Game Day Pt. 2
As the game of Hungry hungry hippos progressed, Janus found Remus enjoyed this game solely for the fact he could hit at the toy over and over as hard as he wanted, eating as many as the little pellets the hippo could. It certainly fit his chaotic little rat, though Janus was growing concerned. The plastic toy wouldn't hold up to all this punching.
"Darling," Janus croons after a round or so, his tone a bit exasperated. "We need to be gentle with the game. We could break it."
Remus, unfazed by the gentle reminder, peered up with a sharp grin. "That's the point!"
Janus sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Remus, if we break the game, we can't play it anymore." He continues, hoping to drive through his point, but Remus shrugged.
"Then that means I won!" He squeals out excitingly, scooping a great big handful of all the little plastic balls. Catching onto his idea, Janus tried to hurry to grab at his wrist to stop him, but it was too late. He had already thrown the little plastic balls up into the air like confetti.
"Remus-" Janus groaned as they scattered across the living room, bouncing every which way and rolling under furniture, never to resurface until the next deep cleaning. He gave a defeated sigh, glancing at Remus, who seemed quite pleased at himself, pulling a fond grin to his lips. How could he be upset with him when all he was doing was having fun? "You cheeky Possum, c'mon, you made the mess you clean it."
Remus just giggled, beginning to crawl around and scoop up the small toys as they rolled, unfazed by having to clean up. Janus merely shook his head and packed away the rest of the game, peering over at the other three who seemed bewitched by Minecraft. Janus admits he never got into it, no matter how many times he had each of them babbling about it to him and whatnot. He supposed if building things from blocks made them happy, it was no harm to him, that is, if they get along while doing it.
"Roman! What the fuck!"
Roman shrunk back at Virgils sudden, angry tone and scowled. "It was an accident! I was just-"
"You ruined my house!"
"Hey," Janus cuts in. "Virgil that's not how we-"
"Shut up!" He snaps, his lips curled into a sneer before he tensed up realizing he had yelled at Janus, whose expression was impassive, a single eyebrow raised, as if challenging Virgil to continue his outburst. He wisely sunk into his hoodie and tossed his controller down with a huff.
"Virgil, come here please," Janus insists, climbing off the ground, the atmosphere rather tense. Roman slowly placed his controller down as well, fidgeting with his sleeves as he watched Virgil get up in a huff and walk out of the room into the kitchen. Janus followed after him, lingering in the doorway for a moment as he peered down at his littlest ones. "Why don't you four pick out a game to play hm? Well, Patton may not join but try and include him anyway," He tells them, tone soft as he knows the tension and the yelling can be rather off putting.
He got a few nods in response, and satisfied with said reaction for now, he turned, in which he was met with a scowling Virgil whose eyes were firmly planted on the floor. His hands curled into the bottom of his jacket, sinking into himself like a scared kitten. Janus could even see a few tears welling up in his eyes.
"Spiderling," He murmurs, keeping his distance yet still stepping closer. "What's got you so upset, hm?" He asks, wanting to understand why he was just so angry.
He watched his press his lips together, open them, close them, and lightly kick at the ground. "Cause- I just- I don't know!" He stumbled out, snapping at the end and glaring at Janus as a lump formed in his throat. "I'm just- I'm just mad! Roman messed up my house!"
"Can the house be fixed?" Janus asks, slowly moving closer, as if one wrong move would cause him to scamper away.
Hesitantly, Virgil nodded. "But it took me forever to build!"
"That's very frustrating," Janus agrees with a nod. "Did Roman do it on purpose?"
Again, Virgil seemed to hesitate before he slowly shook his head. "But-"
"Alright, let's go from here. The house can be fixed, and it was an accident. Why don't you have Roman help you rebuild your home, and then it won't take as long this time?" He offers, somehow ending up right in front of him, which had Virgil shrinking a little, frustration just building under his skin. He wasn't that mad about it. It wasn't even a big deal, but now he was just mad! And he couldn't get it to go away.
"I don't," He swallowed hard, and Janus could see his eyes bubbling with a fountain of tears. "No! I don't want his help! I don't even wanna do it anymore!" He snaps, bringing his sleeve up to roughly rub at his eyes.
"Okay," Janus soothes, beginning to pull him into a hug, which he accepted, burying his face into his shoulder. "You can do it another time, dear. We don't have to worry about it right now at all. Why don't we find another game to play hm? Just one for you and me?" He suggests, rubbing at his back as he felt his shoulder grow damp.
