That's a Lot of Kids
Nine Years Later.
"Clara, be nice to your brother," Tom said, as he was helping Y/n get dinner ready. "Peter, be nice to your sister."
"Thomas, they're just goofing around," Y/n said, kissing his cheek. "Let them have fun, they both start school in a month, they need time to just have fun."
"I know," Tom sighed, checking the pasta. "I just don't want them to get hurt, or break something."
"Did you hear what your dad said?" Y/n asked her kids. "Be kind and don't hit each other, or else your dad will be very sad."
Tom raised an eyebrow, while Y/n shrugged.
Y/n and Tom had two kids now. Their oldest, Clara Kate Holland, who was seven years old, was going to be going into second grade the next month, she was born in England, while Tom and Y/n lived there till right before Peter was born, so she had always had a faint British accent.
Then, their youngest, Peter Jake Holland, who was four, was going to start preschool that month as well, meaning it was just going to be Y/n at home while Tom would be filming.
Y/n had been in two Broadway musicals but was going to wait till Peter was a little bit older before she would go and move their little family to New York for a series of months. However, Y/n still had cameos in every Marvel movie, including some other Movies that had to do with Marvel characters, even some random movies she had a small part in, which she loved. Marvel loved her enough that they asked her to have her own movie, which was a big shock to Y/n when she found out.
Tom was, of course, still acting, having been more than a dozen movies since they got married nine years ago. He would go and film during the week, then come home to his family, that he adored, spending the weekend with them, or until he had to go film again. It was a little tough on Y/n, and they both knew it. Tom had even asked her if she wanted him to stop acting, but she immediately said no, she didn't want Tom to give up his acting career, just because she was watching two kids.
Peter was obviously named after Peter Parker. While his middle name was Jake because Tom got drunk once with Jake Gyllenhaal and promised he would name one of his kids after Jake. Y/n was very amused when she got a call the next day from a sober Jake Gyllenhaal who told her that Tom promised to name one of their kids Jake, so that's what they did.
Clara was an easy one. Y/n had always wanted a girl named Clara, and absolutely loved how it sounded when Tom said it, reminding her of David Tennant in Doctor Who. Y/n also just loved the name Kate, when she told Tom that's what she wanted to name her, he was completely on board.
"What time are Haz and Kylee coming over?" Tom asked Y/n, as she was opening a can of marinara sauce that she bought from the store.
"Ten minutes?" Y/n said, not exactly remembering when Kylee said they were going to arrive.
"Uncle Haz and Aunt Kylee are coming over?" Clara asked excitedly, her faint British accent apparent, as she ran over to Tom and Y/n. "Does that mean Uncle Dylan and Aunt Ivy are coming over too?"
"Maybe they will be," Y/n shrugged, a smile on her face.
"Dad," Clara complained, tugging on the sleeve of Tom's shirt. "Mum won't tell me anything, are they coming over?"
Tom looked over at Y/n who just shrugged.
"Why don't you ask Peter to ask your mum?" he said awkwardly.
Clara huffed, but ran over to Peter, whispering something into her ear.
"You could've told her, you know," Y/n said, with a laugh.
Tom wrapped her into a hug. "Where's the fun in that, Love?"
"Mom!" Peter yelled, running over to them, putting his arms out, so Y/n would pick him up.
Tom chuckled, pulling away from Y/n, going to go grab the plates, as Y/n picked Peter up, so she was holding him now.
"What is it?" she asked, her lips curling into a smile.
"Clara wants to know-"
"I don't want to know," Clara said quickly. "Mum, he's making up stuff, he wanted to know himself, I had nothing to do with it."
"No," Peter huffed. "You told me to ask mom about-"
"Mum, I swear, I don't know what he's talking about," Clara said, cutting Peter off again.
There was a knock at the door, so Y/n put Peter down, who immediately started running for the door, Clara racing after him.
"I was right!" Clara exclaimed loudly. "Aunt Ivy and Uncle Dylan were coming over."
Tom chuckled opening the door, letting Dylan, Ivy, and their son in.
"I see Clara was expecting us," Dylan laughed, ruffling Clara's hair. "How are you?"
"Mum wouldn't tell me that you were coming," Clara huffed, trying to look mad.
"Oh did she?" Dylan asked, looking at his sister.
"I just said maybe," Y/n shrugged, fixing Clara's hair.
"I forgot your kids have two different accents," Ivy told Y/n as Dylan kept talking to Clara.
Y/n smiled. "I forget a lot too until both of them start talking to me at the same time."
Ivy and Y/n laughed.
"Oh, Haz is here," Tom said, opening the front door again, four little kids running in at once.
"Sorry," Kylee said. "The twins insisted that they raced Laura and Belle to the door."
"It's fine," Y/n said, hugging Kylee.
"David and Kate are coming over as well right?" Tom asked Y/n.
"Yeah," Y/n nodded. "They should be here soon."
"Uncle David's going to be here?" Peter asked Y/n.
"Yes, Peter," Y/n said, booping his small nose. "Now go play."
Peter didn't waste a second, immediately running over to where the other six kids were playing.
The doorbell rang, this time, Y/n got it, opening the door, to reveal David and Kate, along with their three kids.
"I'm so glad you two could make it," Y/n grinned giving them both hugs. "How are you guys?"
"We're doing good," David grinned. "We just got back from Oregon, the kids loved it."
"I'm glad they did," Y/n said. "Tom and I thought about it, but we ended up being too busy."
"It's beautiful up there," Kate said. "We would really recommend you four go up some time."
"Noted," Y/n grinned. "But, we should start eating before the food gets cold."
Y/n started walking over to the kitchen, when Tom pulled her into the hallway, giving her a sweet kiss.
"I love you," he smiled.
"I love you more," Y/n replied.
"No really, I love you and the kids more than the world. We've gone from being hidden, to then slightly in sight," he said.
Y/n grinned knowing where he was going. "But now, we've been."
he need some milk
and that's a wrap of a whack series
but i have an idea for another book but it'll take me a bit before i actually publish it since school is starting- so if you want to know when i publish it you can follow me :)
you can also check out my other books (if you want)
now this is going to be weird- but
see ya later bee bro's
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