TW: violence. 😭
How did this fucking happen?? Y/N swore Greece was just fine a second ago! How did she.. no. It morphed into a monster??
Y/N stared at its disfigured body with terror, staying rooted to the one spot.
Greece pointed its chainsaw-arm at the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, glaring daggers at the female.
"Y/N!! Did you hear me?! Let's get out of here!!" Australia desperate pleas went silent to the country. "Y/N.." He glanced at the monster before looking at Y/N.
The pushing of the audience scurrying away from the scene pushed him further and further away from Y/N.
America sat rooted on the chair, not flinching or bothered by the indescribable transformation. Her eyes stared at the mutated Greece with boredom.
As if the chainsaw as its arm is not scary enough to shiver her timbers.
Australia's distant voice called out, he was already being pushed away to the exit. Y/N snapped his head around, and he tried to follow the crowd.
A chunk of the celling was cut off with Greece's chainsaw, blocking the only exit.
The puppet glared coldly at the only female country in the room. Unfortunately, the director had scurried away with the rest.
America crossed her legs, looking at the monster coolly. She still held her composure under the eyes of the monster. Normally, people would pissed themselves immediately.
America is a whole different breed, and Y/N would definitely like to know what type she is.
Should Y/N hide himself? It should be pretty safe for him to linger around the exit since Greece had her eyes on America only. Should be safe, right?
Greece was incredibly agile. It was as if it was flying and performing tricks, it's arms and legs were no joke.
It's pointy and sharp. It would definitely leave a dent to the flooring. Not to mention the chainsaw.. it had flowers in it, crimson blood flowers.
There's no point in hiding if Greece is moving everywhere.
The United States of America pulled out a pistol, shutting an eye of hers tightly before firing.
'WHAT THE FUCK.' Y/N gaped at the aim, she fucking missed the body entirely! Lord, if she had played a shooting game, she would probably get DEMOLISHED.
Y/N's ears picked up a wire snapping. He looked at the stage where the corrupted is standing on. Wires tied on its body like it's some sort of puppet.
"Y/N!!" Australia voice called out once again, making him walk to the source. He sounded weak like on the verge of dying.
Strange, Australia was pushed away to exit, how would he get hurt.
'Nonono! What the fuck are you doing?! Australia is not here, Australia is safe! So why the fuck are you walking there?!'
"Wouldn't want you getting in the way of the fight." The country was pulled into the control room where it should be safe. "If you're out there, you might be permanently scarred by that chainsaw."
The two countries in the control room glanced at the Y/N who was on the floor.
South Korea crossed his arms over his chest, observing the fight that is taking up outside of the glass.
Vietnam helped the country up on the chair, offering him a cup of water.
"Hah.. I figured that you'll be smarter when I mimicked Australia's voice. Thank God I brought along a sidekick of mine." They grinned, twirling their star earing.
"I'm not your sidekick. I'm your partner for this mission." South Korea smiled at the red country with an evil intent. "Let's cut to the chase Viet."
"Right.." They sighed, tugging their tie around the collar. "Someone sent me a message, foretelling about this event, and wanted me to save you. Do you know who this is?"
"No..?" Y/N shook his head, sipping on the cup more.
Korea sighed, thinking of something while he eyed the backstage.
The loud bullets echoed through the entire room, one somehow managed to pierce through the glass and shatter it.
The pieces of glass stabbed all three of them. Y/N furrowed his brows. Did America not care that she'll hurt the people inside?
Kill, destroy.. America.
My vision was fogged by the inky black liquid. All I could comprehend was the gun shots firing above my limbs.
I couldn't control my own body? It's like they're acting up on their own.
My head tilted to the left to dodge the bullet that was aimed at my head. I narrowed my eyes, being able to see more clearer.
"Greece, this isn't you alright? Just stop. Everyone's life is at stake here." America lowered her pistol.
Her voice annoys me, her face irritates me and her FUCKING personality piss me off.
I felt so much lighter, lighter than ever. Adrenaline rushed through my blood as I pierced America's chest with my arm.
"THIS ISN'T ME? THIS IS ME! AND YOU'RE THE CAUSE OF IT." I growled, threatening to cut her head off with my... chainsaw?
"We have to do something! Gahh... what do we have in this shit.." Vietnam ransacked the whole place, trying to find anything useful.
"Viet the backstage will probably have some stuff. You should take Y/N with you while I try to keep that thing under control to not attack you guys."
"What?! Don't you see how dangerous that thing is?? Worst of all, what if your ability won't work on that thing??"
"Do you not trust me?"
Vietnam looked at South Korea in displeasure, tugging Y/N's arm.
Once the two were gone, South hunched over the control desk. Watching the every move of the monster with an eye of a hawk.
He mapped the place carefully, his hand tightly gripped on the handle of the power box.
