Chapter 6: A new system
"Under Spirit Proclamation, I request your protection." A teenage girl is her early seventeens said with sweat trickling down her face .
Three weeks ago
He woke up groaning. Oh ! Being tired really does make sleep a lot better he suppose. Rihana was staring at him and yet he was quite sure she was quite asleep with her eyes open and apparently she was supposed to be guarding him . These goddess are so hard headed . He thought .
Now the approaching question was should he go outside or not. It is not exactly like invincible for him but either way he was not going to stay in his room. He carefully removed Rihana and opened the doors.
"Hello Stefan ! Nice to see you ." He went along his way greeting whomever he met on the way.
"There you are . I have been looking for you . Where were you last night?" Erina asked just as he entered the central hall.
"Well in my room of course . I was sleeping." Alphus told her .
"Sleeping? But I thought you never get tired . You even said so when we were back on Earth remember?" Erina asked surprised.
"Uhmm..well! I .." Alphus was quite in a fit . He wasn't really sure what to say . Should he tell her the truth or not . It was not that he didn't trusted her but if he told her, she would have to keep it secret from rest of gods and of word got out that their ruler is keeping things from them , that would cause chaos .
"Oh! He just meant in as a figure. He was with me whole night, sister. Don't worry about it ." Rihana came to save as Erina's eyes widened.
"It is nothing like what you are imagining, Erina . Just to keep things clear ." Alphus sighed as Rihana pulled him away .
"Oh! You should have let her think what she would have been so awesome." Rihana chuckled.
"You are one mean sister to have for someone I can be sure of that ." He exhaled .
"Just having bit of fun . Ain't nothing wrong with that now , is there ?" She smiled.
Soon three weeks passed by like nothing. There was no sign of attack by other half of Alphus . Rihana continued to guard him . Erina had to be told truth midway because she was getting really annoyed by daily seeing her with Alphus all night by which she calmed down and ordered Rihana to either stand outside the room or keep her there too to which Alphus highly objected by excusing himself by using certain human made term rights like privacy.
It was quite late in night and Alphus, Rihana and Erina were about to play cards. Alphus was really curious to see how it was played so Erina who was quite skilled at game being delved in mortal world agreed and now all three were just getting started.
"So what are we placing on bets then ? " Erina asked .
"Bets ? What do you mean by that ?" Rihana and Alphus both asked at once.
"Well! Whoever wins the card game gets to have some sort of prize right. So what are you all betting on ? Like let's say ..if I win , what I will get or if you two win , what you two will ?" Erina explained.
"Oh ! It is just like underworld gamble..." Alphus chuckled.
"I never liked that game . Someone always beat me to it ." Rihana smirked.
"Alright if I win , I want you two to stop guarding me all day and night." Alphus suggested.
"Not a chance. You can't place something non-negotiable on bet." Both said.
"You goddess sure team up fast, don't you ? Well then ! Let's see . How about I go on a date with some mortal without immediate interference from any of goddess? Never tried that before." Alphus said.
"But why would you want to..." Erina began.
"Umm! I think it is certainly quite worth prize and not so serious." Alphus said as Rihana agreed to which Erina nodded too.
"Well if we get to win , we know what to do ?" Rihana looked at Erina as there was a gleam in their eyes .
"Ya! I am certainly not liking that cunning gleam and aren't I supposed to know what is the prize of my competitors. Never mind . Let's just go .." Alphus sighed.
Few minutes later
"It is not fair . You have never even played this before. How can you be so good at this?" Erina wailed.
"I knew I hated this game ." Rihana crossed her arms definately.
"Well beside powers, I also have really great intelligence and mad skills I suppose." Alphus smirked . Before anyone could proceed, there was a knock on the door .
"Come in ." Alphus said looking at both of them as all were curious.
""Under Spirit Proclamation, I request your protection." A teenage girl in her early seventeens said with sweat trickling down her face .
"Alright! I hereby grant your request but you know that prayer is only known to members of Utopia . And you are definitely not a goddess so how did you get here ? And also by the way , meet Rihana, goddess of time and her sister Erina , goddess of Space. Really quite a nice pair. Space time. " Alphus chuckled coming down from bed as both goddess looked wary of the girl .
"Hello ! It is really nice to meet you two. Actually two months in future you establish Spirit order on Earth in secret to recruit mortals since you were fascinated by them . But since we had traces of godly aura , monsters started to hunt us from pits of hell. We ran and then I saw a warp gate and I just jumped right in . That is basically it ." She said.
"Well! I think then you need to be made aware of several things then . First, they weren't monsters from pits of hell but rather they might be evil spirit infused with dead carcasses of...oh wait ! I suppose you can call it monster. Secondly, your existence is in fracture. What I mean is that two months and then travel through a mysterious suspended warp gate that allow you to enter here . Well sorry to say but you are way beyond just recuirt . Godly aura is scattered into your life now . Even before two months. What I mean to say is that you will be killed even before you can learn to speak because of scattering of aura through that suspended gate , also the work of some evil guy like my other half I suppose. Oh! I am just rambling. I think I can save you by killing your existence only ." Alphus finished as all looked confused.
"Do you want to live right now ?" Alphus asked her .
"Yes of course. " The girl answered.
"Alright! Rihana! Open the time chronosis and Erina , open the space chronosis . Now focus on her aura and suck it all in up to this point ." Alphus said as both looked at each other and started to drain energy. There was a sizzling sound and then it all subsided.
"Done! Though I might wanna tell you that now you have different existence...I mean you are still human but you never existed in any timeline before this moment in earth history or here or anywhere. Kind of trippy but we gods can do that . Well these two can ." Alphus told her as she facepalmed herself.
"So anyway what is your name ?" He asked her .
"It is Isla. Thanks for saving me . Not that I know what to do now ?" She sighed.
"Well for starters, these two are gonna protect you or some other goddess . I am kind of powerless to be frank . " Alphus told her .
"You sure you should be telling her that ?" Erina looked at him as Alphus looked at Rihana for help bit she was of same opinion.
"But why ? I requested your protection." Isla whined.
"Umm..well! Didn't you just hear me ." Alphus asked her .
"I don't care . You are still immortal and intelligent right. I think that is all the power you need ." She told him as she sat on his bed.
"Oh no! No way . I am not getting stuck with another all the timer now , am I ?" Alphus groaned .
"So what do you around here anyways?" She asked excitedly.
Keep posted for the next chapter.
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