended bed she knew she was no longer alone.
The smell that normally accompanied the metal-handed man was not present but her body was already starting to react. Her legs opened slowly, parting the soft robe beneath the blanket, her head turning towards the advancing steps. When soft lavender and sandalwood reached her nose she found herself bereft in confusion. Where was the metal-handed man?
Severus pursed his lips when she'd shifted her legs at his approach. He had with him the potion for her throat as well as a fresh batch of salve for her skin. He'd wanted to wait until after to see if she was hungry, not wanting to force her stomach to take in more than it was capable.
A glance down her to legs made his frown deepen. He set down his offerings before reaching over the blanket to slowly pull her legs back together. Her body shifted as though she made to roll over and he put his hand flat on her hip. He let out a slow breath keeping her knees together with one hand while holding her still with the other. He waited until her body relaxed before releasing her entirely.
Moving back up towards her head he pulled the necklace free from under the blanket before taking her hand to take hold of the sphere. He waited for her to understand before picking up the vial he'd placed down. When she tilted her head up and parted her lips he brought the sweet smelling liquid under her nose letting her know that it wasn't water before settling it on her bottom lip.
Hermione swallowed down the sickly thick and sweet liquid trying to suppress the grimace on her face. A warm tingle ran down her throat and she couldn't help but cough softly.
Severus waited for the small fit to pass before running his wand down over her, casting another diagnostic. The results were much improved from the first few he'd cast. She was still ill, severely malnourished but there was improvement. Her throat signaled that it was well on its way to being healed, it wouldn't take long, a few minutes before the muscles would be strong again.
He placed the half-empty vial down knowing that he'd need to give her one more dose before she'd be completely healed. He'd need to wait until after he'd given her another nutrient drip. Two days time, to ensure that the process would be completed.
Now, he wanted to focus on her back. He'd neglected it during his initial session not wanting to put pressure on the large healing cuts over her chest or stomach. As it was, they had healed well enough for him to feel confident that turning her onto her stomach would do no harm. She'd already managed to lay on her side, perhaps he would start there.
He took the glass of water gently tapping her curled lip before pressing the cup against it. The girl swallowed thickly a few times before hesitantly taking a small sip. Her throat tingled again and she let out a hard cough lowering her head down before the softest of sounds passed her lips. Severus waited, curious to see her reaction. Though she certainly couldn't hear it, surely she could feel the vibration.
Hermione's lips pursed tightly, her hand coming to her throat. What had that potion done? She pressed another breath of air, the sound like a whimpering dog and pressed her hand gingerly to her throat. She repeated the action but didn't make the connection between the action and speech. Instead, she merely lifted her head again reaching down for the round firestone.
Severus tried not to let the simpering sound echo through his mind but how could he not? It was so weak, so pitiful, so animalistic. His face pinched as he fought back the emotions threatening to come to the surface and gave her one more small drink. Once she'd finished he set the glass down and —in a rare moment of kindness— gently brushed her shortened hair behind her ear. It was meant to be comforting but he couldn't help but feel as the action didn't have the fully desired effect.
Hermione tried not to flinch from his gentle touch. Her head turning into his palm, her lips running over the calloused surface. Was she ready? Did he finally deem her healed enough to reward her? A deep breath passed her lips when his hand began slowly pulling away the blanket. Yes, this was it. He was finally going to do what she'd expected all along.
She turned her head in his assumed direction and parted her legs once more, raising her hips in offering. The large hands took hold of the tie on the side and her stomach fluttered in anticipation. When the robe came open and the cooler air of the room wafted over her heating flesh, a soft noise passed her lips causing the man's hands to disappear. Thankfully, she didn't have to wait long for them to reappear and as soon as they'd taken hold of her knobby knee, she raised it further out of the way.
Severus resisted the urge to tie her knees together. Instead, he closed his eyes taking a cleansing breath. He had already seen every part of her, what difference did his prudence make now? He turned his eyes clinically between, the dragon's head was inactive. He just hoped it stayed that way. He pulled his hand away from her knee to return to the bedside table, a sudden epiphany striking his brain.
He took hold of the salve before pulling the oval-shaped stone from the hollow of her now exposed shoulder. He pressed the stone to her lips before opening the lid of the salve and wafted it under her nose. Surely she'd recognize it by now. He'd used it often enough.
Hermione's lip curled with confusion. Her predicted action and the one he'd taken threatening the shattered remains of her waking mind. She didn't want medicine, she wanted release. She wanted her reward! What more could he possibly want from her? She didn't understand, it hurt everything hurt. No, this wasn't right, she'd done something—something wrong. What was it? What was it?!
Severus' confidence quickly fled when her hands came up to shield the sides of her head, the small stone-like hands thumping hard into her temples. He set the salve down quickly but didn't know the proper course.
What did she need? What did she want? On instinct alone, he reached down. Firmly taking her arms in his hands and—despite his better judgment—wrenched her up from the bed into his chest. Despite her present undress, he held her small frame tight to him, cradling her head in what anyone else would have called an embrace.
She struggled weakly against his hold but never made to strike out at him, rather she attempted to harm herself. He was glad he'd thought to trim her nails when her fingers clawed at the sides of her head pulling at the wrap beneath covering her eyes. He tried to adjust his hold to take her hands but it was impossible. He'd lose his grip.
With a snarl, he whispered a spell he'd not used in quite some time. Thick silk scarves came from his wand hidden under his sleeve and wound their way down her arms slowly pulling them behind her back. He adjusted his hold as they forced her body to contort. Startlingly, instead of finding fear on her face he saw relief.
He shifted his grip so that he held her under her arms, her shoulders arched back from the scarves that had pulled her hands behind her, in a reverse prayer position. He swallowed thickly when her head lowered down, her chin pressing into his arm as though he'd washed away all the worlds problems. It was only then, did he begin to understand her behavior.
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