I'm Exhausted
Y/n and Tom were walking around the grounds of the Eiffel Tower.
"You know, a part of me wants to live here," Y/n said, "But the other part of me says that's a stupid thought and I'm better off living somewhere, where I'm fluent in the native language."
"I go wherever you want to go," Tom smiled.
"That's a lot of power for one person," Y/n said, raising an eyebrow.
Tom nodded, "Well, as someone once told me, with great power-"
"-comes great responsibility," Y/n joined in, causing the two of them to smile.
They walked a bit longer when Y/n said, "So, when are you going to propose?"
"Uh-" Tom said, he didn't know that question was going to be brought up so abruptly.
"You're going to break up with me, aren't you?" Y/n asked, narrowing her eyes, "I had a suspi-"
"No, why would I do that?" Tom asked, taking hold of her other hand, "I love you more than anything."
Y/n raised an eyebrow, "Even more than Tessa?"
"Well..." Tom said, causing Y/n to playfully punch him, "Hey, I was just kidding, yes even more than Tessa."
Y/n rolled her eyes, "Well, maybe I love Tessa more than you," she teased.
"Well, can Tessa do this?" Tom asked, kissing her very passionately.
When Tom pulled away, Y/n's face was burning so much, she was sure she could cook an egg on it.
"Well?" Tom asked.
Y/n scrunched up her nose, "Well, I don't know how I would feel if a dog started kissing me," she said, "So sure, you win this time."
"I think I win every time," Tom said.
"Tessa's cuter than you," Y/n said, "You can't argue with that."
"Okay fine," Tom huffed, "I will almost every time."
"That is correct," Y/n said, giving him a peck on the cheek.
"Is that Tom Holland and Y/n L/n?" Y/n heard a girl say.
Out of all the celebrities, in the world, Y/n was the only one who could forget she was famous, well, until someone said something about it.
"Yeah, that's why we flew out here, remember?" another girl said.
"When did we announce we were going to be in Paris?" Y/n whispered to Tom.
"We never did," Tom whispered back.
"Why does this always happen to us?" Y/n sighed.
"I'm not sure, Love," Tom said, "But do you want some pictures?"
Y/n grinned, "Of course," she said, walking over to a spot where you could clearly see the Eiffel Tower behind her.
"Oh my gosh!" a girl squealed, "I can't believe I'm seeing this with my own two eyes!"
"I know right!" another one squealed, "they're too cute together."
"This is like right out of a Wattpad story," Y/n mumbled under her breath, then smiling for the photos.
"Say, 'I have an amazing boyfriend'!" Tom grinned behind his phone, causing Y/n to roll her eyes.
"I have the most amazing boyfriend," Y/n said.
"That is a true statement," Tom teased, "Now say, 'I am the most beautiful girl in the universe'!"
"I am a depressed sack of potatoes," Y/n grinned.
Tom lowered his phone frowning, "You should take that back," he said.
"I don't think I will," Y/n said.
"You're going to regret this," Tom said, walking up to her.
"Am I?" Y/n asked tilting her head.
"Yes you are," Tom said, starting to tickle her, causing Y.n to start laughing.
"O- okay," Y/n laughed, "I- I ta- take it ba-ack."
Tom stopped, "Good," he said, smirking, "because you're are stunning."
"Sure," Y/n said, then switching him spots, stealing his phone, "It's your turn now."
Tom chuckled, "Okay, Love."
"I can't believe our luck," a girl said, "They just happened to be in Paris the same time we are."
A crowd had started to form.
"Did you see his smile? I am deceased."
"I still prefer Tomdaya over them."
"Shut up, they're the cutest."
"Look at how hot he looks standing like that."
"Have you ever seen her photography? It's amazing, Tom is going to look so hot in those photos."
Y/n couldn't lie, the whispers were distracting, but she enjoyed it, sometimes.
"Okay, say 'my girlfriend looks like a sack of potatoes'," Y/n said.
"My girlfriend is stunning," Tom said, with the (in his words) cheekiest grin in the world.
Y/n rolled her eyes, but took a few other photos, so Tom could pick and choose what he wanted to most for his millions of fans.
When Y/n finished, Tom grabbed his phone and walked up to a fan in the crowd, that had grown to at least fifty people in only a couple of minutes.
"Excuse me," Tom asked, "Could you please take a photo of me and my girlfriend?"
The fan quickly nodded, having the same expression of unbelief Y/n had after she started talking to Tom, three years ago.
Tom grinned, and walked over to Y/n, "I'm posting this photo, no matter what you look like."
Y/n playfully rolled her eyes, "I still have that photo of you from three years ago on the bus," she said, "and I won't hesitate to post it."
After they got the photos, Tom and Y/n walked up to the fan who took them.
"Thank you so much!" Y/n said, "We really appreciate it."
"It was really no problem," the fan said, "But could I get a photo with you two?"
"Of course," Tom grinned.
And so, there was Tom and Y/n taking photos with fans for an hour, till there were no more fans, leaving Tom and Y/n more tired than they were already before.
"We should go check into the hotel," Y/n yawned, "and get a nap."
Tom nodded in agreement, "I second that."
They walked over to the hotel since it was only a fourteen-minute walk. They got to the hotel, quickly checked in, and found their room.
Y/n quickly found the bed, taking off her shoes, dropping her luggage, and collapsed onto the bed, letting her jetlag and tiredness get to her, falling asleep immediately.
Tom chuckled, picking up her stuff, and putting it out of the way, thinking they could just put it away after. He laid bed next to her, looking at how (he thought) cute she was sleeping.
He moved a strand of hair out of her face and smiled, quickly falling asleep as well.
After about an hour and a half, the two of them woke up, but Y/n sat up first. She furrowed her eyebrows, looking around the room, looking at Tom, then at the Eiffel Tower which was in view, "I'm in Paris, she said to herself."
"With your favorite person," Tom yawned sitting up.
"Benedict Cumberbatch is here?" Y/n asked looking around.
"Love," Tom said, not looking impressed.
"I'm joking," Y/n smiled, giving him a small kiss, "You're my favorite Brit."
"That's what I thought-" Tom said, "-wait favorite Brit?"
"Yeah, for all I know, Scarlett Johanson could possibly be most likely be cooler than you," Y/n shrugged.
"We can talk about this later," Tom sighed, his stomach then growled, "Because I'm starving, we should go eat."
"Quacksons?" Y/n asked, smirking.
"Later, Love," Tom said, bopping her nose, "Right now I'd like something else."
Y.n nodded, getting out of bed, "Well, let's go before I die of starvation."
"I think you have three weeks till that happens," Tom said.
"When'd you learn that?" Y/n asked.
"A couple of weeks ago," Tom shrugged."You're slowly becoming more and more like Peter Parker," Y/n smirked as they walked out of the room.
are you from france?
because eiffel for you.
see ya later bee bro's
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