Amnesia. Baekhyun has amnesia, Chanyeol numbly thought.
Flashback: One Hour Ago
"Doctor, how long will it last?" Mrs. Byun asked as she gently rubbed a still shocked Chanyeol's shoulders.
They were sitting in the hallway outside Baekhyun's room. The doctor sighed and replied, "I'm sorry, but it's hard to tell. We didn't find anything abnormal in his CT scan, just that his brain swelling had gone down considerably."
"With a case like Baekhyun's, my suggestion would be to introduce him back into his life, slowly showing him everything he's forgotten and working from there. Small things, like everyday things, can be a trigger."
"But you have to be careful, if he begins to remember everything too fast it'll be overwhelming and he could go into shock, and we don't want that. So just take his recovery one step at a time, day by day. And I'm not saying it'll work for sure, but hopefully with the reassimilation into his life, his memories will come back. And I'm sorry again, I hope you can get your son back . . ." the doctor softly said.
"We do have our son," Mrs. Byun replied. "It's for Chanyeol and Baekhyun that we have to do this."
End of flashback
Chanyeol sighed and glanced over at Baekhyun, who was smiling Chanyeol's favorite smile. The only thing being that it wasn't aimed at Chanyeol.
"Sweetheart," Chanyeol heard Mrs. Byun softly say. "Please, talk to him. We know you don't remember, but he loves you. Trust us. You didn't forget him because your relationship was bad for you, you just . . ." Mrs. Byun sighed as she trailed off, not knowing why her son forgot.
"Mom, can you . . ." Baekhyun began to say, but then he glanced over at Chanyeol before quietly saying, "Can you give us some time? Maybe if I talk to him . . . Maybe something will come back...?"
Mrs. Byun smiled and touched her son's cheek, kissing his forehead before she gently replied, "Thank you, Baekhyun. And please, be nice."
Baekhyun scoffed and playfully rolled his eyes before retorting, "When am I never nice?" Then his brow furrowed and he mumbled, "Actually, that's a valid question."
Mrs. Byun chuckled and patted Baekhyun's hand. "Okay, hon, I'll be back."
When Mrs. Byun left the room, a silence fell over them. It was slowly becoming awkward, a fact that broke Chanyeol's heart because not once in their pre-relationship or during it have they ever experienced a moment where neither of them didn't know what to say. And before Chanyeol could drown in it, he asked, "So, how are you feeling?"
"Tired," Baekhyun said with a small smile, that caused Chanyeol's heart to skip a beat. Then he softly chuckled and muttered, "Which probably sounds ironic to you since I've been told I was in a coma for three days."
Chanyeol smiled sadly and muttered, "Yeah, that is ironic . . ." He trailed off, then feeling uncomfortable and anxious, he decided to ask, "Do you mind if I sit beside you? I know you don't remember me, but there was hardly ever a moment when we were together that I wasn't holding you in some way."
Baekhyun bit his bottom lip as a slow blush colored his cheeks, as Chanyeol thought, Cute. His shy faze is back.
"Um, I guess that's okay . . ." Baekhyun muttered shyly.
Chanyeol smiled and stood up, tentatively approached Baekhyun. As he sat down in the chair Mrs. Byun had vacated, he asked, "Would it be too much if I asked to hold your hand?"
Baekhyun's breathing hitched and he murmured, "I-I guess that's okay. I mean, my doctor told me it would be best to fall into the pattern of my life that I've forgetten, and if that means holding your hand then . . ." Baekhyun trailed off as he tenuously reached out to touch Chanyeol's sleeve, grabbing onto it with two fingers as Chanyeol slowly turned his hand over, giving Baekhyun the choice to pull away if he wanted too.
He didn't, and their hands met, fingers lacing together as a new thrill traveled up both of their arms.
Baekhyun whimpered at the touch and murmured, "This feels so nostalgic."
Chanyeol sighed, "It feels like home . . ."
~ ~ ~
Chanyeol stayed by Baekhyun's side for two hours, just talking to each other. For Baekhyun, he was relearning all the things he use to know about Chanyeol. While Chanyeol was falling more deeply in love.
It felt like the worst thing to ever happen to Chanyeol, having finally found the one he wanted to spend his life with, only to have them forget their love. It seemed like a curse.
Everytime something good happened to him, other things went drastically wrong. But he knew it would get better, Chanyeol could sense it.
After half an hour, Chanyeol broke down Baekhyun's burier once again, and his shyness slipped away. By the second hour, Baekhyun was calling him "Chan", and things were progressing perfectly.
When visitor hours were over, Mr. and Mrs. Byun stopped by to bid their son goodbye, and tell him they would be back tomorrow. And once they had left, Chanyeol leaning forward to kiss Baekhyun goodbye, momentarily forgetting his amnesia.
But then he remembered and quickly pulled away as he said, "I'm sorry! I just forgot for a second. Please? Don't be mad?"
Baekhyun placed his hand to his lips, his eyes wide as they filled with tears. Chanyeol wanted to comfort him, but didn't know if he should, and then Baekhyun quietly said, "Please, don't apologize for kissing me. I-I'll be okay if we do it again."
"Do you mean that?" Chanyeol softly asked.
Baekhyun nodded, and that was all the okay Chanyeol needed before he leaned forward again. His fingers threading through Baekhyun's hair as he brought their lips together once again and gently yet passionately kissing him.
A kiss that was fastly rekindling their love. A kiss that'd start their journey of bring Baekhyun's lost memories back.
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