Before school:
I had set my alarm for 5 am but end up waking up around 5:45. I got ready pretty quickly and then dealt with my dog. I ended up leaving my house at 6:20 and picked up my two friends that live ten minutes down the road. We stopped by the gas station that's across from the school and got some food and coffee. The school parking lot was empty at 7:05 so I got the best spot imo. I am so happy that I found some off brand lactaid tablets since they were cheap and I was able to enjoy my coffee without having to worry about the consequences.
After we were done eating, we still had about 40 minutes so we went inside, had our bags checked, and walked around to find where our classes are. We ran into two other girls on the bowling team, we discovered that the school bought 3 more vending machines instead of transportation for the bowling team -_-, and we saw that all the 7th and 8th grade teachers had all their stuff in the hallways since the new school they were building wasn't done on time and now both grades are displaced. We hung out in front of the cafeteria before a teacher came and fussed at us to go to homeroom. We still had ten minutes before the bell would ring so that wasn't really necessary.
Home room:
Every teacher had their classes moved around so my advisory class was upstairs. She had her room set up the same way as last year. After 4 years with the same group of kids, the teacher does not know anyone's names. She doesn't even know which grade she's the advisor for. We got a bunch of papers and then we were left to just play on our phones and what not. We were told that it would be another 4 days until we'll get our chromebooks back.
first period:
The teacher was pretty fun. So the class is basically just a simple of algebra and geometry and then a few weeks of prob and stats. I already passed the dual credit exam for prob and stats so it's nothing new for me anyways, I'll have to help my two friends who have the class a different period. We have a daily activity (this counts as a test grade for participation) to review terms, there are different hand signals for: point, line, ray, segment, mid point, the four quadrants, parallel, and two others I can't think of right now. And then we played a clapping game where you have to clap when the teacher claps and if you mess up then you're out, I ended winning the second round. We were told that we won't have homework as long as we finish the small assignments in class.
Second period:
Seniors were called out to have a meeting. I thought it would've taken longer but they only told us about the new traffic pattern to leave the school and also that if we leave school early without signing out that it was an automatic 3 days of ISS. We went back to class where we were given out syllabus and did an activity about what we want to learn from the class. I'm really looking forward to learn anatomy and hopefully we'll be able to learn to do sutures or injections. This class has a few people from every grade so this should be interesting. We were also told that she doesn't give homework and that we will have plenty of downtime in class.
Third period:
I love this teacher so much! Yeah I had her last year and have her for my club but still. We played split or steal (so we could be mature, the real name is golden balls) and then we played bingo. I mean the class played and I kind of did my own thing since it was one of those get to know your class mates kind of things. Teacher knows me so she didn't say anything about it. I just worked on some character charts for a new story idea. Lunch was in the middle of class so I also got to pick out my locker for this semester
Fourth period:
I went to the room on my schedule and found out that they put the wrong room number so I followed the group of other lost students. There isn't enough seats in the classroom for everyone so some people had to pop a squat on the ground. We went over the class requirements. We need to make a portfolio/ presentation on the 80 hours of service work we choose to do. There are a ton of papers we need to sign in order to leave the school early for the class. We only have to physically be in the classroom on Monday once we get everything figured out. by the end of the first 6 weeks, we also need to be OSHA certified. We already took a test on BBP. We wrote 3 places we would like to have as our main volunteer organizations so I wrote down the food ministry and 2 different animal shelters. At the end of class the teacher came to talk with me about the food ministry and how they always ask if she had any students wanting to do it so she was really happy that I wrote that down as my first choice, I figured I already volunteer there on Mondays if I'm able to so it would be really nice.
After school:
We had to leave quickly since my two friends informed me that the person next to me would probably hit my car if I didn't leave first. We had to follow the new exit route which I feel bad for anyone with a low sports car because they will definitely scrape on the new exit road. Speaking of which, there was a really nice corvette in the pickup line and they for sure scraped on the way out. I found out from one of my friends in the car that their teacher was selling snacks under the table. Last year was a big problem with teachers selling snacks and drinks from their rooms, something about tax problems, so the school banned it. The teacher is only selling to his class but my friend said she'll buy me stuff since she has him for first period. I have a ton of papers to look through but I have time to figure out the main papers since the syllabuses are a simple signature.
I think I'll have an easy semester this year
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