New paladins
Today Zarkon, Elara, Zanthea, Bellatrix, and Sendak were meeting with the Altean princess, Allura and the new paladins at Allura's Castle Ship, they had already arrived and Coran was leading them to the dining hall, he was a little frightened knowing that Zarkon destroyed Altea when he blinded by Quintessence.
"Mother I don't know about. With all the history of the Galra Empire. I'm nervous." Bellatrix whispered to her mother looking at her mother with a frown.
"They're known to be nice beings Bellatrix, we should be fine." Zanthea said, comforting her sister.
"Bellatrix, don't be nervous. As long as we can focus on the fact that Haggar is the only threat everything will be fine." Elara stated, giving her daughter a comforting smile.
"Your mother is right. As long as we keep the main focus on Haggar and show them that the Galra Empire is no longer a threat, it will go smoothly." Zarkon said looking back at Bellatrix.
"Emperor Zarkon, Empress Elara, Princess Bellatrix, Princess Zanthea, General Sendak, I present to you Princess Allura of Altea and the Paladins of Voltron." Coran stated, his head held high.
"Allura?!" Elara and Bellatrix squeaked in shock, they haven't since Allura since she and Bellatrix were two.
"Elara? Bellatrix? My gods it been so long!" Allura squealed happily, she embraced the empress and princess. Zanthea never met Allura since she was born after Altea and Daibazaal were destroyed. Zarkon was too guilt stricken to say a single word.
"Zarkon I hold nothing against you. You weren't yourself, quintessence is a powerful substance and you were merely a victim of its power. Now who's this?" Allura said, she then looked at Zanthea.
"This is my younger sister, Zanthea." Bellatrix said.
"Ah it's nice to meet you Zanthea, now, these are the new paladins of Voltron, paladins, introduce yourselves." Allura said softly.
Shiro, Keith, Pidge, Hunk and Lance all introduced themselves, they all then sat down to feast and negotiate. Bellatrix sat beside her parents, still a bit nervous. Elara sent a slight glance at Keith who was looking at Bellatrix. He saw Elara looking at him and went pale and quickly looked down. Hunk glanced at Zanthea for a second then snapped out of it.
"I, Hunk, have prepared food tonight. It's an Earth dish called Lasagna." Hunk declared, the dishes of food floating down onto the table.
"It looks significantly different from the Galran food we'd eat on the ship." Zarkon said. He and his family were unfamiliar with food like this.
"It's good though. I'm going to need to talk to our chef when we return to the ship. We can't eat the same three dishes for another 1,000 Deca- Pheobs." Elara jokes, earning a laugh from everyone but Lance, who's eyes were glued to the Empress and Princesses, it's as if he was hypnotized by them. Elara was the one to notice and got a little startled and arched an eyebrow.
"Pardon me, Is he alright?" Elara asked, pointing to Lance.
"Oh don't mind him, he's just young and gets em... infatuated." Coran said, lightly smacking the back of Lance's head snapping him out of it.
"Infatuated?" Zarkon said, glaring at Lance a bit.
"Sorry I'm married and over 10,000 Deca- Pheobs old so you have absolutely no chance and my daughters aren't an option." Elara said seriously.
Despite that, the dinner went well. By the end Team Voltron and The Galra Empire were allied against Haggar, despite past history. Right now Allura was leading them to the main conference room, and it was silent until a shriek of terror was heard from... Sendak? He was standing behind his sister cowering from a space mouse.
"He's not great with small animals. How? I don't know." Elara said, gently picking up the space mouse in her hand.
"Really uncle? We've seen creatures far more frightening and you fought them yet you scream at the sight of a tiny mouse?" Bellatrix said, looking at her uncle while trying not to laugh. Zanthea was already laughing.
"Um... it's alright. Anyway our main focus should be on Haggar. We know of her history already. We don't know what she plans on doing though. She and her Druids have their own, but all their work is on your ship. So we must all prevent them from getting to your ship at all times." Allura stated, her gaze on Elara and Zarkon.
"We have enough guards on the ship to defend it all times, but whether it's enough against her and the Druids is uncertain." Zarkon said, looking down a bit.
"I think both of these ships should travel closely that way, it would be more difficult for her to attack head on." Elara said.
"That's not a bad idea. We are also allies with the Blade of Marmora, they will assist as long as they get along with you, they should be arriving here in a little while." Allura said, checking the time.
Doboshes later~
Allura and Shiro were giving Elara and Zarkon a quick tour as it's been years since Zarkon has been on the ship, when as they walked past a giant door, a loud familiar roar was heard. Elara and Zarkon shared a look of shock.
"That sounds awfully familiar." Zarkon said.
"It does. It's been so long, but it's hard to forget something like that." Elara said, immediately recognizing the roar.
"We should go check. That never happens." Shiro said, leading Allura, Elara and Zarkon to the 'Lions' den.' When they arrived they saw Black sitting right in front of the door purring.
"Hm. We were right." Elara said, smiling at the lion she hasn't seen in so long.
"Black never roars like that. She's always quiet." Shiro said, shocked that Black was so vocal.
"We were the first one she bonded with, all those deca-pheobs ago." Zarkon said looking up at the lion. Black lowered her head and allowed Elara and Zarkon to each put a hand on her snout. They then returned to the Conference when Zanthea and Hunk were chatting, and Bellatrix was talking to Keith.
Time skip~
After a little while, everyone was waiting, having silent conversions with another and Coran came walking into the Conference hall with three Galrans following. One with a mask on, one older looking, and a female. The older one noticed Zarkon, Elara, Bellatrix, Zanthea and Sendak and scowled a bit.
"Emperor, Empress, Princesses, General, these are Kolivan, Antok and Krolia. They are from the Blade of Marmora, Kolivan is their leader." Coran said, once again his head held high, he then retreated to stand beside Allura.
"I don't know about this Princess Allura. They are the very beings who brought never ending hatred and shame to our kind. They destroyed Altea, and doomed Daibazaal. Can we really trust them?" Kolivan said, not dropping his scowl.
"First of all my uncle and mother never wanted with the destruction, my sister and I were obviously far too young to inflict any sort of destruction, actually, Zanthea wasn't even born yet. So, I can assure, Kolivan, that my family and our soldiers have no interest in doing any harm to anyone except that Witch that we all can agree that we despise. They simply offer support and assistance in taking Haggar down." Bellatrix declared, speaking loud and proud for the first time in her life. Zanthea smirked and nodded while pointing to her sister as if to say 'preach sista.'
"Very well, The Blade of Marmora will ally with the Galra Empire as well, and that Witch will fall." Kolivan said, extending an arm out to Zarkon. He and Zarkon then gripped each other's arm confirming the alliance. Elara, Bellatriz, Zanthea, and Sendak smiled at Zarkon and the other two blades.
Haggar was going to have a very hard time taking down Voltron
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