A lovely wedding
Zarkon, Elara, Sendak, Cressida, the kids, Bellatrix, Keith, and close friends were on Earth for Zanthea and Shiro's wedding. Zarkon cried at 2am for a good two hours. Shiro and Zanteha decided on doing things the human way. Elara, Bellatrix, Pidge, Romelle, Cressida and Krolia were helping Zanthea get ready, while the guys helped Shiro. Shiro would be heading to the venue which was in a nearby forest once everything was ready.
"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Zanteha asked her mother.
"Zanteha honey, my best friend was an Altean queen, I picked up a lot from Melenor." Elara sighed as she did her daughter's hair.
"Whatever you say mother dearest..." Zanteha huffed.
"And.... done... I'm a genius, thank you Melenor, I've made myself cry...again." Elara sniffled.
"Well how do I look?" Zanthea asked as she stood up with her bouquet and turned to face the other women in the room.
The outfit-
"Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry!" Bellatrix, Pidge, and Romelle said as they fanned their eyes.
"You look beautiful." Zarkon said, standing at the door.
"Well finally somebody answered." Zanthea said.
"Everything's ready. Shiro just left." Zarkon said.
"Oh... O-ok." Zanthea said nervously.
"You alright?" Elara asked.
"Yeah I'm ok." Zanthea said. Everyone understood why she was so nervous.
"If you need a few minute to relax and take a breather you can." Elara offered.
"No I'm ok. We should get going. Are Koltor, Helthena, and Farah ready?" Zanteha asked, getting herself together.
"Yes they are." Zarkon said as the three toddlers waddled in with adorable outfits. Delilah and Capella had cute outfits on too. Zarkon, Elara, Sendak, Cressida and the other adults stuck to traditional Galran outfits.
Bellatrix's bridesmaid dress-
Helthena and Farah's dresses-
Koltor lil suit-
Capella and Delilah's dresses-
"I don't think I've ever seen anything more precious than this, now let's get on with this wedding." Zanteha chuckled and she smiled at her siblings and headed to Venue with her family.
At the venue-
Zarkon was of course, going to walk Zanthea down the aisle. She was a little nervous but very excited. Everyone was sitting as the wedding started, Helthena and Farah did their thing as the flower girls as Shiro waited with his best man, Keith and Bellatrix waited for her sister. Soon everyone stood as Zarkon got Zanthea to Shiro and tears with already by.... Sendak. Elara was holding it together as much as she could. Zarkon sat in his seat next to her and the wedding officiant did his thing. Soon the dreaded sentence came.
"Speak now or forever hold your peace."
Every Galran and paladins there, glared at Shiro's mother with murder in their eyes. The galra were not messing around at all. Shiro's mother stayed quiet and the ceremony went on and Koltor brought down the rings and sat next to Elara, soon Shiro and Zanthea were pronounced husband and wife and Shiro didn't hesitate to kiss his new wife. Zanthea threw her bouquet and Bellatrix caught.
"IM NOT READY!" Keith yelped, making everyone laugh.
Everyone proceeded to the reception, there was Galran food and human food there. There were tears shedded by everyone when Shiro and Zanthea had their first dance to Ed Sheeran's Perfect. Elara let herself silently cry, nobody heard from her a but her eyes alone could replace Niagara Falls. Zarkon cried too of course. As soon as the father-daughter dance took place everyone in Zanthea's family sobbed. Soon the speeches came from the family and friends. Zarkon, of course went first.
"I, being Zanthea's father speak for myself and her mother when I say that if you hurt her, we will not hesitate to kill you. No thinking needed, it will be on sight with you and everyone else you love. Understood?" Zarkon asked, glaring at Shiro.
"Yes sir." Shiro said, trembling a little. Keith then spoke.
"Shiro, buddy, you are my best friend and you know I'd do anything for you. But if you get in a fight with that wife of yours you're on your own bud, I cannot and will not save you from her." Keith said.
"Wow thanks Keith, you're the best." Shiro said sarcastically.
"Yes you are!" Zanthea said. It was now Lance's turn.
"Space dad, you have space wife, space wife love you, Lancey Lance wishes to be space uncle. It will make sense because Zarkon is already old and space gramps really fit him well, while the feline of death looks like space aunt because clearly purple don't crack." Lance said.
"No it does not." Elara and Sendak said at the same time. The speeches got more and more funny and soon, everyone was eating and Shiro surprised Zanthea by singing her favorite song which was Beautiful by Bazzi and Camila Cabello.
"No he did not..." Elara gasped.
"Yes he did." Sendak said.
"He's good." Zarkon said.
"I love this song..." Elara sniffled.
Suddenly Zanthea, and the other Paladins started singing along.
"This is a wedding I will never, ever, ever forget." Sendak said.
"Same and I forgot most of mine." Zarkon said and soon regretted speaking.
"What?" Elara quietly gasped.
"What? I didn't say anything..." Zarkon said.
"I am hurt." Elara scoffed and turned away from the space turtle, who tried apologizing.
"I'm sorr-"
"No." She said.
After a while of enjoying the food at the reception, all the couple's but Zarkon, Elara, Sendak and Cressida were dancing. Kolivan and Krolia were having a blast and snickered at the other two couples who stayed seated.
"You four look miserable!" Krolia giggled.
"You wanna try dealing with three toddlers and one two month old Krolia?" Elara asked.
"Yes do you? We could use a well deserved break." Zarkon said.
Kolivan and Krolia shared a look and grinned at Zarkon, Elara, Sendak, and Cressida.
"Challenge accepted." Krolia said.
"Go enjoy yourselves kids!" Kolivan said.
"Kids? We're grown adults" Elara said.
"Yeah, yeah, run along, we'll watch the kids." Krolia said as she and Kolivan walked over.
"All of them? Even Capella?" Cressida asked.
"Yes. We like a challenge." Kolivan said.
"Damn it this is all on me!" Zarkon cursed himself.
"Wow! You won't even dance with your own wife?" Krolia gasped.
"For shame!" Kolivan said.
"I don't blame him it's been a long long time." Elara said.
"How long?" Krolia asked.
"Ten thousand years." Zarkon said.
"Good gods man..." Kolivan gasped.
"Yeah..." Elara said.
"Oh well no excuses!" Krolia giggled.
"Fine!" Zarkon, Elara, Sendak, and Cressida said, giving into Kolivan and Krolia's antics.
Soon enough, Zarkon, Elara, Sendak, and Cressida were dancing, they had to admit, it was nice to have a break from the kids for once. Shiro's mother was there, but she had a very serious talk with the parents of her new daughter-in-law, that talk put fear in her heart so much that she decided not to start anything, the rest of the reception went smoothly, and soon it was time for Shiro and Zanthea to head off to their honeymoon in Japan. Zanthea said goodbye to her family and friends knowing that most of them would be leaving for Daibazaal soon. Bellatrix and Keith decided that they will be staying on Earth. Zarkon and Elara still needed a few moments to completely let one of their little girls go, it wasn't easy but eventually they accepted it.
The rings-
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