A week long journey home
Zarkon, Elara, Sendak, Cressida, and the rest of the family and their close friends were on the Central Command Ship heading to Daibazaal after Zanthea and Shiro's wedding. The journey would take a full week, but it would hopefully go by fast. It was soon time for everyone to get some sleep and Elara walked into something unexpected, a giant turtle doing 'tummy time' with the two month old mini turtle Delilah. Zarkon didn't notice Elara was there so snuck into the restroom and changed, she intended to scare the life out of him. Since their bed was more like a canopy bed, she used her tail to hang upside down. The first one to notice her presence was Delilah, she flopped onto her back and giggled when she her mother.
"What are you looking at?" Zarkon asked, he looked up and his heart stopped.
"BOO!" Elara shouted.
"MOMMY HELP ME!" Zarkon yelped and tumbled off the bed as both Elara and Delilah laughed at him.
"Are you quiznacking kidding me woman?!" Zarkon growled as he got up.
"I'm sorry! I had to!" Elara laughed.
"Oh! You just had to nearly make yourself a widow huh?!" Zarkon hissed.
"Yes, yes I did. Now help me down or I might crack open my head please." She said.
"I hate it when you pull these stunts." Zarkon mumbled. Her tail let go of the top of the bed and she was caught a very annoyed Zarkon.
"A pity that is. They're hilarious to me." She chuckled and she got out of his grasp and turned her attention to tiny Delilah who started playing with Elara's tail.
"Wanna tell me what you two were doing when I came in?" Elara asked.
"What? What are you talking about? We weren't doing anything!" Zarkon said.
"You were doing tummy time were you?" Elara asked, grinning.
"Yes, yes we were." Zarkon mumbled.
"And you're ashamed why? She's your daughter you shouldn't be afraid of interacting with her. And I'm the one who took the pain of contractions, you can tell me." Elara said.
"Do I look like the tummy time sort of person?" Zarkon asked.
"No, not at all, yet you are." Elara said.
"Well, that's why." Zarkon said.
"Are you kidding me?" Elara chuckled.
"What's so funny?" Zarkon asked.
"We've been with each other for 10,000 years and that's why you won't tell me what you do with our own two month old? Seriously?" Elara asked, holding in some laughter.
"Yes that's why, you've barely changed, and look at me, a ninja turtle gone severely wrong." He said.
"Ninja turtle!" Elara squealed and started laughing her ass off.
"And now my own wife doesn't take me seriously." Zarkon mumbled.
"I'm sorry! But... ninja turtle? Really? We've been married for 10,000 years and you expect me not to laugh at that?" Elara asked but soon started cackling.
"This is going to be a long trip..." Zarkon sighed.
Day two-
Zarkon decided to let Elara take a break from Delilah so she could relax while he attempted giving Delilah a bath. She was a pretty tiny two month old, for being born two months premature. Elara couldn't help but giggle as she heard Zarkon struggle.
"Are you kidding me child? I hope you realize that I had to do a lot to get you here! By a lot, I mean I had to rail your mother! And I'm not complaining." She heard him say with a sly chuckle.
"Zarkon you did not just say that in front of her!" She hissed.
"Say what angel? I would never say such awful things around our precious little girl!" He lied to save his ass and failed.
"Yeah right, let me do it." She said as she walked into the bathroom.
"No, I said you could take a break and I meant it." He said seriously.
"If you let me bathe her, I'll give exactly what you want." She said.
"Ok goodbye." Zarkon said instantly and let her take over.
"That's what I thought." She chuckled.
"I was going to do it anyway." Zarkon said sinisterly as he walked to bed.
Elara bathed Delilah quickly and got her into a new diaper and comfortable clothes for the night. After a whole Delilah fell asleep quickly after a short feeding session since she wasn't very hungry yet. Just as Elara was about onto bed, Zarkon snatched her by the waist and threw her over his shoulder.
"You thought woman, you thought." He said and walked into the bathroom.
Day three-
It was 2am and Delilah was wailing. Elara instantly woke up and attended the baby girl as Zarkon snored as if it was completely. She briefly panicked when she felt how sore her bottom half was until she saw fairly large cuts on both of her hips.
"Of course..." She sighed and picked up her tiny baby girl to feed her. She was more tired than she had ever been in her life. She envied Zarkon for being such a heavy sleeper.
"Lucky bastard..." She mumbled.
