A normal day
Self-Care is something Janus values, he believes it's required for a healthy mindset, and for the most part, he's correct. He does tend to lean into selfish territory at times, usually, that's when one of the others will step in to shut down his ideas. However, in situations like these, he believes being selfish is acceptable. After all, Regression is a great way to relieve stress.
Janus hadn't done anything really. He definitely didn't slip two pieces of candy under each of the twin's door, or a coloring book under Patton's, or a Little Einstein DVD under Logan's, oh and he would never slide nightmare before Christmas under Virgil's door-because while a regular watch for all of them, if the anxious man watches it in a negative headspace, usually it causes him to regress.
He resents the accusation.
In all honestly, he merely handed the match, he wasn't sure the flame would even be lit ablaze until he walked into the living room and noticed Roman wearing a red tutu with overalls and a stitch t-shirt underneath. To accessorize, rainbow knee-length socks clung to his legs and a variety of bracelets clang together. To top it off, a paper crown dangled in his hair, laying lopsided as a piece of tape held it in place. He seemed to be searching for something, well, Janus theorizes it was rather someone. Specifically, a certain demon child.
Yes, while they resent each other in big space, the twins are nearly inseparable in little space. Janus found it quite cute and has indeed blackmailed them with photos of the two of them holding hands and napping together before. Jokingly, of course, he knows how rocky their relationship is when they're mentally adults, so he usually uses it as a personal way to tease the two. What can he say? Flustering Roman is amusing, but he finally found something that Remus would blush over. He wasn't going to give that one-in-a-lifetime opportunity up after the many times Remus had his face lighting up like a bright red tomato.
He watched as Roman toddled around, Janus would be a fool not to notice that Remus was obviously hiding behind the couch. He said nothing on the matter and merely walked further into the living room, having a seat on the couch. He watched as Roman shifted his gaze over to him, his cheeks immediately flushing pink at his presence. He admired how little personalities can clash with big ones so greatly. Little Roman is extremely easy to fluster, it's quite cute.
"What are you doing, Little prince?" He questions, cocking his head to the side, urging him to explain the game.
Roman smiles, seemingly finding an ounce of confidence and fiddles with his tutu. "M'pwaying hide n' seek with Mus!"
Janus hums and allows his lips to quirk up. "Oh, are you now?"
Roman giggles and nods his head. "Uh-huh! And- Ands imma wins!" He declares, flashing a large grin, chest puffed out.
Chuckling, Janus nods. "I'm sure you are, keep searching. He's around here somewhere-"
Roman screams a very manly scream and glares at Remus as he doubles over, clutching his stomach as he cackles. Janus hid behind his hand as he couldn't help but chuckle as well.
"Remus!" Roman whines, stomping his foot, his cheeks bright red as he crossed his arms.
Remus got out his last few giggles and Janus scanned over his outfit in amusement. He's wearing a neon green pair of overalls with a plain black shirt underneath. It seemed he was in the mood for bright colors, as he wore mismatched socks-one being a purple sock with red stripes, and the other being a colorful bug-themed sock with ladybugs and caterpillars spread across it. To go along with his neon theme, his bracelets shined with color, a few of them specifically used for teething as well-he has a tendency to chew on items that he shouldn't.
"Now Roman," Janus soothes, catching his slightly teary eyes. "Remus was only playing, I'm sure he didn't mean any harm. Would you like a hug?" He asks, sitting up. Roman sniffled and nodded, shuffling over. He plopped down on his lap, burying his face into his neck and Janus gently rubbed his back with one hand while he used the other to hook under his bottom as he stood. Roman squeaked and Janus suddenly had a feeling he knew why Roman was far more upset than he usually would be. He turned towards Remus, whose shoulders had slumped in guilt. He pouted at the ground and Janus hummed, carrying the other over before popping an extra set of arms out, ruffling Remus' hair, catching his attention.
"You aren't in trouble Goblin, Roman just got a bit frightened. How about I put on Sesame Street while I go help Roman with something? After we return, we'll all bake cookies," Janus offers, smirking as Remus perks up.
"Can I has gummies?" He asks, bringing his finger to his mouth. Janus quickly waved his hand away and nodded, summoning the gummy, knowing they're sensory heaven for the man, and handed them over after opening it for him. He ruffled his hair and Remus plopped down on the ground, grinning as Sesame Street is put on. He mostly enjoys the show for Oscar.
Carrying the other man, Janus headed down the hall, bouncing Roman as he whined quietly into his shoulder. The man frowned as he heard a soft sniffle and shushed him softly. "Dear Prince, what's the matter?" He questions, entering his bedroom. The rooms are designed to suit their mental age. Depending on what age they're feeling, it's accustomed to what they need and want. Glancing around, Janus took note of the race car bed with bars on the sides, indicating he's definitely in about a toddler headspace. If Janus had to guess, possibly two or three
Roman didn't give him an answer, he merely wiggled uncomfortably and began lightly chewing on his capelet. While merely a slight sensation, Janus was quick to push him off, ignoring his whine. "Ah, ah no chewing dear," He insists, swiping his thumb against his cheek, clicking his tongue at the stray tears.