He didn't receive a response at first, not that he minded, Virgil was clearly overwhelmed, so he just let him be. Eventually, his spiderling pulled off, rubbing at his cheeks, which had eyeshadow dribbling down while he sniffed, making an effort to keep his head low. He wasn't a big fan of people seeing him cry, but Janus gently lifted his head anyway, summoning a pack of makeup removal wipes and cleaning off his face, ignoring his low whine and squirming.
"Hush now," Janus said lovingly, rolling his eyes as Virgil glared at him. "Oh, so scary." The sarcasm rolled off his tongue easily, and he made a point of pecking his nose after just to watch his cheeks go pink and counter his attempt of a scary glare.
"Now," Janus begins, "Do you want to come play a game with me in the living room, or do you need some alone time in your room?" He asks, lightly brushing some hair out of his face while he fidgeted with his sleeves anxiously. "There's no wrong answer, darling. I just want you to be as comfortable as possible."
"I wanna play a game," came his little murmur, reaching a hand out to grab at his hand, holding it tightly with a soft sniffle. "Can we play Uno?"
Janus chuckled softly at his question and pecked his head. "Of course darling, let's go have a seat on the couch, and I'll have the game set up."
As they made their way back into the living room, it was obviously a bit more void of the chittering among the children. In fact, it was a bit off-putting to Janus at first as he stepped in, having to blink a few times seeing Remus and Logan resign themselves to begin setting up a new game, while Roman sat aside, curled in amongst himself with a troubling frown, picking at a loose thread on his pants. Remus and Logan seemed to take a hint regarding the sour interaction, leaving an awkward gap in their social knowledge, unable to decipher how to deal with it, both visibly relaxing as Janus stepped back in.
Janus held Virgil's hand but let him walk off as they entered, walking towards the endless pile of games Janus had stacked. As Virgil searched through, Janus made his way over to his Prince and kneeled down slowly, watching as Roman slumped further and turned his head away, his bottom lip already beginning to wobble.
"Dear Prince," He soothes quietly, pressing his lips into a firm line as he took in a shaky breath. "What's gotten you so upset?" He croons, gently placing a hand on his back, offering slow, circling movements as a comfort.
Roman sniffled in response. He hesitated for a moment and peered over to Virgil, who stubbornly kept his gaze on the games in front of him, not at all oblivious to the distant sniffles. "M'ade Vee mad..." He mumbles guiltily, lifting his palm to his eyes, rubbing at them harshly. Tears bubbled to the surface and Janus scolded himself for almost forgetting how sensitive his little prince could be.
"You did," He confirms lightly, earning a wide eyed stare. He quickly continued before the little one began sobbing. "Virgil spent alot of time making that house and it meant a lot to him. It made him very upset and angry, like the time Patton accidentally ripped a picture you made, do you remember that?" He asks him, watching as the little gears in his head began to spin. Slowly, he nodded his head in understanding.
"Remember how upset you were at Patton even though it was an accident?" Another nod. "But, even when we're mad at each other, do we love each other any less?"
Roman sniffles again, his tears drying as he shook his head.
"That's right. You did make Virgil upset, but Virgil loves you just the same." Janus assures, and finally Virgil peeks over at the two, just in time for Roman to look up, the two catching each other's gaze. Virgil quickly looked away but began walking over, fidgeting with the Uno card deck he had picked out. "Isn't that right Virgil?" Janus asks, knowing he had listened to the entire conversation, and peeked up at the teen, watching as his lips twisted into a small pout. His eyes narrowed at Janus, who simply smiled. He'd make the awkward teen communicate no matter how much he'd wish to sweep it under the rug.
"Yeah, it's whatever," He huffs lightly, uncomfortable around all these feelings. Janus rolled his eyes a little in exasperation while Roman sniffled worriedly.
"Promise?" He asks, holding out his pinky for Virgil to take, a little glint of hope in his eyes and Virgil groaned but hooked his pinky anyway.
"Ugh, yes I promise. Can we play uno now?"
Janus smirks a little while Roman gives a little smile as Virgil hooks his pinky and bounces on his heels. "Yay! Pinky promise!"
"Pinky promises are very special," Janus croons, pecking Roman's head. "Now run along and play with Remus and Logan, I promised Virgil a game of uno after all."
Virgil had already taken the liberty of sitting on the floor, leaning against the edge of the couch, shuffling the cards sloppily. Janus sat across from him and watched Virgil a few times before snorting and holding out his hand.
"Dear, end both of our suffering and give them here hm?"
Virgil glared at him but relented, handing them over and crossing his arms. Janus snickered, taking the cards and easily shuffled them with a smooth flick of his fingers. Virgil watched in a mix of awe and jealously. "I hate that you can do that so well," He grumbles.
