Old rants
Zarkon, Bellatrix, Zanthea, and Sendak seemed to have nothing else to do so they decided to look back at Purple kitty's rants from the past.... with her present. As they were laughing she was cringing. A specific one came on and left Zarkon, Bellatrix and Zanthea speechless. Sendak had access from the cameras in the old house that Sendak and Elara lived in after she dumped Razor, this footage was from the day Elara discovered she was pregnant with Bellatrix.
The rant-
Elara was alone at home, feeling awfully sick, she threw up three times, couldn't stop eating, and was very, very tired. She had a dreadful feeling she knew what was going on and got a medical scanner that her mother gave her. She scanned herself and practically panicked at the results. She was indeed with child. The camera in the living room area caught the whole rant from the bathroom.
"Are you quiznacking kidding me? Why me? Why me?" She yelled in frustration. She got hungry in the midst of the shock and walked through the living room to the kitchen.
"It was only one night! One damn night! How quiznacking ironic that the strongest being on this partially patriarchal planet has the weakest pull out game! You've got to be shitting me!" She growled in pure anger. She kept going and going.
"Curse my incredible good looks!"
"You just had to stay one night Elara! He said my own brother helped! Oh my gods! I'm gonna break his neck and hurl him out a window!"
She knew stress is bad for the unborn baby and knew she had to chill out.
"Ok, ok. The scanner said I'm four weeks along, makes a lot quizn- sense... it's makes a lot of sense."
She looked at her flat stomach and sighed.
"You better not come out to be a brat or I will rip my own heart out, I know you're a girl, I have a very strong hunch, however what am I going do? How am I tell my parents and my knucklehead brother? I've been harassed by everyone, everywhere, simply because that one birthday party confession thing, how lovely, now there's a tiny kit in there who I have no idea how to announce that she exists, magnificent. How do you tell your brother that your pregnant with his close friend's kit? Or that you're pregnant in general? How does that happen without either of them losing their minds. Dear gods help me please, I'm so screwed... and so hungry..."
End of the rant-
"That hurt a lot." Zarkon said.
"So that's why I have attitude problems..." Bellatrix said.
"Yes definitely." Zanthea said.
"That day was very emotional..." Elara sighed.
"We can tell." Sendak said.
"My pull out game is not weak." Zarkon mumbled angrily.
"Really I beg to differ. I've got four reason, two look like you, another looks like both of us, and the other looks just like me." Elara said.
"That means nothing! Leave me alone!" Zarkon growled as he left the room.
"You hurt him bad mom..." Zanthea said. Elara just chuckled.
"Truth hurts. Anyway he won't stay mad for long...." Elara said. Sendak scoffed and spoke.
"He's perverted, of course he won't..."
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