"Why the tears?" He asks, cradling him as he sniffled yet again and fisted at his eyes. "It was an accident dear, no reason to feel embarrassed," He assures him, moving to grab a spare pull-up from the bottom drawer of his dresser.
"M'big bwoy," Roman murmurs. "Big bwoys not supposed to have accidents!"
"Now who told you that?" Janus counters, setting Roman on his feet momentarily to begin the changing process. He easily slid his tutu down before he worked on the overalls. He hushed Roman as he whined and wiggled, cheeks glowing at this point. Usually, Janus would allow him to change himself, but he didn't think he was mentally old enough to do so himself. He didn't want him putting it on wrong and causing leaks. Luckily, consent had been given at the beginning of their adventures through little space, so Janus knew he wasn't violating his privacy in any aspect that he hadn't consented to beforehand in big space.
"Lo dids!" Roman tattles, jutting out his bottom lips. Admittedly, the other had said it mostly out of anger as the two had been bickering, he didn't know he would take it to heart.
Janus raised an eyebrow at the claim and hummed. "Oh did he now?" He murmurs. "Well, Logan's silly, accidents are very normal, especially when Remus decides to scare you, don't feel embarrassed. Besides, that's what it's for," He assures him, cleaning him up before he tossed the soiled pull-up away and held out the new one, helping him step into it. After a small tumble, Janus secured the pamper and tugged his overalls and tutu up before scooping him back into his many arms.
"There we are, I bet that feels much better hm?" He teases, smirking mischievously as Roman buried his face into his neck again. He decided to have mercy and began carrying him towards the living room again when a soft giggle caught his enhanced snake hearing. He stopped in front of Patton's light blue door and raised an eyebrow. He stood there for a moment, double-checking that his ears weren't deceiving him before smirking as another string of sweet giggles rang in his eardrums.
He lightly knocked on the door, and a squeaky "Come in!" was all he needed before he cracked the door open, peeking in. Patton sat on the ground, the frozen themed coloring book he had slipped him earlier laid wide open with markers and crayons surrounding him. With a quick glance, Janus had a feeling he was about six or seven. His room is, of course, frozen themed with many stuffed toys and dolls scattered across the room. Patton glanced up from a pair of Lalaloopsy's and allowed them to drop the floor.
"Hi!" He chirps, waving both hands. He has an adorable headband on with a sparkly blue bow on it along with a few other hair accessories dancing around, probably falling loss in his curls. Janus didn't think the hairstyle was trendy but rather heart-clenching at how utterly adorable it is. He is also wearing baggy Frozen-themed pajamas with rainbow fuzzy socks, and many, many bracelets and rings. Janus swore he noticed his lips shimmering as well, possibly lip gloss had been applied. Janus wouldn't be surprised if so, they all enjoy experimenting with makeup in little space-well, Logan wasn't the biggest fan of it, but sometimes he's roped into makeovers as well.
"Hello little lamb," Janus greets, smirking as Patton's face heats up at the pet name. "Would you like to join us? We're going to be baking cookies and I know how much you love showing the little ones how to do it. You're my sweet little helper, aren't you Bambi?"
Patton gave a shy, bashful nod before standing. He carefully stepped over the mess he would clean later and grabbed at one of Janus' many hands. He followed him towards the living room, shifting a bit uncomfortably at the sight of Remus. Even in little space, the other tended to unnerve him.
Setting Roman next to his brother, he summoned two more packs of gummies and handed each of them to the two. "I have to grab Virgil and Logan as well, you three behave and sit here alright? Patton, I know you're a bit big for Sesame Street so," Janus begins, summoning a tablet. "You may play on this for a bit."
Patton beams, gladly taking the tablet. Janus makes a point to keep them away from tablets and laptops when little. The most technology they receive is the television. Not that they usually minded. It's nice to play dress-up games or funny dog games once in a while though.
With everyone entertained, for the time being, Janus decided to tackle Virgil first. He tapped his knuckles against his door and held his breath.
He wasn't surprised when he was met with a glare. However, peeking into his room, he recognized the somehow even more emo style of it all and concluded he had a moody teenager on his hands.
"What do you want?" He snips, headphones around his neck. His shoulders are rolled back and he curled into himself slightly. He's wearing his hoodie with a My Chemical Romance t-shirt underneath. Nothing much had changed except for the fact that his anxiety was probably off the roof and his mindset rivaled one of a teenager, or possibly even a preteen.
"My apologies," Janus calmly states. "Didn't mean to disturb Spiderling, we're making cookies, would you like to join us?"
He hesitated, pursing his lips. After a moment of fiddling with fingers, he shook his head.
Raising an eyebrow, Janus didn't push. "Would you like me to bring you some when they're done?"