"Practice dear," Janus teases before slowing his movements. He broke the deck in two. "Here dear, watch me. You break the deck in two like so. Or even break it again, it's easier to work with smaller sections at first." His hands most so the two decks face each other. "Now place your index finger against the back of the cards, your thumb on top, and support the bottom with your ring and middle finger. Use your thumbs to gently release the cards so they sink into each other," He explains, following his own directions as an example. "Your thumb does the flipping, your index supports the back and the rest of your fingers supports the bottom."
Virgil follows his instructions, tilting his head a little as he took half the deck and split it into another pair. He watched as Janus positioned his hands again and clumsily followed him. His fingers strained a little at the new position and after a few struggles, he managed to get the cards to drop at least. They didn't line up well, and didn't mix well, but Janus smiled anyway.
"Great job my little bat."
Virgil flushed at such a small praise and tried not to squeak. It didn't work of course, a little noise leaving his throat before he could stop himself, fueling Janus' teasing further it seems, if his smug smirk had any say in it.
"Aw, sweet thing," He croons while Virgil throws down the card to bury himself in his hands, groaning as Janus runs a hand through his hair, unfairly able to fluster him to no end while in his teens space. He simply felt so awkward and embarrassed and the teasing, oh it turned his gears and made him squirm! He enjoyed the way it made his insides turn to mush, but he didn't want Janus to know that! "My sweet baby bat, you always do so well, Mama is so proud of you."
Virgil would be meeting death soon, it seems.
Janus had mercy, giving in after a couple more pecks around his head and face. He pulled off and lifted the cards back up with a shit-eating grin, easily doing one last shuffle before beginning to deal the stack back and forth. Virgil eventually peeked out from behind his fingers, watching as Janus silently counted the cards until they each had seven and set the remaining pile in between the two.
"Now, my sweet hatchling-" Virgil glared while Janus tilted his head sweetly, "Why don't you go first?"
"I hate you," He grumbles, flipping the top card off the deck and then eyeing his hand. He set down a red four and huffed.
"Oh yes, I'm aware," Janus chuckles. "You'll hate me more once I kick your little butt in uno." He declares, setting a yellow four down.
"You're on old man," Virgil sneers, snapping a +2 down early into the game.
What a game it was.
Virgil growled and tossed down his cards as Janus once again ran out of his own with a soft song of "Uno out!" And that dumb triumph smirk on his face.
"Would you like to try again little hatchling?"
"Fuck off!" He snips, crossing his arms, earning a light bout of laughter.
"Oh poor dear, a sore loser aren't you?"
"...I hate you."
Janus snickers, unfazed by his claim knowing it held no real bite to it while he pouted, and stood. "Now, for my prize."
Virgil huffed, his cheeks warming up at the reminder if their deal made about three games in after the many times of "Double or nothing."
"No." He refuses, amused as he lightly kicks at the small table in petulant protest. Janus didn't seem bothered and merely smirked.
"Aw, but my sweet raccoon would look so cute in a little onesie." He gushes, earning a flustered glare and whine.
"You're such an ass-"
"Virgil," Janus warns, causing his lips to quickly clamp shut. "You know I don't mind if you curse in teenspace, but in moderation, there are tiny ears nearby." He lectures lightly, earning a soft huff in response.
"They're not paying attention," Virgil grumbles, glancing at the rest of the little ones. They had built an entire village out of wooden blocks. Roman and Remus had taken charge of the game almost immediately (of course), and put a little crown on Patton. They deemed him the princess, and being so little he was overjoyed with the game, clapping along as Remus let out boisterous roars, mimicking a dragon as he stomped about, destroying a few towers and such, "guarding" the princess. Roman is the knight, and Logan opted to be his wizard companion who casts spells with a little wooden wand from a Harry Potter set to really sell it as he waved it around. It was quite an adorable sight.
"Be that as it may," Janus responds, placing his hands on his hips, rivaling a look of a disapproving mother. "Cut it down a notch."
"Kay," Virgil murmurs, rubbing his fingers over his knuckles, biting his lip while Janus quickly softened and leaned to give his head a kiss.
"Oh my dear, I'm not upset. And if you truly don't want to, I won't force you to wear your adorable little onesie."
Virgils cheeks bloomed at such a soft tone, sinking into it a bit, letting out a content sigh as Janus' hand found his back. He hadn't even realized he was holding his breath until the gentle motion. It grounded him. He focused on the circular movement and felt his mouth run dry and let out a little noise instead. Janus didn't tease him this time around, merely moving to adjust their positions, seating Virgil in his lap, and cradling his spiderling. He dipped into the nook between his thighs and buried his face into his shirt, sinking further into headspace as his hand traveled up to his hair, absolutely gone with such a simple, soft gesture.
