Sendak's trauma
Sendak was about to say happy birthday to his best bud Zarkon but after hearing what he did last night he decided to vomit twice and avoid Zarkon and his sister but no they crossed paths anyway.
"Why are you crying?" Zarkon asked.
"You'd be dead by now if you heard!" Sendak said.
"What did you hear?" Elara asked, she had never seen her brother cry like this.
"Nothing!" Sendak said, he wanted to LEAVE.
"Seriously Sendak, what did you hear?" Zarkon asked.
"Nothing. There's no problem what so ever." Sendak sniffled.
"Are you sure you didn't hear me banging your sister?" Zarkon asked making Elara gasp.
"Zarkon are kiddin-"
"THREE TIMES!" Sendak screeched.
"Oh my gods... I'm so sorry." Elara said in between laughs.
"Ha I'm not!" Zarkon chuckled, grinning widely.
"Three fucking times!" Sendak gagged.
"No, you mean fucking three times." Zarkon jokingly corrected.
"I don't think I've ever been so uncomfortable..." Elara said.
"You should be ASHAMED! I will NEVER sleep the same again!" Sendak hissed.
Before Zarkon could say anything, the most perverted commander in the palace and Sendak's good friend chimed in from afar.
"Damn it Sendak, he had to get the royal cooch! Leave the man alone!" Sniv yelled from down the hall.
"Really Sniv?! Who's side are you on?!" Sendak asked.
By now Zarkon and Elara were laughing hysterically at poor Sendak.
"I am NOT getting fired for your ass! If he wants the high and mighty cooch, he will get the royal cooch damn it!" Sniv shouted.
"You fucking traitor!" Sendak growled and took off, chasing Sniv with the intent to maim.
"Soo round four?" Zarkon asked.
"No, you have stuff to do and I have kids to take care of." Elara said.
"You're right..." Zarkon sighed.
"Is traumatizing Sendak not enough?" She asked.
"No it is not." Zarkon whined.
"Well then it'll have to be enough." She said as she walked away to do what she needs to do leaving poor Zarkon alone.
"Damn it..."
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