As soon as Delilah stopped feeding and got two burps out she tried to put her back in her crib and Delilah apparently didn't like that.
"Are you kidding me?" Elara hissed under her breath. Every time Delilah would get close to the crib she'd start fussing.
"Ok, ok. You'll stay with me." Elara huffed, finally giving in, she laid her side while Delilah snuggling into her chest.
"Oh shit she's crying!" Zarkon suddenly said, sitting up in bed, only to lock eyes with a very pissed Elara.
"Shut the eyes and the mouth." She growled.
"Yes ma'am... Looks like rearranging your guts knocked me out like a light." Zarkon snickered.
"Go to sleep!" She hissed sharply.
"Of course angel." He squeaked and ducked under the covers. Elara wasn't happy, her hips had massive scratches on them, her bottom half was sore, her two month old was suddenly very clingy, and Zarkon was being a douchebag.
Day four-
It was 5am the next day and Elara was not rested at all. Delilah kept her up all night. She hardly got a single wink of sleep.
"Are you getting up or not?" Zarkon asked.
"Not." She groaned.
"Why not?" He asked, slightly annoyed.
"Oh I don't know Zarkon... I'm sore in the legs, scarred on the hips, it's like Delilah is glued to me all of a sudden, she woke me up four times in three hours last night, and I could not sleep, while you slept peacefully. You wanna tell me why I don't want to get up?" She explained.
"You can stay in here..." Zarkon said, genuinely afraid of her.
"That's what I thought. Now shoo." She said and Zarkon took off.
"Finally I can sleep..." She sighed, and made herself comfortable next to Delilah who was sleeping. The moment she shut her eyes Delilah wailed.
"Oh my gods..."
Day five-
"You look rough..." Krolia said as Elara walked into the lounge room with Delilah, Scorpio and Virgo following. Cressida held three month old Capella as she took a nap.
"I know... Delilah's been super clingy. I took her to Ulaz and he said she probably has separation anxiety." Elara said as she sat down.
"Separation anxiety? You hardly leave her side? She's probably gotten used to being with you at all times." Cressida said.
"Probably? It's undoubtable." Elara sighed.
"You need a break." Krolia said.
"Tell me about it... Funny thing is that that is exactly what Zarkon said and here I am, ranting to you two about my stress." Elara said, rubbing the bridge of her nose. Out of nowhere Helthena, Farah, and Koltor walked in.
"Hewo mommy!" They said as soon as they saw Elara.
"Oh no..." she sighed.
"I feel awful for you..." Cressida said.
"Two more days Elara, two more days..." Krolia said. Elara was so over this now.
"I need a 3-month nap..."
Day six-
For some reason Ulaz asked Elara to come into the medbay. He said it was urgent and to come alone. Once she was there she immediately got nervous.
"Ulaz what's going on?" She asked.
"Well after what happened when Delilah was born, I've decided to keep a close eye on your health and quintessence." Ulaz said.
"Alright... Is there something wrong?" She asked, she had a gut feeling that something wasn't right.
"Well your quintessence levels are dropping very slowly, and as they do your internal health with act as if you were getting older and it will deteriorate over time." Ulaz said.
"What? What are you saying?" She asked, she went pale instantly.
"Zarkon and Sendak have maximum of 20 to 35 years to live... And you... You have only 15 to 20 years to live. You won't age on the outside but you're deteriorating more than they are." Ulaz said sadly.
"So in other words... I'm slowly dying?" Elara asked.
"Sadly yes..." Ulaz said sadly.
"Oh my gods..." She croaked.
"Do you want me to tell Zarkon?" Ulaz asked.
"No! I don't know if I want to tell him yet... I don't think we should tell when I already died once. That was painful enough for him. How's he going to react hearing that I have a limited amount of time left to live?" She said with a heavy sigh.
"It's in certain but we need to tell him at some point." Ulaz said.
"I just need time to think of how I'm going to break the news." Elara said.
"Alright. Well that's all I needed to say." Ulaz said.
"Alright, thank you Ulaz..." Elara said.
Ulaz gave a sad nod and she left to think of what she was just told. So it's certain that she'll die before the rest of her family will. Delilah being the youngest would only be 20 when Elara dies, her life would just barely be getting started. For the rest of the voyage back to Daibazaal, she was a little more quiet It would take her a little while to get used to the fact that she didn't have to live life to the fullest for however long she has.
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