Shiro, Zanthea, Erika, Keith, and Bellatrix got to Daibazaal a couple hours and everyone fell in love with baby Erika. She's such a happy, bubbly baby. Zanthea and Bellatrix noticed that their parents never once looked at each other or said a single word to each other. Dread filled them when they saw Elara wasn't wearing her wedding ring. They needed to know what was going on so they pulled their parents into another lounge room to talk.
"What's going on with you two? You won't talk, look, or even touch each other." Zanthea asked harshly.
"Nothing's wrong." Zarkon lied.
"Than why isn't mother wearing her ring? What did you two argue about now?" Bellatrix asked.
"It's not a big deal alright." Elara insisted.
"Lies." Zanthea hissed.
"Just tell us and maybe we can help." Bellatrix said.
"I'll tell you exactly what happened." Elara sighed, growing tired of the conversation.
"No you won't." Zarkon snapped.
"Yes I will, they are our daughters, family doesn't keep secrets from each other." Elara said.
"Just tell us already." Bellatrix said.
"Well what happened was Sendak and your father were playing that ridiculous game again and your younger siblings were asking for Zarkon so I went to go get, Sendak said that nothing would get Zarkon away from his urge to win and I felt like proving him wrong, everything backfired after he picked the game over his family, I asked him how he could pick a game over his own children and he then said and I quote, 'Well for one, the game doesn't have a smart ass mouth like you, it doesn't pester me every five minutes like you do, and it doesn't make me regret marrying a certain somebody.'" Elara said, explaining everything.
"You're telling me, after 10,000 years of being married to her, you regret marrying her just because she wants you to spend time your own children. You put her through unimaginable stress, should I remind you about everything you did because of quintessence. After all the pain you've brought upon millions, she never left your side and she is the one you were saved by. You're unbelievably ungrateful." Zanthea said in complete disgust.
"I didn't mean it like that." Zarkon said.
"Well that won't fix anything, it looks you're considering divorce just by looking at you two." Bellatrix said.
"I don't know about that one... "Elara mumbled.
"You're considering?!" Zarkon gasped.
"What? No. I've dealt with your crap for 10,000 years. You think this is one little argument is going to scare me off. The only thing that I could properly scare me off is if you ever put your hands on me in a violent way which I know you'd never do and if you cheated, and if you ever do so help me your head's going to be mounted on a wall." Elara hissed.
"And just why would I ever cheat? I've never physically hurt you. You and I have dealt with each other's crap for centuries I don't think anybody else will deal with me other than you and I wouldn't want it to be anybody but you." He said.
"Aw... Really? She asked, smiling a little.
"Yes really." Zarkon said.
"Where's my ring, I want it back." She said.
"I knew it. Hand. Give it." He said, pulling her ring out of nowhere instantly. She rolled her eyes playfully and gave him her left hand, which he gladly took and slid the ring onto her ring finger, it's as if he popped the question all over again.
"So do we need to plan another wedding?" Bellatrix jokes.
"That would be too chaotic." Elara said.
"Go back to the others, they're probably terrorizing Erika." Zarkon said.
"Not my baby!" Zanthea squeaked and took off, Bella bolted out of the room, following her sister, leaving the two alone.
"Are you happy now?" Zarkon asked.
"Yes I am. Are you?" She asked.
"As long as you're happy, I'm happy. Happy wife, happy life, unhappy wife, stone cold misery for the rest of time." He said, shuddering a little.
"Is that really how I am?!" She gasped.
"Sometimes yes." He admitted.
"I feel sorry for you." She sighed.
"Don't. In the past 10,000 years I've learned to deal with and love you so there's no point in feeling sorry." Zarkon said.
"You're sweet when you're not pissing me off." She chuckled.
"I know I wasn't hideous..." Zarkon snickered.
"Who said you were ugly?" She asked curiously.
"Thace. He said I'll never look as good as him." Zarkon said as he scowled.
"Aww. He's just mad he'll get the chance to put a ring on my lovely self." Elara snickered.
"So I'm not ugly?" Zarkon asked making her giggle.
"No you're not ugly. You're very very handsome to me." She said. Zarkon didn't say anything but smirked and yanked her close for a loving kiss, which turned into a make out session, and redemption quickie.
Their marriage is perfectly fine. They couldn't ever stay mad at each other for info before spoiling each other with lovey dovey compliments and sweet nothings and that escalating into smashing. Yeah, they're perfectly fine.
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