iii. names
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Sigrún had her feet propped up in Sihtric's lap as he rubbed her ankles absentmindedly, she was eating some fruit as she often craved something sweet. Seidr was playing a game with Finan, which consisted of hissing at the man every time he made an inappropriate joke.
"Do ya have a name picked out for the little one?" Finan questioned as he used the hilt of his sword to push the snake further away from him. Sihtric smiled at her when she laughed at her companion and reached out to beckon him back to her.
"Not yet, if it turns out to be a boy, I want Sihtric to name him." She spoke with a gentle smile and Sihtric perked up happily.
"I would be honored, Sig. The same goes for you if our child turns out to be a girl." Sihtric said with a bright smile and placed his hand on her barely there baby bump. Seidr hung his head over the side of the table to watch in curiosity.
"I like the name Sylvi." Sigrún whispered as she rubbed the back of Sihtric's hand, the Dane used his free hand to squeeze her ankles gently.
"Woman of the wood and forest? I suppose it makes sense, her mother is the right-hand woman of Loki and has a snake." Sihtric teased as she huffed out a laugh, Seidr preened when Sihtric scratched under his jaw softly.
"I think it is pretty." Finan said agreeing as he held up his ale before chugging it.
"If we ever have a boy, I will name him Skírnir." Sigrún smiled in amusement as he picked out a name also starting with an S.
"A-ha! I know that one, it means a bright one! I do listen." Finan mumbled into his cup as they rolled their eyes, he grew childish and stuck his tongue out making her laugh.
Finan and the couple soon join them at night as they watch the two monks leave the tavern as if they had not been whipped.
"Traveling overnight, all that way in a saddle with a red raw ass, a good thing they like pain." Finan mumbled as Sihtric wrapped an arm around her waist gently, Seidr was resting on Sihtric's shoulder while he watched.
"It takes six days to get to Bebbanburg on the coast road."
"They'll get there before Ascension." Finan said and smirked when Uhtred looked at him funny.
"I'm a good Christian boy, lord." Finan said and Sigrún doubted that.
"Someone will die, Uhtred. And I will do my best to make sure it is not my husband." Uhtred frowned before giving her a nod. She was growing annoyed that he wouldn't listen to her.
"You should not ride before them. The rocks around Bebbanburg do not treat ships kindly." Finan turned around and his smile dropped from his face.
"So, we wait here and enjoy the atmosphere." Finan says as they hear the murmuring of men. As Uhtred walks away to speak with his son privately, Finan leans over to speak with Osferth.
"Three pieces of silver says he runs home." Osferth and Finan shake on it and she huffed out a laugh.
"Lord! All right, come on!" Finan shouts as the men move closer to them. Uhtred urged them to walk away as they headed for their boat.
Later that night, Finan climbs the rocky terrain, he grunts softly as he looks out at Bebbanburg. Seidr shook his tail happily when Finan grunted under the strain, her snake had a dark sense of humor.
"Hard to tell! Maybe forty helmets!" He yells down from above.
"Then he has put all his men on the ramparts to make it look like he has more!" Uhtred said with a grin.
"He was always a cunning one." Beocca said.
"Still two against one." Osferth mumbled next to Sihtric and she felt like he was the only one worried.
"We're twice as good." Sihtric said with a proud smile as she squeezed her husband's hand.
"Yeah, keep saying it, it becomes true." Osferth said bitterly.
"We don't need to slaughter 'em all, just hold 'em off." Finan said with a grin. "Lord, the real fight will be you against Aelfric." Finan said as he looked at them.
"Tell me, Beocca...is it the right time? I'm not leading men to defeat?" Uhtred turned to Beocca with hesitation.
"You are not leading men to defeat. The fight will be furious. Men will fall. But I would not encourage you if I thought you would lose. Feel the air here, Uhtred. Feel its cold breath. This is the air you and I were born to breathe. We're meant to be here." Beocca said with such confidence.
"Let us see if my blood runs thick...if the signal comes." Uhtred said as he glanced back at Bebbanburg. She and Seidr share a worried look when they continue as planned.