Janus smirked and lightly ruffled his hair, snorting as Virgil glared at him and swatted at his hand. "You'll mess it up!"
"My hand slipped," He insists before his expression suddenly dropped to a serious tone. "If you need to talk Spiderling, my door is always open. I know how difficult teen space can be, remember, even teenagers can have hugs. Also, no coffee, it'll make you jittery. The cookies should be ready in about half an hour," He explains. With a nod, Virgil hesitates before slowly reaching for Janus. Janus' usual smirk is replaced with a soft smile as he gently tugs the other into a small hug. After a few moments, he plants a kiss on his head and pulls away, pleased with his flustered expression.
"You're lame," Virgil huffs.
"Oh hush and go on and listen to your screaming music."
Rolling his eyes, Virgil shuts the door. Janus glanced down the hall at the last door that lit up in a beautiful shade of indigo. While often forgotten in the rainbow, Janus hadn't forgotten about the logical side one bit. He was merely dreading it. Logan is the most stubborn one of them all, most of the time he practically has to force him into little space. He wishes he would comprehend how to relax.
Oh well, Janus will admit he enjoys watching Logan crumble. It's cute, he acts serious, and yet, with a little Einstein's DVD, he is left quietly singing along to the theme song, aware that anyone could hear him. He's left mindlessly playing with baby mind games, or, if older, playing with child safety-approved experiments-usually with the company of Remus. If older, say a dorky preteen who spends his days playing Minecraft, he remains without a necktie-unless it's dress-up time.
As Logan said, serious people wear neckties.
Strolling down towards the last door of the little ones, he gives the courtesy of knocking on his door. He had a feeling it would leave him nowhere, but, he had to give Logan the benefit of a doubt. Who knows, maybe he was already in headspace and babbling along to the DVD he had slipped him.
"What is it?" Logan's slightly irritated tone called out.
...Or not. No matter, plan B.
"May I come in?"
After a moment of hesitation, Logan sighs heavily. "Fine. Yes, enter."
Hiding a smirk, Janus gladly entered, his lips falling as he saw the DVD had not been moved, which also lead Janus to the assumption that the other hasn't left his room at all. He plucked it off the ground, his eyes scanning over the room. Logan isn't in little space yet, but Janus watched as he tightened his grip on his hair and knew that wouldn't last long.
"Ah yes, you need a break," Janus identifies, setting the DVD aside. He easily reached the other, grabbing his shoulder gently as he spun him around, not at all pleased by the tired bags forming beneath his eyes. Logan glared at Janus but he watched in satisfaction as it faltered as Janus narrowed his eyes in response to said glare.
"No I do not," Logan snips, attempting to shrug off Janus' hand, only to squeak as he lightly squeezed it.
"You do little owl."
"Don't call me that!"
Janus slowly grinned at the whine, watching as Logan pinched his face up, his cheeks flushing pink at the childish sound that slid past his lips. "Oh? Why not? Don't tell me someone's feeling small," He cooed, a devious edge to his tone. Logan knew he was mocking him, it was his way of breaking him down.
"I am not small, don't be ridiculous," Logan snips, shoving his hand off. "Leave," He demands, clenching his fist as his voice involuntarily quivered.
"I don't think I will, I'd hate for such a small owl like yourself to be left alone. What if you fall over hm? Who will kiss your boo-boo? Or if you're hungry? Who will make your lunch and separate your food because you can't stand for it to be touching hm?" Janus lists, raising an eyebrow. "And heavens knows what a small thing like you would do if you had an accident. You'd probably get a rash-"
"Shut up!" Screams Logan, his cheeks lit ablaze while his eyes shined with tears. He stomped his foot and crossed his arms. "M'not a baby!"
"Oh? And why not?" Janus asks, softening his tone. He watched as Logan sniffled and dipped his fist under his glasses, nearly knocking them off.
"C-Cause- nobody listens to babies!"
Janus hummed softly and gently tugged Logan into a hug, which he accepted with little resistance. Digging his head into his chest, Logan clenched his fist around his shirt and melted in his hold. "Really? But babies always have so much to say, who wouldn't listen to a baby?" He croons, stroking his hair. "I think my tiny Raven is simply overthinking and that just won't do," Janus insists with a click of his tongue.
"B-But I-"
"How would my Robin like to make cookies with Patton and the twins? Afterward, I'll put on little Einstein and get you your cube with all the pretty shapes and colors and you can figure out where each shape goes. How does that sound dear?"
Biting his lip, Logan hesitates, but as Janus watches his bedroom shift to one of a nursery, he already knows the answer.
"S'ouds goods..."
Janus smirked in victory and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "Excellent, let us get you pampered and into far more age-appropriate clothing. You're far too little for a necktie."
Logan blushed red and bobbed his head, ducking it into his shirt with a whisper of "Kay."
Janus knew he would have five littles on his hands for a few days, their stress always creeps up on them whether they like it or not. No matter, Janus never minded, they're his dear babies and he would take care of them when they won't do it to themselves.
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