It had been a couple days after the whole argument and Elara was so lost. She couldn't think straight, she had to take time off of her duties to let herself blow off some steam. She spent most of her time with Sendak, Dayak, and the children, which were the only ones who could cheer her up at times. Most nights she'd spend gazing at the stars from the empty command room. Right now was no different. She was lost in good memories, memories that would mean everything to the Zarkon she once knew.
"Mama what are the sparkly dots up there?" Lotor asked Elara as she held held 8 month old Bellatrix.
"Those, Lotor, are stars. Stars are found all across the universe." Elara said smiling at the young boy.
"They're so pwetty." Lotor said staring at the start from the window of the room in the palace.
"Not as pretty as your mother." Zarkon said, walking into the room.
"Hm... quite the charmer I see." Elara said, giggling a bit.
"Only for my queen of course." Zarkon chuckled, kissing her forehead as he hugged her.
"Dada!" Bellatrix exclaimed happily, clapping her little baby hands.
"Yes please hold your daughter, my arms are going numb from her clinging to me for so long." Elara chuckled. Zarkon smiled and held his daughter who buried her little head in his neck and purred.
"Father? Will we ever see more stars?" Lotor asked anxiously looking up at Zarkon.
"Maybe someday when you and your sister are older." Zarkon said.
"Why are there so many?" Lotor asked, being 2 and half deca-pheobs old, he had a lot of questions.
"You don't want the universe to look boring do you?" Elara asked, chuckling a bit.
"I don't know mama... am I boring?" Lotor asked, looking up at her with sad eyes.
"You? Boring? Never. These conversations with you are always the best Lotor. You could never be boring in my eyes ok?" Elara said, rubbing his head softly. The moment was ruined by Zarkon fake snoring, Elara playfully smacked his arm.
"Wow your mother put me to sleep!" Zarkon joked, snickering at Elara's annoyed face.
"Haha, very funny." She huffed.
"Mamas not boring! You are!" Lotor laughed.
"Ha! Mamas not boring!" Elara giggled, Zarkon huffed.
"Whatever... Bella think I'm fun right?" Zarkon asked Bellatrix who shook her head her.
"Great..." Zarkon huffed, trying to stay serious but failed as Lotor and Elara laughed.
"It's ok we still love you." Elara said smiling.
"I love you three too... don't forget that." Zarkon said, hugging his little family.
-End of flashback-
Elara wiped away some tears as she realized just how much she missed the old Zarkon. For every tear she wiped away, another fell shortly after. She didn't know what to do with herself, all she could do was stay away from Zarkon as much as possible. Elara then got startled when she heard footsteps.
"Mother?" Lotor asked, approaching Elara, who quickly tried to regain her composure.
"Lotor... what are you doing up so late?" Elara asked, trying not to sound too upset.
"I couldn't sleep so I went to find you like always, and I saw you here alone, crying." Lotor said, he then looked a bit sad.
"It's ok. I'm fine. Don't worry about it ok?" Elara said, Lotor is only four, he doesn't tend to be worrying about fighting parents at his age, she only prayed that he doesn't know about it.
"It happened again didn't it?" Lotor asked, frowning. Elara felt her heart get crushed.
"You're killing me Lotor." Elara said, hugging the boy.
"Why is father always mad at you mother?" Lotor asks, he sounds as if he was about to cry.
"We don't agree on a lot of things Lotor. Not all mothers and fathers agree on everything, it's just part of life." Elara said softly. Her heart was aching for Lotor, this was the last thing he needed, he didn't need to know that his parents were fighting.
"Will it ever get better mother? Will you ever be happy with him again?" Lotor asked, looking at his mother, while he is still in her arms.
"I don't know Lotor. I really don't. The future is never certain. Now it's getting and you need to go to bed. Don't worry about me ok?" Elara said, smiling at the little boy.
"Ok mother. You don't need father to love you if he doesn't. Me, Uncle Sendak, Bella, and Zanthea love you." Lotor said, hugging her neck.
"Aw thank you Lotor. I love you guys too. Now go to bed, you have things to learn with Dayak tomorrow." Elara said, nuzzling the boy before she watched him walk to his chambers for the night. She stayed up for a while, she wasn't very upset anymore after what Lotor had told her. She didn't need her so called 'significant other' to care about her when she had others who did already. Although, she still didn't lose all faith in him. She just figured he needed time as well. The only thing that could tell was, well, time...
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