i. the baby
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Sigrún caressed her stomach softly, she hadn't realized she was pregnant until a few weeks ago. Seidr had been extremely protective as of late and often hovered around her stomach or curled up on it when they slept. She hadn't thought anything of it. It was only when Loki had come into her dreams offering a gift that she realized, he had a golden saucer with one lone egg. A delicate little thing, but the richest flavor she had ever tasted. It was a blessing from the gods.
She woke gasping for air and looked to her left where it now set, her hand moved to her stomach in panic. She won't lie, she had been on the fence about leaving after she married Sihtric, she was terrified of commitment and how deeply he loved her but this was a sign from the Gods. She knew it to be true, they had blessed their union.
When she told Sihtric he cried a little, he had fallen asleep touching her belly, she had told him the baby wasn't even formed yet but he refused to stop talking to it. Seidr had become even more protective as the weeks went by, only allowing Sihtric to touch her.
"Any word from Finan?" Uhtred asked one of the male servants from where he sat by the fire pit. He glanced at her when she hummed softly to her unborn child, she hadn't realized she would do so.
"Nothing, lord." Uhtred sighed. When they left the hall she sighed when she noticed Finan sitting in the front of the ship with a wide grin as Uhtred crossed his arms in amusement.
"Women of Coccham! We are back!" Finan shouts.
"We know, Finan. They can smell you from here. You look like shit. What have you done to my ship?" Uhtred asked as Sihtric helped Osferth down.
"Now, that was Osferth's fault." Sihtric turned to her with a grin as he reached out to place a hand on her stomach, she placed her hand on his as Seidr rattled his tail happily, he was always anxious when Sihtric left them. Sihtric kissed her forehead softly and when Seidr bent his body down for a kiss on his head she cooed, Sihtric did kiss him too.
"What news from Bebbanburg?" Uhtred asked with excitement.
"Good news, lord."
"My Uncle Aelfric is dead and you have his balls to prove it?" Finan chuckles.
"No, but he is being attacked by the Scots pushing south. He lost half his men in the most recent assault." Finan says as they come to a stop.
"So Bebbanburg's weakened?"
"For now, yes." Finan answered.
"Until he finds more men." Osferth added.
"Or is slaughtered by the Scots." Sihtric says with amusement.
"So, we could take it. With an army...we could take it." Uhtred stated happily.
"Well, perhaps. It will not be easy."
"Uhtred, it is not the time." She urged and looked to Sihtric who looked at her in confusion.
"How many men does he have?" Uhtred then asked.
"Barely forty." All the men smile in excitement.
"Can he raise a fyrd?"
"Oh, God, no. Local lords think he's—" Osferth is cut off by Uhtred.
"That he's a turd, yes. And they're right. We should not delay."
"No. Go before he buys more men." Finan says.
"We head to Bebbanburg before the Scots return," Uhtred says as they walk, Finan sighs behind them. "The Gods are telling us to strike and take back what is mine."
No, they are not.
"Now, lord, it'll take ships and men. The venture could cost you all your silver."
"Finan, if we take Bebbanburg, we'll have all the silver we ever dreamed of. You will all be rewarded for your service, even you baby monk." Osferth held his arms wide.
"Amen." They all laugh at the monk.
"How many men remain here?"
"Not enough." Uhtred says.
"We ride to Winchester and raise an army. It's time for Wessex to replay all that I have given." Uhtred claimed proudly. Uhtred was soon accompanied by Finan, Sigrún, and Sihtric as he left the palace. Edward was a naïve boy as usual.
"Now is not the time," He mocked with rage. "Years, I've waited. Years, I've given my sword. Years, my home has been denied to me. There's no debt." He scoffed at that.
"Winchester is a snake pit." Finan says as they stop at an alehouse. Seidr hissed in offense and Finan held his hands up in surrender, she snickered at the fear that flashed upon his face. Seidr tolerated the others but he liked to fuck with Finan the most.
"We will think of another plan." Uhtred informed them as they sat. "Do you think our band can take the forty men at Bebbanburg?" Uhtred questioned seriously.
"Two on one? Ask me when I'm drunk." Finan mumbled.
"Come on, Finan. Our men are three times the fighters Aelfric's are." Sihtric said softly and moved to caress her back lightly.
"I know. It's just in unreachable walls and boiling tar that worries me." He mumbled. Sihtric takes his cup of ale and as he drinks he looks up at the man.
"It won't end the way you think, Uhtred. Listen to my words, someone will die." Uhtred paused before sighing.
"Not to mention the Scots waiting to take it all for themselves." Osferth graced them with his presence a moment later in confusion.
"What are you doing here? Is the plan off then? Are we just staying here to get drunk?" Osferth asked and ignored the glare Finan sent his way.
"The plan is unchanged we head to Bebbanburg." Uhtred said.
"Take the fortress, then we get drunk." Sihtric and Finan share a worried look as Osferth looks over at her.
"Just us? Without an army?"
"You don't need an army to kill one man. We kill Aelfric, the gates will open." Uhtred said confidently. They soon leave and as they walk the streets of Winchester Uhtred's men begin to speak.
