Okay, yeah I have not been keeping up with this. Last semester was something I'll tell you that. I don't remember exactly what I covered so far I'll give the highlights. Bridge math was such a fun class, well the work was mundane since it was all review but the teacher was so nice and I love her. Health science was alright but I was expecting more from it honestly. English was fun we had a tea party for a test grade, love the teacher too. Service learning was fun, and I am now OSHA certified, except I did slack on hours because of bowling. Speaking of which, our girls team got to semi finals. We lost horribly against the school we were against but that school is really good, like the best in the region. We were ranked #2 though. I got all As in the classes but service learning, I got a B. And in key club our won our club a $2,000 grant to build a sensory space for the Isaiah 117 house.
This semester just started and it's already been chaos. We went in Monday for the first day of the semester, out on Tuesday for wind, two hour delay Wednesday, normal Thursday, out Friday for "weather" which I'm upset about because we were gonna have a key club meeting and there was not a drop of water or even a gentle breeze. Then the whole next week is canceled because of a snow storm, I couldn't leave the house till Saturday anyway since I had to go to work, the roads were mostly cleared though. And now this week so far they canceled today (Monday) and tomorrow.
Okay now this is where I'm up to date now. This is just gonna be about how I feel about the classes and the teachers at this point in time.
I think I'll like the subjects in the class until we start learning about engines. But the class and the teacher, ugh, don't get me started. I'm already nervous around authority figures until I get used to them (the best way to put it ig) especially men. But this dude (the teacher) within 10 minutes of the first class, I'm already not a fan of him. The way he talks I feel is not appropriate for a teacher even if it's all just jokes. These are some of the things he's said so far "My wife just had a birthday. I think it's almost time to trade her in for a younger model" (when reviewing the hierarchy of needs, specifically on the part of love and belonging he says this): "Sex *half a second of pause* yes please" Oh and he mentioned us learning about artificial insemination really weird. And of course this is a class full of immature freshmen and a handful of juniors looking for an easy filler class. The girl sitting behind me had a panic attack already and a couple I sit in the middle of are using me to pass notes to each other.
economics/ personal finance:
Okay, I know I like the teacher. I've had a couple interactions with him through the past year and a half through key club since he does the school news. The class itself so far seems okay but they did move my friend out the class and to the other economic teacher so that's no fun for either of us because the other teacher is a nightmare ngl. I'm gonna try to keep up with the coursework but idk how well that will turn out because it's definitely not a subject I'm great at.
Service learning:
Love the teacher. know what I'm doing and what to plan for. A friend is in the class not that we'll see each other much except for Mondays since we only have class on that day. Since I have a fourth period class already I'll have to be back at the school for fourth. My plan of action is gonna be hanging out in the library and helping if they need it and then going to the animal shelter at least an hour after school except for Wednesday and then also going on Saturday if it works with my work schedule. I'm gonna really try to get all my hours done but I'm not sure if I'll be able to.
Teacher seems nice but I'm not a huge fan on the desk layout. The desks are in groups of 4. I mean, I'm sitting with someone I know but I don't really like her too well but it's whatever. I'm really interested in the subject so that shouldn't be an issue.
No bowling this semester sadly but we do have our banquette still, don't know when that'll be but it should be super fun.
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