Colloseum pt. 2
After Tom and Y/n ate, Tom brought Y/n over to the Knights of Malta Keyhole, since he booked a tour for the Colosseum later that day, and they still had time.
"So, it's just a keyhole?" Y/n asked. "A keyhole that hundreds of people crowd around every day?"
"Yeah," Tom replied. "But I booked a time to go and see the gardens."
"You really know me," Y/n said, her eyes wide. "It's kinda scary."
"I sure hope I know you well," Tom said, raising an eyebrow. "I've known you for three years now."
"Uh-huh," Y/n agreed. "But you think about things that I don't."
"Like how you're always hungry?" Tom asked.
"Yes sir," Y/n said. "But that one is pretty well known- holy crab nuggets, that is a long line."
Tom looked up to see what Y/n was looking at and yes, there was a very long line, to look in the tiny keyhole.
Tom checked the time, it was ten past two, he hoped they could see through the keyhole before we went to tour the gardens, but their appointment was for two fifteen, till three forty-five. Something was not going to plan. But it was a small thing, so he hoped it wouldn't mess everything up too much.
"We'll take our tour first," Tom said, starting to back up. "We need to go find the benches-"
"Those benches?" Y/n asked, pointing to a set of benches.
Tom nodded, not sure how Y/n saw it before him.
They walked over there, there they were greeted, and then taken into the garden.
"This is a lot of hedges," Y/n observed, "But hey, look it's the Basilica."
A little smile formed on Tom's face as they looked around.
"Where're your little cute facts?" Y/n asked after they walked for a while.
"Oh," Tom said, who had started thinking about something else, "I wasn't paying attention- sorry Love."
"It's fine," Y/n smiled.
"Well, Aventine Hill was imagined as a sacred ship that would at some point, set sail for the heavens," Tom said. "So Giovan Battista Piranesi, the guy who designed it, incorporated many nautical elements and symbols into the design."
"I want to be in a flying building," Y/n said, then dramatically turning to Tom, "I wanna be in the room where it happens."
"The room where it happens?" Tom repeated.
"The room where it happens," Y/n nodded. "No one really knows how the game is played."
"Y/n, what are you doing?" Tom asked. "You look very shady right now."
Y/n stood up straight frowning. "I was singing Hamilton, did you not understand the reference?"
"Erm, Y/n," Tom said. "I don't listen to Hamiton every day like you do."
"Hey," Y/n said defensively putting her hands up, "I haven't listened to Hamilton since last week, it's been a whole week, Thomas."
"Okay okay," Tom said. "I've listened to the soundtrack, like twice."
Y/n pursed her lips. "Your chances of becoming a Meme Lord are becoming slimmer and slimmer, Princess Tom."
"So, what can I do to fix that?" Tom asked.
Y/n's first thought was "Propose I've been hinting at it this entire trip," but she didn't want to be too out there telling Tom that she wanted him to propose.
Although, she thought about buying a Ring Pops, and just proposing to him herself. But she didn't know if they sod Ring Pops in Rome.
"Well, first off," she said. "You need to listen to more Hamilton unless you hate it, then I won't force you, but you'll have to listen to another musical."
"Oh, that's not bad," Tom said.
"That's all I have right now," Y/n shrugged. "But if I come up with more, you will hear them at once."
"Okay, Meme Lord Y/n," Tom said.
"That has a nice ring to it," Y/n said.
"Let's keep going," Tom chuckled.
When they finished touring the gardens, they walked back out, fortunately, the line had shortened to about five people.
Tom quickly led Y/n to the line, since he didn't want the line to grow longer, since they had to get to the Colosseum soon to get their tour.
After about five minutes, they finally got to the door, Y/n went first, looking through the keyhole.
They only thought going through her mind was how someone could poke her eyes out with a skewer if they stuck it through the hole, which made her feel uneasy, so they quickly let Tom go. Hoping he wouldn't dawdle too long.
When Tom finally finished looking, they took the Metro to the Colosseum, where they had to get into another long line, so they could go find their tour.
"How do you think Kylee and Harrison are getting along?" Y/n asked.
"I think they're doing well," Tom replied. "Well enough that Haz decided to propose, and Kylee said yes."
"True," Y/n replied.
When they finally got to their tour, with about fifteen other people, a few of them were teenage girls, who kept looking at Tom, whispering among themselves.
"Looks like you've got a little fan base on tour with us," Y/n whispered to Tom.
"I don't know, Love," Tom whispered, raising an eyebrow. "Looks as though they're your fan base."
"Sure they are," Y/n replied, rolling her eyes. "They are obviously looking right at you."
"You're standing right next to me," Tom pointed out. "So, they could be your fans- look, we'll see."
