Who am I?
Being Queen is so hard,
It's not an easy job
People coming to your home
Asking for your advice
But her I am
Not nowing what to do.
Asking myself, who I am.
Not understanding my role.
I guess I'm just afraid
of doing things wrong,
I think I am
Not meant to be the Queen.
Who am I?
Who am I?
I don't know the answer,
To my question.
Who am I?
Who am I?
Am i not meant to do my role?
Am I not loved by everyone?
Am i not meant to be the Queen?
I guess a no.
(Pause-instrumental part)
Your job sure is hard,
I can understand you.
But you have to look up
To the bright side above.
Because I know you
You can do it.
Asking yourself who you are.
You can understand your role.
You don't have to be afraid
Because I am your side.
I think you are,
Meant to be the Queen
Who are you?
Who are you?
I know the answer
To your question.
Who are you?
Who are you?
You are meant to do your role.
You are loved by everyone.
You are meant to be the Queen.
I guess a yes.
How can you be so sure,
You are not me.
You have this problem not
I will do things wrong.
I am just so sure
I know I am not you.
But I can imagine.
Things will never go wrong.
my inner kid life's in me
Parting, singing and making things
A Queen shouldn't do
I am not meant to be.
That is just the ting.
Parting, singing and making things.
I trust your way with all my heart.
Because I love you for it.
Because I feel for you.
Because I love you.
(Musik Paus)
(Poppy stares at Branch. And smiled)
You should know
That i'lol love you too
Now I feel like
A weight is lifted.
I now know
That you'll be there for me.
I hear for your advice
I never give up on hope.
(Branch and Poppy)
Who are you (who am I)?
Who are you (who am I)?
The answer is crystal clear
Right before us.
Who are you (who am I)?
Who are you (who am I)?
You (I'll) will never give up.
You (I'll) will do the role.
You (I'll) will do things right.
You (I'll) will help people.
You are (I'll am) meant to be the Queen.
I guess the answer.
I guess the answer.
I guess the answer
I guess a yes.
I guess a yes.
I guess a yes.
I guess a yes.
I will do things right.
I will never give up.
I will do my role.
I am meant
(End of song)
My first try. As you can read of it. Poppy things that she will be a bad queen and Branch will help her to understand, that she should just be herself and that he loves her for who she is and that he will be by her side. Poppy is surprised, but gives in and is starting to understand who she really is. I know it is a little bit rushed, but I am still not so good at it. But yeah. The next one should you decide. I have two in mind.
1. should I make a song lyrics called "face the past". It is about branch facing his bad past and thinking of his grandma. Or...
2. Should I make a song lyrics called"we are the trolls". It is about the trolls telling who they are, what they are doing and more.
Remember this book of song lyrics are just for fun. I can't make instrumental music since I don't know how that works. But if you want this lyrics to become reality and you know how to make music, you can write me and maybe we can work something out. I would love it if this song will become reality.
Updates to my stories coming soon. Have a bad writers block right now.
This was all from me, hope you have/had a great day and I will see you soon. Brohoof.
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