The duel and battle of mothers
Today was the day Shiro faced off with Zarkon. It was a big deal for Zanthea, she was a princess and naturally many Galran men her age would be all over her but, thankfully, having Zarkon as a father, that never happened. Zarkon and Elara were having a chat about Shiro's toxic mother in a secluded room in the gladiator arena where the action would take place.
"She makes me wish I actually died." Elara said.
"That's how much you hate her?" Zarkon asked.
"Well if I'm being completely honest, it's more like burning rage, fury, and the urge to put her in a casket." She added.
"I don't blame you at all, she's severely out of pocket." Zarkon said.
"That she is. She had the audacity to tell me that Zanthea could never live up to her expectations. Please! Give me a break! Life isn't about making other people proud!" Elara hissed.
"She needs to watch her mouth." Zarkon said, he genuinely despised Shiro's mother, she always insult the family at whatever chance she would get.
"She's really does. She thinks she's above everyone else, ha! Wrong! Anyway do what you got to do, I've got to meet up with Keith, Bellatrix, and Zanthea. Oh and also Shiro's parents." Elara said as she got up and headed towards the exit.
"Don't let her hurt you!" Zarkon said as she left.
"I promise nothing!"
Minutes later-
Elara came face to face with the devil herself while she was walking towards the box she and Zarkon would normally sit during gladiator matches, she cursed herself for putting up with 'Karen.' Bellatrix and Keith could see how annoyed she was, they had to bring Helthena, Farah, Koltor, and Delilah with them. They stuck to her Karen because she always had something to say. Once they all sat in the box she started yapping again.
"Now I understand this one is adopted." Karen said as she pointed to Farah.
"Here we go..." Keith sighed.
"But this one isn't." She continued.
"Two hours of excruciatingly painful labor.... she is not adopted." Elara said, her anger bubbling.
"Hm... she looks a little questionable... though. They all have the same father right?" Karen asked.
"She's gonna die..." Bellatrix whispered to Keith who nodded vigorously.
"Excuse me?" Elara growled.
"It was just a question. Do they have the same father?" Karen said, grinning sinisterly.
"Yes, yes they do." Elara said, she was holding back the urge of killing her, right there and then.
"I doubt it." Karen scoffed.
"Shh! Are you kidding?!" Shiro's father gasped.
"You and I need to talk now." Elara hissed.
"Oh great." Karen scoffed.
"Mother please... calm down..." Bellatrix pleaded.
"Watch your brother and sisters Bella." Elara said.
Once Elara and Karen stepped out of the box, Elara's anger was like a raging forest fire, capable of burning anyone. She didn't care who was watching her tell Karen off, and there were many Galra watching in pure shock and amusement, Elara has never gotten this pissed off in public before so it was a sight to behold.
"I have never in my 10,000 years of life met somebody as narcissistic as you! You've been a thorn in my side since the moments my eyes met your haunting face!" Elara spat.
"Excuse m-"
"Quiet! I'm not done! I'm going to giving you one chance to keep your mouth shut so that your last hour isn't here. I swear if you open it once I'm throwing you in the arena with the largest, most deadly beast here and watching you perish! Is. That. Understood?" Elara hissed.
"Who the hell do you think you are?!" Karen scoffed.
"Are you kidding me?! You idiotic, toxic, wrongly entitled, ungrateful, waste of oxygen! I just gave you chance of letting you live and that is what you say?! How dumb are you? I can kill you right here, right now, and nobody will stop me! You, unlike me, have ZERO power here! You can't do shit to me!" Elara practically roared, her eyes were glowing purple by now, her claws were out and ready to kill.
Karen snickered and moved Elara's clawed hands away.
"If you lay a hand on me, what will you precious Zanthea think of dear mother, a cold blooded killer? Or a caring mother?" Karen said.
"I wouldn't care. I heard everything on her comm, you crossed the line 'Karen.'" Zanthea said, walking up to two.
"I hope Shiro sees how much of a savage you are, you're no different than your parents." Karen spat.
"I hope he does too. I'd be elated to be like my parents, they might get a little violent but they've never hurt anyone without it being 100% necessary. Ever." Zanthea said.
"Whatever." Karen said and turned to go back in the box.
"Yeah you're not sitting there, I want you nowhere near me or my kids, you'll be sitting in another box, no service, you'll have food and water but nobody will take any orders from you, at all." Elara said,
Karen didn't want to test her patience any further and chose to back down. Then, the duel soon started. Zarkon and Shiro were not playing any games by the looks of how serious the fight got in mere seconds. Zanthea was more nervous than she had ever been in her entire life. Thousands were watching and she felt the pressure.
"Zanthea, if you keep shaking like that, you'll trigger an earthquake." Bellatrix said, trying to calm her sister down.
"I'm sorry, I can't help it. Mother were you this nervous when he had to fight your father?" Zanthea asked.
"I was 12 weeks pregnant with Bellatrix and yes, I was a mess. I was more scared for my father than I was for Zarkon though. My father was a retired general and he still had some fight left in him surprisingly." Elara said.
They continued to watch as Zarkon and Shiro gave eachother whooping that would be a young child's nightmare. It was brutal. Shiro was slammed, punched, and yeeted. It was no different for Zarkon. Two black paladins fighting was quite the show.
"My gods he's gonna kill him!" Zanthea squeaked.
"He's fine Zanthea. They look like they're nearly finished, Shiro's putting your father to shame for once." Elara said.
"You say that now...." Zanthea sighed.
In the the final moments of the duel Shiro had the tip of a sword at Zarkon's neck after slamming the space turtle onto the ground, winning the duel as well as the right to marry Zanthea. Everyone was happy, except Karen, she swore she'd make the weddings and reception hell for Zanthea and her family.
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