A girl walked up to them, looking shy. "Can I get a picture with both of you."
"Of course!" Y/n grinned. "Right, Thomas."
"Of course, we'd love to get a photo with you," Tom grinned.
The fan smiled, and they got the photo.
The tour guide then showed up, as some of the other girls looked as though they thought it was safe to ask for a picture.
"Does everyone have one of these?" the tour guide asked, holding up a little one-way walkie talkie device. "And a pair of headphones?"
Everyone nodded and they started their tour.
"Remember when we came here three years ago?" Y/n whispered to Tom as they stood in the arena.
"Of course I do," Tom said. "How could I forget spending time with my favorite person?"
"Memory loss."
"Y/n," Tom frowned.
"I'm just kidding," Y/n said, putting her hands up. "You have a great memory."
At the end of the tour, some of the other girls came up and Y/n and Tom got pictures with them.
"Thank you so much!" the last one said.
"It was no problem," Y/n grinned. "We love meeting fans."
"You don't think we can be annoying?" the girl asked.
"Sometimes, but not often," Tom answered. "It's usually rather annoying when we're at the supermarket trying to buy groceries."
"Oh, that makes sense," the girl nodded. "Well, I have to go, it was so cool meeting you two."
"We loved meeting you too," Y/n said, giving the girl one last hug.
After the girl left, Y/n and Tom walked around the Colosseum a bit more.
"You know," Y/n said, "We should get some-"
"Gelato?" Tom asked.
Y/n nodded, smiling.
"I know the perfect place," Tom grinned.
Tom brought her to a small gelato shop that was close to the Colosseum, but it wasn't very busy.
"This place is cute," Y/n said, looking around the shop when it dawned on her. "Hey, I've been here before."
"You have?" Tom said, looking at the flavors.
"Yeah, we came here right- right after you left," she said, a solemn expression on her face.
"I came back, didn't I?" Tom said. "Can I get biscotti, and raspberry cheesecake."
"Can I get (again I don't care what you chose you could choose pickle for all I care)," Y/n told the employee, then turning to Tom, "You came back in October, not right after your mom picked you up."
"Cheer up, Love," Tom said, kissing her cheek. "Aren't I here right now?"
"Yeah," Y/n grumbled, taking her gelato.
They ate their gelato in the shop, which started to fill up.
When they finished, Tom put his hand out for Y/n who took it.
He led her down the street, which was familiar to Y/n: the street where Tom said goodbye to Y/n.
"D'you recognize this street," Tom said, gazing at the spot where he kissed her goodbye.
"Yeah," Y/n said quietly, as they stopped in the exact spot from three years ago.
Tom gave Y/n a small kiss, then took a deep breath looking around. Y/n looked around as well, not sure why Tom was doing so.
Tom got down on one knee.
Y/n's eyes widened, she was hoping this was the real deal.
"Y/n, three years ago today, in this exact spot," Tom said. Y/n started to tear up. "I had to say goodbye to you. After that wonderful week, I got to spend with you, I had to say goodbye, not sure if I would ever see you again.
"Three years ago I said goodbye, this time I'm asking you to spend the rest of your life with me," he smiled, pulling out a box, opening it, revealing the ring he carefully chose for her months ago.
"Y/n L/n," Tom said. "Will you marry me?"
"Of course," Y/n nodded.
Tom slipped the ring on her finger, then stood up, kissing her.
"I love you," Tom whispered when they pulled away.
"I love you more," Y/n whispered back, with a small smile.
"Finally," a familiar voice said. "It took you two long enough."
Y/n sighed and found Dylan standing there with a giant grin on his face.
"Hi, Dylan," Y/n said dryly.
"That's the greeting I get?" Dylan asked. "You just got engaged to Tom Holland, and you're not dying of excitement-"
"Dylan, leave your sister alone," her mom said.
Y/n gave her mom a thankful nod turning back to Tom.
"How long?" she asked.
"How long what?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"How long have you had this planned out?" she asked.
"The night before I asked you to go on vacation with me," Tom smiled, kissing her again.
"My best friend is getting married!" Harrison and Kylee exclaimed in unison.
Y/n and Tom laughed, looking at their friends.
"Is this why you stopped asking me about when I thought Tom was going to propose?" Y/n asked Kylee.
"Maybe," Kylee shrugged.
Tom and Y/n talked to everyone who came, then getting pictures, which Y/n loved.
She posted her favorite one on Instagram.
It was of her and Tom laughing, her ring in view. With the caption:
"I guess I'm stuck with @tomholland2013 for the rest of time now"
hurricane katrina
more like
hurricane tortilla
it finally happened
see ya later bee bro's
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