🇦🇲🇪🇷🇮🇨🇦 🇾🇦🇭!
The country accidentally choked on the toothpaste he swallowed, not a great way to start off with the day.
"Crap- Auegh..." He looked at the mirror covered in toothpaste that he spat out. "God... how do I clean this all up..?"
The country quickly washed his hands before going around the house to search for the materials to clean the mess up.
"Oh, sick, it's here all along." He took the mighty Fabreeze and sprayed the mirror down. Sighing to himself as he wiped down the mirror.
(I have the tendency to fabreeze dirty things that are not cloth, so please bear with me.)
The feeling of being watched still lingered around the country's mind. 'Am I becoming schizophrenic or am I being stalked?' He knocked his head.
"Hey! Deaf Y/N! Open up!! There's birds pecking me!!" A distance shout from outside called out. It was accompanied by loud banging on the window.
The country ignored the calls, thinking that the person was calling for someone else. "Who's Y/N anyways? That sounds so odd..."
It took a while for the country to snap, "FUCK, I'M Y/N!!" He scurried to the window where he sees a weird blue man squatting at the other side of the window.
"Finally." The blue country huffed, shooing the birds who were nesting in their nest. "I can never get along with birds..."
"Why were you at my window??" Y/N tapped his feet, crossing his arms with mix of confusion and annoyance.
"Cause you didn't appear outside my window first. I got worried, okay?" The blue country ran his fingers through his hair, plucking out the leaves stuck in his hair.
"Appear outside of your window? Do I even know you?" Y/N frowned.
"God, you're acting like you don't know your kindergarten friend anymore?! Bro! You can't do your great Aussie bestie like this!!" The Australian shook the other country, fake tears sliding down his cheeks.
"Okay, okay.. I'm sorry, pal.." Y/N patted Australia's back.
"We homies gotta stick together, aand we're gonna be late."
"Oopsies... seems like I read the clock... one hour early.." Australia scratch the back of his neck as he sees barely anyone walking around.
"You..." Y/N clenched his fist. He did not appreciate being rushed to go to school this morning. In the end, he's going to forgive this 'friend' of his cause the Aussie managed to ease his thoughts of being watched.
Y/N picked out the bits of glass stuck in his skin due to breaking the window while jumping. "Whatever.. where's the doctor's office?"
"What's with your head today? Did you have amnesia?" Australia teased in a jokingly manner.
"Yes, I woke up forgetting who and what am I." Y/N's brows furrowed, "Mind filling me in with what's important?"
"What the fuck did you knock your head?" Australia rubbed his temple. "Bro, you're forgetting the sick memories we had... whatever, let's make more fire memories."
"Excuse me, I'm new to the school. Do you mind touring me around?" A straightforward voice spoke behind Y/N. The two turned around to find a famous flag that literally Y/N, who had just lost his memories, would know what flag it is.
"Mate, don't you go to this school??" Australia turned to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
"No.? Did you mistaken me for Liberia or something? Cause I DID not come to school for about 4 years or something." United States crossed her arms. "I'm from the online course, helloo? Did you not see me in Zoom?"
"I doubt that we're in the same class. Bet you skip those Zoom lessons anyway." Australia stuck his tongue out in a teasing manner.
"Welp, got called out by a junior..." She shrugged. She looked at the other quiet country with amusement. "And who might you be? I have never seen your flag before."
"I'm Y/N." The country quirked his brows with confusion. He stared deeply into her eyes, trying to figure out if she had any ill intentions.
'Why does it look like she has a camera in her eyes? Is she a bot..?'
"What are you?"
(On the other side of the screen)
"What the fuck? Y/N wasn't meant to say that??" The person in front of the screen looked at the text message of the game in disbelief.
The character Y/N somehow managed to stare at the player, through the screen.
"Well? I'm waiting."
The character spoke again.
"Is this game glitching? Is this becoming like Undertale?!" The player panicked, seeing that the country was interrupting the system.
They looked at the options of words to reply to the waiting country.
"I'm the United States of America?" The US looked confused, stating the obvious. She was clearly shaking under the Y/N's stare.
Australia looks unbothered, interrupting the awkward atmosphere. "What do you mean by touring with America?!"
"Huh- since when did I say that-" Y/N looked at his friend acting like a schizophrenic too.
"Ugh...fine, I'll give you two a tour together..." Australia frowned, walking away from the two. Y/N quickly followed behind, not wanting to get left behind.
"Hey, you want to go to the doctor's office, right? I'll bring you there and tour America first." Australia brightened up, smiling happily as he dragged the two to the school doctor.
"Huh-" Y/N stammered before being dropped off inside the doctor's office.
"Toodles!!" Australia waved before pulling America alongside him.
"What the fuck.. there's no one here, we came too early??" Y/N screeched, hoping Australia would U-turn and pick him back up.
"I wouldn't say that there's no one in here." A country placed their hand on his shoulder, causing the other country to jump and back away.
"Hallo, I'm Myanmar, basically a student nurse, whatever you call that." They smiled, sitting comfortably on the spinning chair. "How may I assist you?"
'This fella is smiling too much. It's making me uneasy...'
"Can you please help me pluck out these shards?" Y/N showed Burma the glass shards stuck in the cracks of their skin.
"Sure thing~!" The student nurse hummed, preparing the equipment.
Twitter post(s) of the day!
Did you know?
• USA was the last country to stop attending school online.
• Y/N is closer to Oceania countries than the other countries.
• USA is meant to be a protagonist of the game and have a harem.
• There might be a country that's only exclusive to this book! (And Tasty Treats)
HIHI should I actually make Y/N a country from Oceania or nah?
ALSO, America is a female because she has yet to be a transgender in the game.
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