"Do you think we should stop by a small shop to get ice cream? There's still quite a sliver of time for us to finish the ice cream." Australia said out of boredom, opening up his phone's lock screen.
"Sure, why not, but can you sponsor me?"
"What? Did your government not provide you with enough money?"
"I.. don't remember... "
"Geez... what's with you forgetting things? Wait a minute- aww, is my wittle Y/N becoming an old country??"
"Oh, it seems like your mind got fucked up... our government keeps on sending us back to school to catch up with other students."
"Wait, so the schooling never stops?"
"Precisely! I'm actually going crazy right now, I don't know if I can survive another year in this hell hole."
The two countries entered a Mama shop¹. The bell rang as they walked through the door.
"Which flavour do you want?" Australia looked at Y/N, opening the freezer.
"Why are you holding onto an ice pop? I thought you wanted ice cream?" Y/N rose his brows, reaching out for the ice cream of his choice.
"I changed my mind. They have the purple ice pop!" Australia grinned widely, taking Y/N's ice cream.
"Huh. Where's Y/N and Australia?" The player mumbled as they saw America walking into the hallway to be greeted by nobody.
"Oh, right.. that's a 16.7% chance to find them here in the beginning." They looked at the fandom wiki at the side of their screen they had just in case. "Seems like my luck stream ends here."
"Ooh! America, it's great to see you again!" United Kingdom's figure popped up. "Finally got out of your shell?" He joked, the sprite changed into a sassy sprite.
'The creator must have put a lot of effort into this game.'
"I want my long deserved rest after schooling for ages." America replied to the UK, her face too changed into a sassy one.
"Well, it's good to see you back in school face to face. I was afraid that you'll be slacking off at home." Britain chuckled, a slight tint of red on his cheeks.
'Oh right...the creator wants EVERY country to be in the harem even if America sees them as a family figure.'
The player wouldn't be surprised if the creator is a child predator or a pervert to be honest.
"Ping!" Their phone vibrated. It seems like Daddy Twitter has some tea to supply them with.
"Called it."
"That shopkeeper was really nice!" Y/N smiled widely as he recalled the scene.
"Mhm, I love the owner!" Australia grinned, crushing the ice in the ice pop to make a slushie inside. "Oh. Erm... spoiler alert, we might be late if we continue walking at this pace."
"Oh hey, that squirrel is looking at us-" Y/N noticed a small animal on the tree in front of them peering down at them.
Before Australia could look up and awe at the sweet and cute squirrel. It jumped on him.
"AHHHHHH!! IT'S ATTACKING ME!?" Australia cried, instantly bolting off to escape the squirrel. "Y/N SAVE ME!!"
"Should I thoough..?" Y/N suddenly remembered the fact that he had dumped him over the American girl. "Ehh, whatever, since you bought me this ice cream anyways."
"Pspsps.. come here." Y/N said while licking his ice cream. Australia looked at him displeased, CAUSE WHO THE FUCK WOULD PSPSPS A SQUIRREL. "Yes, you handsome or pretty little squirrel. "
Australia looked at Y/N, who was holding the squirrel gently with disbelief. The small gremlin climbed on top of Y/N's shoulders, making him look like a Disney princess.
"It said it's angry at you."
"What did I do?!"
"If any students were late, you two would be my last guess. What happened?" The discipline master facepalmed.
"A squirrel attacked me, sir. You can look at my arms and see marks left by it." Australia showed his arm to NATO.
"And you, Y/N? What's your reason?" The discipline master carefully inspected the marks on Aus' hand before turning to the other country.
"I was trying to control the squirrel, sir! What the army has taught me is to leave no men behind, sir!" Y/N immediately saluted NATO as if his a soldier.
"You two are the MOST stupidest fucks! Getting attacked by a squirrel?But what Y/N had said was the MANLIEST thing I ever heard this year. You two are dismissed. "
The two immediately scurried away, making a beeline to their classroom.