"There, there, Mama has you," Virgil swallowed hard, scooting his body up against the others as close as he could, whining low in his throat while Janus continued to shush him, summoning a little pacifier to slip past his lips.
Virgil's cheeks seared, but he melted further into his touch while Janus smiled. He was rather good at making his little ones fall rather young. It wasn't his fault that it was far too easy to ease them down a few notches. Besides, his little ones have been extra stressed as of late, and Janus would do what he could to relax his dears. Even if it meant breaking out a few dirty tricks of his.
"Mama! Mama!"
Janus turned his head towards the call and raised an eyebrow at his little prince, who eagerly waved his arms.
"Yes, dear?"
"My turn?!" He squeals, stepping over the many, many toys now stacked and scrambled on the floor. Remus immediately whined at the loss of his twin and stomped his foot.
"Roman, we're playing!"
"Yeah, but I haven't gotten to play with Mama yet!" Roman complains, stomping his foot right back at his brother who huffs.
"Yeah, but -"
"How about," Janus cuts through their bickering, gently nudging Virgil off his lap, earning a muffled whine. "Virgil joins in while Roman and I play a game, and then after a few rounds, Roman can join back in?"
Remus pouts at the suggestion while Virgil glares, not a fan of being volunteered, but Janus merely nudged him again. "Well?"
"Fine," Remus relents while Roman cheers and rushes over, throwing himself towards Janus, who jumps a little, his hands shooting out to balance his prince. He let out a soft breath as he wrapped his arms around his waist, and Roman had the audacity to shoot him a cheeky grin. The twins certainly have their cheekiness in common.
"Hi Mama!" Roman giggles, a little loudly for being so close, yet, Janus merely rolled his eyes fondly.
"Hello sweetie," He croons, leaning in briefly to peck his nose, chuckling as Roman's giggling went up a few notches. "What game did my little pup have in mind?"
Roman wiggled in his lap, peering over at the pile of games. "Uhm, uhm!" He babbles, bouncing a little as a rush of overwhelming energy suddenly crashed over him. "Uhm- Jenga!" He squeaks, pointing to it.
Janus grunted a little as Roman bounced a little too hard, gently guiding him off his lap. He didn't take it too hard. Instead, he rushed over to the pile and eagerly popped the orange tube out and popped off the top. "Jenga! Jenga!"
"Okay, okay," Janus chuckles. "I'll happily play with you. Can you set it up, dear?"
"Of course I can!" Roman boasts, bumping out the many wooden blocks. "I'm a big boy."
Janus smiles. "Well, if you need help, don't hesitate to ask my love. Even big boys need help."
"I got it!"
Janus watched his Prince line up the blocks in a row of three, alternating the direction they faced until finally all the blocks were stacked high. Janus took it upon himself to straighten the tower, as it was a bit too crooked. "You did very well," He praises, pretending not to notice the way his prince lit up at such a simple praise. "Why don't you go first?"
"Duh!" Roman laughs. "I always go first!"
Janus hums and resists the urge to roll his eyes. "Oh yes, yes, of course how silly of mama."
Roman nods in agreement, and Janus snickers quietly, watching as Roman taps his chin, eyeing the blocks. He eventually taps at one gently and grabs it from the other side, placing it on top.
"There! Your turn, Mama!" Roman's voice boomed off the walls, and Janus couldn't help but wince a little.
"My prince, let's lower our voice just a tad, alright?" Janus insists, earning a small pout.
Janus shakes his head. "It's alright, dear. I just have sensitive ears," Janus explains, easily slipping a block from the tower and setting it on top. "Do you remember why?"
"Because you're a snake?" Roman answers, a little questioning tilt in his tone.
"That's right!" Janus confirms, earning a proud smile from the other. "And snakes have sensitive senses."
"And they smell with their tongue!" Remus cuts in from across the room, sticking out his own tongue to emphasize his point. Janus sighs softly and rubs a hand over his face.
"Indeed they do."
"That's why you blep Mama," Roman giggles, popping the next block on top of the tower, wavering a little as the tower swayed for a moment.
"And because it's cute." Remus adds with a nod, grinning as Janus' cheeks dust pink, quickly waving the twins off.
"Anyway," Janus moves on. "Let's just keep over voices down, please."
"Mkay Mama! I be super duper quiet!" Roman chirps.
Janus sighed. Well, he tried. His expression of exasperation quickly dispersed into a soft smile as he peered around the room, leaning back on his hand.
He didn't mind all that much, he admits.
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