Nosy brother and the make up
Weeks passed and Elara was stilled pissed at Zarkon, and he was so lost. He was getting tired of her ignoring him all day, everyday. After some time he knew she wasn't in the wrong. Right now he, Elara, and Sendak were in the mess hall for dinner, the children already ate before them. Elara was silent, it was driving Sendak and Zarkon mad.
"Ok... what happened? You two were at each other's throats a while ago, and now there's just silence. What the hell happened" Sendak asked anxiously.
"I don't want to talk about it right now." Elara said, staring down at her food.
"Well you have to I'm your brother." Sendak snapped.
"If I tell you will you leave me alone?" Elara huffed, glaring at her brother.
"Maybe..." Sendak said slyly.
"Your buddy, here is being a HUGE jerk." Elara said turning her icy glare to Zarkon.
"Here we go..." Zarkon growled.
"He said the reason why he married me is because I was already pregnant with Bellatrix." Elara hissed.
"What?! That's messed up!" Sendak shrieked.
"That's one of the reasons!" Zarkon shouted.
"Well guess what, I'll say what I always say! It takes TWO to conceive a child! If you can't count than I don't know what to tell you! It wasn't just my fault that Bella came to be! It was you too!" Elara scolded, her claws dug in the metal table and made scratch marks. Zarkon sighed heavily.
"You're right..." Zarkon mumbled, he kinda died inside.
"Hm? I can't hear you... your gonna have to speak up a little." Elara said, grinning.
"You're right." Zarkon spoke up.
"That's what I thought. Now my ring, give it, or if you want to end things, we can." Elara said.
"No no no" Zarkon said quickly, pulling the ring out, "Take it." He said, giving it back to her.
"Thank you" Elara said smiling a bit, only to get serious again. "Now don't ever disrespect me again or this ring as well as your neck will be crushed within my bare hands." She said seriously before walking out of the mess hall.
"What the hell just happened?!" Sendak shouts.
"I got my wife back. I don't remember her being that mean..." Zarkon said, wide eyed, he looked terrified for someone with no pupils. He had a damn good reason to be scared because she don't play....
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