Ah the lovely couple
Elara was in somewhat less discomfort with a gash on her leg but Ulaz still advised Zarkon not to let her fight for a while, which she hated, a lot. She and Krolia just got onto the Castle Ship because the paladins wanted to watch a movie after a long day of putting up with Haggar now Honerva apparently. Since the Galra enjoy gladiator matches they don't watch movies. Surprisingly Kolivan and Zarkon agreed to wait for the ladies and watch the movie as well. They soon entered a large room where everyone else was, including Sendak, Bellatrix, and Zanthea as well.
"My gods mother, a little longer and we'd all be asleep." Bellatrix scoffed earning an annoyed glare from her mother.
"Do you want to try walking with a giant gash on your leg after sitting on a bed all day? Being waited on hand and foot all day sucks sometimes, and watch your mouth." Elara said seriously. Zanthea snickered at her sister's scared face. Bellatrix gave Zarkon the 'help me' face.
"Respect your mother and she wouldn't have to be like that way." Zarkon said.
"Anyway... the movie we'll be watching is called Thor Ragnarok." Shiro said awkwardly as he started the movie. Zarkon and Elara sat next to each other and Krolia sat next Elara with Kolivan, yes everyone knew they were a thing now, much to Keith's discomfort. As the movie played, Thor was shown on the screen and so,etching ver unexpected happened.
"Wow." Literally every woman in the room said in unison. Zarkon's head snapped in Elara's direction.
"What?" Zarkon growled.
"Ow... my leg." Elara said as her ears pinned down.
"Seriously ladies? Why do you girls think he's more attractive? He can't beat me." Lance said and gave a toothy smile.
"His eyes..." Krolia said.
"The hair..." Allura swooned.
"The smolder..." Bellatrix and Zanthea said at the same time.
"It's the muscles for me..." Elara said.
"What?! I'm 10 feet tall, apparently I'm terrifying, and naturally bulky! What more do you from me woman?!" Zarkon ranted.
"You know you cannot smolder like that." Elara said.
"She's right Z man. You look like a giant space turtle." Lance said. Elara cocked her head in confusion.
"What's a turtle?" Elara questioned. Lance showed her an image of a turtle on a holopad and Elara looked at Zarkon and started laughing so hard. Zarkon smiled for once, he hadn't heard her laugh in a while.
"Excuse me but you ma'am look like a cat that was dyed purple." Lance snickered. Zarkon and Elara started laughing their asses off.
"What have I done?" Lance questioned.
"Just leave them they haven't been this happy in a long time." Bellatrix said, smiling at her parents. It appears they just needed to be insulted to be happy.
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