The two countries sneak around at the other side, taking the chance of South Korea shutting down the lights and guiding them.
The glow of Greece's red flowers shined lowly.
South Korea on the power back on, making the creature flinch a little. America took the opportunity to shoot its third last string above it.
It growled, digging the chainsaw into her skin. Anger fueled Greece to continue making the cutting more painful for America.
"Would this even work." Y/N picked up a pink scissors left by its owner.
"Hopefully.. I found some blades, but they are fake, so anything sharp will do." Vietnam dug through the boxes, throwing useless things here and there.
'Shit, the chances of finding razor blades is unlikely.' Viet paused, their hand slowly crep up to their earing.
Undoing it, they tested the sharpness by carving the table. Their eyes bore onto the table, thinking of something.
"Y/N, I got a plan."
"Greece!" Vietnam mimicked a distressed Poland voice. They hid beneath the fallen debris.
Greece didn't budge from its spot. Its arm dug deeper into America's chest, twisting it as it goes through.
Y/N stood behind the seats, expecting the creature to turn around. He blinked, looking at the control room. His eyes met with South's confused eyes.
"Cut the strings hanging above it, I believe it'll weaken the being." Vietnam's words echoed through his mind.
Cut. The. Strings. It was that simple, yet Y/N found it hard to even move his hand. The overwhelming pressure from the corruption washed away every common sense that he had.
South sighed, watching the nervous male hiding behind the seats. He contemplated for a while, thinking whether he should help him or not.
"You two owe me a lifetime supplies of candies." He muttered to himself in frustration, taking over Y/N's body.
It's now down to that last string. The three countries held their breath, hoping the MVP America would shoot the last one.
"I don't get it. You seemed to hate her, but yet you're helping her."
Greece muttered, its voice sounded less demonic than before. America took it as an opportunity to shoot the last bullet when its guard is down.
"!" Her eyes widened, Greece had blocked the bullet with the chainsaw. Vietnam sucked their tongue, flinging their earing like a boomerang at the target.
"Well, well! Seems like everyone is against me today!"
Greece grinned with its sharp teeth, disappearing and reappearing on the stage.
The vibrant red petals scattered across the entire room, making the view cinematic.
"So many options! I can go by US/A, Viet/nam, South/Korea, or even Y/N."
Its eyes bore into South Korea's, knowing that he was there the entire time. The nonchalant Korea smiled, blowing the corrupted a kiss.
'What the fuck--' Y/N stared at South, confused at the sudden behaviour.
He threw a finger heart at the monster before shutting the lights down again.
"ARGHH SOLDIERS ATTACCKK!!" Australia screeched on top of his lungs, busting through the blockage. Elephants' toot came after the screaming.
Y/N's lips unknowingly curled up, hearing the familiar voice along with the random noises of the animals.
Spotting Greece is easy without a doubt. The silhouette of the elephants and Australia riding one of them ran over the monster.
Thanks to the multiple elephants thrashing, the final string snapped.
America rushed to carry the unconscious Greece to the nurse's office, leaving the four behind.
Vietnam looked rather upset with their earrings stuck deeply into the wooden flooring. They pulled it out, immediately walking off without looking at anyone.
"Oh my gosh.. I'm so glad you're okay." Australia hugged Y/N tightly, not having any intentions on letting go.
"Aus.. how did you manage to get the animals to help you? I thought animals hated your guts." Y/N hugged back, not caring about the grassy scent on him.
"I couldn't find anyone willing to help.. so.. I figured that I should shoot my shot with animals. Seems like that somehow works, and I unlocked my ability!" Australia grinned, pulling away from the hug. He reached his arm out, and a bird landed on his arms.
The hawk squacked, turning its head to the side to look at Y/N properly.
"Does it bite?"
"Yes. It may be smart, but it acts like a baby." The aussie cooed, rubbed the feathers with the back of his hand.
"Ouch, ouch!"
South Korea came out of the control room dripping in black goo, clearly overusing his ability during the corruption.
He waved his arm around, trying to get rid of the disgusting goo whilst not noticing the two.
"Oh, Australia! Gotta thank you there, I doubt we would have cut the final string." South gave a smile once he looked up. "See you two, I gotta go for my shooting."
"You should rest. You look like you'll go through whatever Greece did."
South stopped looking back at Y/N with a soft smile.
"Corruption can never take over this hottie."
Twitter post(s) for the day!!
Did you know?
• South Korea likes to hide what he's feelings. Like older brother like younger brother.
• Australia's hawk is the red goshawk.
• Greece is good at reading people but there is some that confuses him.
Author's note:
Wsg gang.. sorry for not updating, LOL.
So you see, err.... life happened, and gay stuff occurred, but dw, I'm fine. (Hopefully)
Last update before my end of year for this book!!!!1!
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