The original paladins meet Elara and a surprise
(switched this to a feast after the rift, and Allura isn't born yet)
Many months later~
"Mm. Pull up a bench and feast." Blaytz said to a Galran servant. The soon to be paladins were feasting in the Palace on Daibazaal. King Alfor, of course, brought his wife Queen Melenor. Blaytz then heard Emperor Zarkon clear his throat. He had his young son feasting with him.
"You know that fraternizing with the servant class is not permitted. It erodes discipline." Zarkon lectured.
"Well perhaps a bit of discipline erosion would do you good, Zarkon." Alfor said.
"Oh, it already has. He has a lady friend already, you might as well tell them already old friend." Sendak said.
"Really?!" The leaders asked, shocked that he had found a woman already.
"Thanks a lot Sendak. Call her in. I might as well introduce her to them now." Zarkon huffed glaring at Sendak who had a stupid grin on his face as he trotted out the room and called up his sister.
After a few minutes the allied leaders, and Melenor could hear a woman laughing down the hall with Sendak cackling. Zarkon a smile on his face and little Lotor who was now 2 deca-pheobs old clapped his hands getting excited recognizing the voice. Their eyes nearly popped out when they saw Elara.
"Wow" They all said. Zarkon got up with Lotor and went over to hug the woman who smiled brightly.
"Everyone, this is my wonderful lover, Elara, Sendak's sister." Zarkon said, smiling like an idiot.
"I'm assuming you are the other paladins he told me about." Elara said smiling, as Lotor snuggled up in her arms.
"Correct" They all replied.
"I can't believe somebody managed to win over the heart of the mighty Emperor Zarkon." Gyrgan jokes.
"Actually, when we met, he approached me first. He had to win over mine and he did." Elara chuckled.
"Oh! Even better!" Alfor laughs.
"We'll call you two Zalara!" Blaytz yelled, and the others laughed.
"If they ever have children that'd be a perfect name!" Trigel said, laughing with the others, and Zarkon laughed and Elara eyes were kinda wide and she looked down scratching behind her ear awkwardly. The leaders noticed and their eyes went wide in an instant, Zarkon kept laughing until he looked at her.
"About that..." Elara said awkwardly and turned to Zarkon Slowly.
"Oh gods..." Zarkon said, as he collapsed. Alfor, Trigel, Gyrgan, Blaytz, and Melenor were in shock.
"So are you actually pregnant?" Sendak asked his sister. She nodded and he collapsed as well. Lotor had fallen asleep in her arms.
"You too?" Melenor asked then her eyes went wide.
"What do you mean, You too?!" Alfor passed out as well.
"How far along are you?" Melenor asked.
"5 weeks." Elara answered, looking between Zarkon and Sendak.
"Oh I'm 8 weeks. Don't Galrans show earlier?" Melenor asked.
"Not all of them, in my case in a few weeks it will be more noticeable." Elara said.
"Are they alright? They're motionless." Gyrgan asked.
"I didn't kill them did I?" Elara asked, neither of them were moving.
"No, try waking them up." Blaytz said.
"Oh I know a way... you're gonna love this. Oh my gods! Ow!" Elara faked herself sounding hurt and their heads shot up.
"Who did it!?" Zarkon yelled, shooting to his feet, fists balled up. Sendak stood up baring his fangs and growling. Elara and the others started laughing so hard, it startled Lotor a bit and he jumped a bit in her arms but snuggled in again.
"Awww." Trigel and Melenor said, watching the little two and a half Deca- Pheob snuggle into Elara's smooth furry arms.
"I'm sorry what just happened?" Zarkon asked, very confused.
"Yes what happened?" Alfor said waking up.
"Your women are pregnant." Blaytz blurted. Elara's face went pale in seconds.
"Surprise..." Elara said, nervously smiling. She was then pulled into a hug by Zarkon, who didn't hug too tight because little Lotor was in her arms. Alfor wrapped his arms around Melenor.
"I'm not upset, I'd never be upset about you being pregnant. You will be staying here though." Zarkon looked down at her.
"I can't stay today. I have work tomorrow. We'll organize all that another day." Elara said sadly.
"Leave it to me." Zarkon said, hugging her again, and the others gave a nice 'awww'.
"He's all grown up." Alfor dramatically wiped away tears, everyone laughed, making Lotor cry.
"Oops... sorry." Alfor said, rubbing the back of his neck.
"It's fine, he'll fall asleep in a few minutes, he sees Elara as a real mother." Zarkon said, putting a hand on her shoulder as little Lotor buried his head in the crook of Elara's neck and she rubbed his back.
"Wait. What does she do for a living?" Blaytz asked, Sendak started cackling.
"He's fraternizing harder than you Blaytz!" Sendak said, still cackling.
"How am I related to that?" Elara sarcastically asked, her pointed ears drooping.
"I ask myself that all the time. Anyways, she is a teacher." Zarkon said, nervous about their reactions. To his surprise they all started laughing.
"It erodes discipline! Blah Blah Blah!" Blaytz said, mocking Zarkon, even using a Zarkon voice impression, with a stern face and puffed out chest. Elara giggled and Zarkon blushed, a bit embarrassed.
"She has military blood in her and who's side are you on woman?" Zarkon asked, looking down at her, yes she's a Galra standing at 7 and a half feet tall, but Zarkon was 10 feet tall for sheeits sake!
"Mine, I need to go. Unlike you, people don't wait on me. Especially that one." Elara said, pointing to Sendak and scowled a little. Elara carefully handed Lotor to Zarkon.
"I've got it covered, you can stay." Zarkon said seriously.
"Zarkon love, this isn't a debate, it's a statement." Elara sassed, the others were shocked. Nobody has ever sassed him.
"That's an order!" Zarkon said right back, a little annoyed.
"Ha! I'm not a palace servant. Love you too! Bye!" Elara giggled winking at him, walking out.
"SHE'S PERFECT!" Alfor yelled, jumping out of his seat, Zarkon huffed.
"Little does he know I'm already envisioning the wedding..." Aflor said grinning from ear to ear.
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