Enough is enough
Months later-
Zarkon and Elara were conversing in the throne room, with 9 month old Zanthea squeezing Zarkon's nose, surprising Zarkon had a lot of patience with all three children. Elara was smiling down at her daughter, she was all sweet and loving until somebody she didn't trust came. Haggar came walking in and scowled at the sight of Zarkon, the smiling Empress and their happy baby. Elara sensed her presence and glared daggers at the witch, the Galran instincts took over immediately. Elara growled but Zarkon gave her a certain look and she stopped.
"Must you always have that infant with you Sire?" Haggar asked sarcastically.
"I'm not even going to say anything. I might end up throwing myself at her." Elara stated, taking her daughter and handing her to Dayak, and she watched them head towards the nursery.
"Elara, just ignore her. She'll never do anything, not when she knows how valuable an heir is." Zarkon said, glaring at his wife with a plain face.
"That's all he wants her for, an heir! An extension of power for the Galra Empire! He'd fire her out a cannon along with you and the other children if he saw you as useless!" Haggar remarked, her voice dripping with hate and venom.
Elara had enough and her eyes glowed purple. She started swearing in Galran, she's never done that to the witch until now. The guards all looked in the direction of their Empress, some snickering. Sendak walked in and heard his sister's rage and his jaw dropped. Zarkon stayed shut, but he smirked amused by Haggar's face of confusion, and Elara stormed, more angry than she's ever been.
"Somebody, translate." Haggar commanded.
"She said get fucked and go to hell." Sendak said, walking off.
"Just know that you got her very angry, that's all." Zarkon said, walking off to his and Elara's shared room before her rage causes her to break something.
In the room he saw his wife bottle feeding Zanthea, who was starting to fall asleep in her mother's arms. Elara was still really angry, her eyes back to gold, but put on a happy face for her daughter. Haggar's words really made her think of whether Zarkon only saw her and their other children as an advantage of extending power when they get older or as his children that he should vow to love and protect. Her ears twitched and her head snapped in Zarkon's direction but then looked away pretty mad at him too.
"Don't tell me you're angry at me." Zarkon said, annoyed and equally as upset.
"I don't know. Should I be?" Elara barked at him, while burping Zanthea.
"No, no you shouldn't. You let her say those things to you. Don't give her what she wants, You'll look weak to her." Zarkon said harshly.
"Do you even acknowledge Zanthea as your daughter or an advantage to this ridiculous war? What about Lotor and Bellatrix? When it comes to you, it could either." Elara snapped, putting her now sleeping infant in her crib, then glaring at Zarkon.
"Of course I see them as my children but also an advantage. they will be trained by me and will learn that the Galran Empire will forever be superior." Zarkon hissed.
"I'm sorry but this is going to hurt a little." Elara said, putting her hands on both sides of his head, the powers she gained from exposure to quintessence showed him past memories before his insanity. He saw flashbacks of when they first met, their first date, their wedding, and he saw that they were happy. She and Melenor were just as close as he and Alfor were. Zarkon's eyes went wide, he also saw the day he turned into a monster, he heard Elara's sniffs and cries in his head, and he felt her pain and heartache. Then he saw a beautiful flashback.
Flashback~ Before the fall of Altea and Daibazaal~
Elara was feeling awful today, she was sick to her stomach, she couldn't get out of bed because everytime she stood she felt very lightheaded. Zarkon was growing worried about his wife and had Sendak call over the medic. Once the madeic arrived, Zarkon told them what was going on.
"We shall gather what we need from the infirmary. Make sure she doesn't stand up, if she does she will immediately collapse." The medic said as he left to gather what he needed.
"How are you feeling love?" Zarkon asked, kneeling at the side of their bed holding her hand.
"Awful. The pain and discomfort doesn't seem to stop." Elara groaned.
"You'll be alright. We have one of the best medics on Daibazaal here." Zarkon said, stroking her cheek. She smiled weakly. The medic came back in with a handheld scanner. Once the medic scanned Elara's full body, the scanner stopped at her lower abdomen, then a sound came from the scanner, like a heartbeat.
"Is that a heartbeat?" Elara asked, a bit shocked. Can she really be pregnant?
"Congratulations, your highnesses, you're expecting a girl, she appears to be in good health." The medic said, a small happy tone could be heard.
"That's amazing! How far along is she?" Zarkon asked, a big smile on his face.
"About 8 weeks sire." The medic said
"Thank you, you are dismissed." Zarkon said and the medic left the room. He looked at Elara who had tears in her eyes.
"Those are happy tears right?" Zarkon jokes.
"Of course they are!" Elara said happily. They then saw Lotor strolling in, he was worried about his step mother, Bellatrix followed.
"Lotor, Bellatrix we have something to tell you." Zarkon said, gesturing for his son to come over. Lotor sat on his lap.
"You two are going to be a big brother and sister soon." Elara said happily.
"Really? Yay!" Lotor shouted happily. Bellatrix giggled happily and clapped her hands, even though she didn't quite understand since she was only two.
Zarkon loved his little family so much, that was the best day of his life. His son rejoicing that the love of his life was having another child. A girl. He always wanted both a daughter and son and now he was getting what he wanted but with two girls, he didn't care whether it was a boy or girl he was still happy.
End of flashback~
Zarkon was snapped out of it by a very pissed off Elara.
"Daibazaal is gone because of your and that witch's delusions! Alfor and other paladins are gone! They didn't have a choice but to destroy Daibazaal! You let her manipulate you! The Quintessence in all three of us is a curse! I was too weak to do anything! We, actually, YOU left Alfor and Melenor's child an orphan! She's one of the last of her kind because of all this! I will NOT allow my daughters and stepson to live as the children of a monster! Change your ways or every Galran in existence will be hated for the rest of time just because of you and that witch!" Elara scolded him for the first time, thank goodness Zanthea is a heavy sleeper or else she'd be screaming her head off.
He hadn't felt guilt so long, he never realised he caused her this much pain. He then did something he hadn't done in a long time, he hugged Elara tight. Elara was baffled, he hadn't even smiled at her in a long time. She was happy, but heartbroken. What neither of them saw was an angry Haggar standing there.
"You're going soft, Emperor Zarkon. Soft won't get you the universe." Haggar hissed, glaring at Elara.
"Don't listen to her Zarkon, she's been manipulating you this entire time. Don't let her get to you again." Elara pleaded, looking up Zarkon, who was obviously torn between his family and revenge.
"Haggar, fetch Sendak for me." Zarkon commanded.
"Of course, Sire." Haggar said, giving a sinister grin.
"I-I'm done, I can't take this anymore." Elara said. Her voice was shaking. She had been hurt for the last time. She was tired of the war, the deaths and the endless heartache.
"I know you are." Zarkon said, putting a hand on his wife's shoulder.
"You requested my presence Emperor Zarkon?" Sendak said, walking in, then he noticed his sister's teary eyes and look of distress.
"Elara what's wrong?" Sendak asked, going up to his sister who wiped away her own tears.
"This war is killing me. It is more than I can bear. I can't stay here anymore and I can't raise a child if I, myself, can barely hang on any longer." Elara sniffed.
"Sendak please get her out of here, take Bellatrix, Zanthea, Lotor and Dayak with you. I'm going to deal with Haggar." Zarkon commanded.
"I'm going with you, I have some things to say to her as well." Elara said, regaining her composure wiping away her remaining tears. She was done being a target for Haggar.
"Very well." Zarkon reluctantly let her follow. He and Elara then went to find Haggar.
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