"Holy shit!! That was crazy!" Australia whispered, NATO was still in an earshot, so buddy didn't want to risk it.
"You're welcome, I got us out of there." Y/N puffed in pride, managing spit out lies in front of the discipline master was a huge accomplishment.
"You got us in there!! What the heck?!" Australia shook Y/N aggressively, the rumbling of books inside his bag could be heard.
"Yeah, yeah, but I still got us out anyways." Y/N rolled his eyes in a playful manner, opening the door to the classroom.
"Good morning to you two." European Union said sternly, their head snapped to the door like an owl. The black eyes bore into the two latecomers, scaring one of them shitless.
"It's our first time being late, won't you let us go for the first time?" Y/N replied back, having no fear for the teacher in front of them.
'Jesus christ, this guy is fearless..'
"Mmh, sure!" The alpha's mood flipped, their focus are back on the board.
'What is this guy's mood swings?...' Y/N's sweat drooped on his uniform. He looked at Australia, and that one seat was available. 'Dips on the seat!'
Fortunately for Y/N, his ass met the seat before Australia's did. He stuck a tongue out at him, mockingly.
"Fuck you man, I'll just sit on your lap instead." Australia flipped Y/N off. "Who's the loser now, huh?"
"God... you're so heavy... you weight like a black hole, man.."
"Hey, er... Australia, Y/N? May I join you guys for the practical?" Greece fiddled with his skirt. "My partner got taken away by the new girl." She sighed.
The duo looked at each other, nodding their head before saying different answers.
"Nah–" "Sure."
"C'mon dude, leave no man behind!- well, no offence, Greece, I don't really know your gender." Y/N's arm slithered around Aussie's neck, trying to make him change his mind.
"Why can't Greece join her current pair, though?"
"I don't like America."
"Fair, fair. Okay then."
"Yo, pass me that... err. Crap, I'm not good with chem." Greece scratched his chin, trying to recall the name of the chemical. "Give me that one."
She glanced at the other table, USA, with her old pair laughing together. Greece clenched the vial tightly, the horrible feeling of being replaced.
"W-wah?!" A small explosion erupted in the small vial, causing Greece to drop the tube. They looked at Australia, who had handed them the wrong chemical.
Flames suddenly erupted from the small mixture, engulfing Greece's whole figure. Despite the burn, he didn't scream in pain. There was a hotter pit of flame burning somewhere else.
The sprinkler activated, watering down the fire.
"Greece, are you okay?" The teacher looked at her burnt figure in horror. Her melting skin terrified everyone in the room.
"Teach, I'll bring them to the infirmary!" The voice of the country she hated spoke. Greece glared at the United States of America with burning hatred.
"No need, I think my partners should come with me instead." He furrowed his brows, walking off like nothing just happened.
"I'm so sorry for giving you the wrong one. Please forgive me, pleasepleaseplease!" Australia begging Greece while walking to the Nurse's office.
"It's fine, dealt with that pain before. It isn't your fault either, I didn't clarify which chemical to give." Greece huffed, trying to keep their burnt clothing together.
Y/N walked behind the two silently, his memory keep on replaying on the scene of Greece staring at America with hatred. 'Another ally?'
Mama shop¹ - It's a shop normally owned by Indians in Singapore! Kinda want to add some of my childhood into the story >:)
Twitter post(s) for the day!
Did you know?
• Once the country finish the entire schooling, they'll be sent back to the first year in the school.
• The game is about luck, too! It isn't just a simple game. It's a unique game!
• New game, everything restarted, so Ukraine will be an NPC until Y/N interacts with him long enough. Greece and Australia are free from the NPC-ness
Author's note:
Every animal in the neighbourhood has beef with Australia lols. Bringing the genderless/genderfluid Greece with me from Perpetuity!! >:)
Also, I'm sorry for not bringing any underrated countries into this book yet. I didn't do concept arts for most of the African countries yet😭 (sorry)
Not promoting incest in this book btw!!
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