"It's getting into Bebbanburg, that's the problem." Finan said.
"I say we just turn up and ram the gate." Sihtric said with a smirk as he wrapped his arm around her waist.
"Or we just ask nicely to be let in. Next idea." Finan makes the sign of the cross when he sees a nun, Osferth turns back to watch the nun with a small smile.
"We are not dressing up as nuns." Finan said as he tapped Osferth's chest.
"I wasn't going to say that." Osferth defended.
"But you were."
"No, I wasn't." Osferth said.
"Lord Uhtred! Thank you for offering your men to help clear the stables." Hild said with a warm smile.
"What!" Finan shouted as the three men became confused.
"Ladders." Osferth says as he points at Finan. Sigrún looked at him blankly before walking away. Sihtric and Finan share a look of disbelief.
Now, Uhtred overlooked the garden from his place on the wall as monks walked about. Sihtric and Finan hide behind a wooden wall as they wait for Uhtred's order. He then suddenly points to a teen and his warriors immediately grab the boy and put a bag over his head.
"Hey! Get off! Who are you?" The boy shouts as he struggles.
"Shh, he's a sinner, Father." Finan claimed as they dragged the boy away. Once they manage to bring him into the woods and out of sight they remove the bag.
"Hello, father."
"Men," Uhtred then turns to them. "Sigrún, this is my son young Uhtred." The boy scowled at the name. Seidr was a little offended that he wasn't introduced.
"I don't use that name. It belongs to a priest killer." Young Uhtred snapped.
"I am here to guide you back to your family." Uhtred ordered.
"The church is my family."
"No, it's not. You were placed there without my permission." Uhtred grimaced at the memory.
"Praise be to King Alfred for that." Uhtred and Finan share a silent look. She glanced at Sihtric, she knew they wouldn't let their small family turn out like Uhtred's.
"We are leaving this place and you are coming with me." Uhtred demanded and the boy scoffed.
"Am I?"
"Yes, you have no choice. Take off the woman's garb, wear this. And, uh...I have a gift for you. Sihtric!" Sihtric brings out a pony from the darkness, it grunts loudly. Sihtric fights back a smile as Finan attempts to cover up his laugh.
"Impressive beast." Young Uhtred says with anger.
"Hey, I did not realize how much you'd grown." Sihtric reached around the scratched the pony on the neck, he was trying not to laugh at the exchange. "Ride to Coccham with us. In time, we will find you a proper horse."
"Why would I go to Coccham?"
"To collect the ship that will take us north.. to reclaim your birthright and mine. To seize back what was lost and unite our family. I'm taking you to Bebbanburg." Uhtred said proudly, she wished he would listen.
"Never heard of it." Finan quickly covered his mouth as his laugh threatened to spill out.
"He doesn't seem to like you much." Finan shouted as Uhtred began walking away.
"That's Alfred's legacy, the man torments me still." When they reach Coccham they start preparing the ship, Finan doesn't seem to like the quality of the boat.
"It's sturdy enough."
"Do we not need something more...agile? We're not taking pelts to sell to Frankia." Finan claimed softly.
"Do you want Aelfric to know that we're coming?"
"I suppose not. Pelts it is." Finan mumbled. Uhtred turned and smiled when he noticed Beocca had shown up.
"Beocca? Are you kidding?" The two men hug.
"Do you have room for half a man more? I flee the wrath of the lady Ælswith." Uhtred chuckles.
"As do we all. I'm sure we can make space for you." Uhtred says with a grin.
"I'm afraid I'll not be much use to you as a fighter."
"Happily for you, I am desperate." Beocca laughs loudly. They gather in the hall as Osferth prepares the meal. Sigrún had her head lying in Sihtric's lap as she dozed off, Seidr was curled up against her stomach protectively. Sihtric stroked her hair softly as she slept, and he smiled down at her fondly.
"We'll require more ale, for sure." Finan said as he spoke to Sihtric who was too busy rolling his eyes.
"Did Hild send you to keep an eye on me?"
"No. It was entirely my decision. You were right. I've allowed myself to get old too quickly. I shall leech off their youthfulness, revive myself." Finan chuckled at Beocca.
"What is the real reason?"
"Word reached me...of the abduction of a young deacon." Sihtric and Finan look at one another. "So, I felt I should, uh..." Uhtred sighs.
"You came to help me be a better father." Uhtred stated bluntly.
"Well, there is that."
"And?" Beocca smiles sadly at the man. Come morning, Sihtric was hiding the weapons under furs while Finan made it his mission to tease Osferth. Uhtred shook his head and walked over to his son who was watching the interaction.
"Get your saintly arse on the bench, Osferth!" Finan shouted at the monk.
"Let's go." Uhtred ordered.
"He gets sick traveling backward." Sihtric added when Osferth complained.
"I do not! I just like to see where we're going." Osferth said. Sihtric cackled at the boy. Uhtred turns to the sunset and smiles as he unsheathed his sword.
"To Bebbanburg!"
"Raise the sail!" Finan added with a grin.
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