Another goodbye
Around four years later, Zarkon was nearing his end a s knew it. He was sad to be leaving behind his young grandchildren but he can't do anything. His final moments were approaching and they were very different from Elara's last moments, he's completely unconscious. All of his and Elara's children gathered to say their goodbyes. Sendak was having a hard time, he already lost his sister and now he'd be saying goodbye to his best friend. They were now all saying their goodbyes, Bellatrix being the oldest, spoke for all her siblings.
"Father, you always were a pain in the ass. You put us in our places when you do too and you scared off anybody who had the slightest crush on us. For Koltor, you encouraged his crush now we know who the favorite child is. We're going to miss you. But at least he'll be happy with mother again, she's been waiting for you for 10 years. We know you'll be happy with her again so it's okay to go now, we love you." She said, tears spilling from her eyes as the rest of her sibling shedded tears of their own.
Erika, Shiro and Zanthea's daughter spoke for herself and her cousins.
"Hi Grandpa... As Aunt Bellatrix said, You are a pain in the ass, there's no doubt about it. But you did put it to good use. You kept all the jerks away from me and Fallon. Our times together were good. You and Grandma used to spoil me all the time. Now you can spoil each other after being apart for 10 years. Enjoy it, you deserve to." She said between sobs and hugged her cousin, Fallon who was a teary mess.
Kolivan started speaking for his homie.
"You were always confusing, both you and your wife were. I couldn't tell if you were mad at each other or if that was normally what you were like. Anyway, you two were quite a match. You are a true friend, You helped me keep my twin daughters single for a good seventeen years. Thank you for that. Krolia didn't like it but oh well. Myself and the blades have utmost respect for you, rest easy friend." Kolivan said sadly.
Last but not least Sendak started talking about his best friend / brother-in-law.
"You're my best friend, I never thought that bringing my sister around you would leave to you marrying her but oh well. All I did was bring you around here for like a good 2 hours, nearly a year later she's knocked up, I wanted to kill you. Anyway, now that you're really dying, I'm sad, very very sad. I'm going to miss you being around. Who am I going to reminisce about the old days with? You better make that girl's life hell up there even if she's dead. Rest easy my brother from another mother, who's old mister hated my sister, rest easy." Sendak said.
Within about another 10 minutes or so the one thing everybody dreaded finally came. A flat line. Everybody was upset and depressed, but they knew he'd be happy and stress-free with Elara again.
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