Hours later, Uhtred whistled to alert his men.
"Move your arses!" Finan shouts quietly.
"Follow us along the rocks. The rest of you stay here until I call for the ship." Uhtred ordered the group.
"Which one do you want?" Uhtred asked Finan as they reached their destination.
"That one." Finan said as he used the hilt of his weapon to single out one man.
"All yours."
"Halt!" The guard shouted but it didn't matter. He died a moment later, Finan waved his arms to signal to them that it was safe. She had her arms crossed with a permanent frown.
"Are you there?" Uhtred quietly asks through the bars of the gate.
"Keep this way. Backs against the walls."
"Are you there?" Uhtred tried again.
"What do we do, lord?" Finan asked.
"Do we lift the gate?"
"It's worth a try." Finan said as he motioned to the men."Come on! Put your back into it!" He shouts as they groan, they watch as the gate doesn't so much as make a noise.
"Finan, stop. It's too heavy." Uhtred turned and noticed some boulders.
"Get the oars." Uhtred ordered the men, they watched silently as Osferth brought them to Finan.
"In there, Osferth." Sihtric moved and began to tie the rope around the top of the oars. She let her irritation pass for a moment as she watched her husband in his element, he was so handsome like this.
"Put your back into it! Come on! It's moving! Come on!" They had moved the oars to the gate and Finan laid on it as they pushed. "Can you get under it, lord?" Finan questioned as Uhtred unsheathed his sword and began to crawl under it.
"Little more."
"Go on, lord!" Finan said. Uhtred made it through just in time and they sighed in relief.
"He's got it! Yes!" Finan said happily just as a bell rang.
"Is it a trap?" Uhtred questioned as he looked at his friend.
"Is it a trap we can fight our way out of?" They rush up the stairs and the men kill all the guards they see.
"We move on." Uhtred said as they moved out. Uhtred managed to grab a guard and walked out into the yard with the sword pointed at the man's neck.
"Silence! Only I shall speak."
"Get back!" Finan ordered and followed the Dane. Uhtred shoved his uncle to his knees as he put the blade to his throat with a proud smirk.
"Do you know who I am, hm? I am the true lord of Bebbanburg! And I am taking it back. I have no fight with you. Only this man is doomed. Are you happy to see me, uncle? Huh? I have waited a lifetime to avenge myself. I will enjoy taking my time with you! Mm. No one else will suffer if you swear loyalty. None of you are my enemies, you are men of Bebbanburg. And, as lord of Bebbanburg, I will provide for and protect you. And this cruel shit, who had hated you and mistreated you, will die. I've come home, swear to me and you will have my oath. Aidan...you remember me? Who has your allegiance?" Uhtred said smugly.
"I am loyal to the true heir of Bebbanburg." Aidan said.
"Good." Uhtred said with a smirk.
"Bear witness all, the true heir of Bebbanburg!" Aidan points up where Wihtgar rests, he holds a crossbow pointed straight at Uhtred.
"Who are you, boy?" Uhtred shouted.
"Wihtgar, son of Aelfric. Very much alive and back at Bebbanburg. Flesh and blood. And I could kill you with this arrow in a heartbeat." Wihtgar threatened.
"You can try. The arrow would miss."
"Then you know nothing of the weapons of the desert." Wihtgar taunted with a proud smirk. Sihtric subtly pushed her behind him as he held out his weapon. They both know she can defend herself but she liked his protective nature, it aroused her most days.
"Put down the bow. Put down the bow!"
"You've lost everything, Osbert." Aelfric taunted making Uhtred distracted.
"I won't tell you again, put down the bow!" Uhtred flinched in shock when an arrow was suddenly impaled in his uncle's eye. He looked up at Wihtgar who smirked.
Uhtred's men ready themselves for battle as Wihtgar looked out at the men of Bebbanburg, plus his mercenaries.
"A son does not always love a father. Learn from that, fool. Now, who's with me?" Wihtgar shouted as his men cheered. "Who is with Wihtgar of Bebbanburg?" Men cheer once more.
"Get ready! Get ready to fight!" Finan shouted.
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