Chanyeol caught a ride with Sehun, and they would be meeting Jongin and Jongdae at a club. As they drove along Chanyeol stared out the window at the passing buildings, wondering where Baekhyun could be in this vast city.
A little while later Sehun pulled up to a nondescript building with the sound of music spilling through the concrete walls. They parked besides Jongin's car, and since Minseok had taken his and Jongdae's car, Jongdae caught a ride with Jongin.
They all piled out of the cars and when Jongin saw Chanyeol's appearance, he laughed and flicked the hat flap up as he asked, "What's this? Are you on your way to your grandmother's beach party?"
Sehun snorted and Jongdae laughed behind his hand. Chanyeol narrowed his eyes and snapped, "Oh, shut up, Jongin! Baekhyun happens to like this outfit. And you know what, the last time I wore it, he ripped the shirt open and popped a few buttons. So there!" Chanyeol half-yelled as he stuck his tongue out.
Jongin smirked and crossed his arms as he asked, "And what? Is that suppose to impress me?" Jongin chuckled humorlessly. "I really don't think you want to get into a battle with me comparing crazy sex stories, because I would surely win. I mean, have you met my firecracker you all secretly refer to as 'Satansoo'? I have sex stories that would shock the shit out of you."
As all this was happening Sehun and Jongdae watched on with their jaws dropped, completely flabbergasted that this two idiots were fighting over something such as who's had crazier sex. When it began to escalate, and they began to shout back and forth, Jongdae, being the loudest in their little group yelled, "Hey! Shut the hell up, you idiots! Why the hell are you arguing over shit like this?!"
"Because he started it!" Chanyeol yelled.
As Jongin yelled, "You shut up, you troll!"
"Oh my God, what Jongdae said, SHUT....UP!" Sehun shouted. "And Jongin, apologize to Jongdae."
Jongin pouted and crossed his arms as he grumbled, "Sorry, Jongdae."
Sehun rolled his eyes. "Okay, idiots. Can we go inside now? I really need a drink . . ."
"Yeah, let's go," Jongin grumbled as Chanyeol rolled his eyes and frowned as he took his hat off and tossed it into the passengers seat.
"Okay. Maybe the hat wasn't the best idea for a club...." Chanyeol mumbled as he followed after the others.
Jongin laughed and called out, "You think?"
~ ~ ~
Chanyeol sat at the bar, massaging his temples. Jongdae sat beside him, half-grinning as he sipped at his drink and silently laughed at Chanyeol. He was really enjoying the sight of Chanyeol with a massive headache.
Just then, Sehun ran up behind Chanyeol and smacked his back as he yelled, "Oh my god, dude! I know you're in love with Baekhyun and everything. And yes, he's my brother and if I ever catch you cheating on him I'll cut off your dick with a butter knife. But you have got to see this little guy dance!"
Chanyeol groaned and swiveled around on his stool, smacking Sehun's hand away as he did. He held up one finger and rubbed his temple with his other hand. "Sehun," he said in a low voice. "Please, this place is loud enough without you yelling in my ear."
Sehun rolled his eyes and turned to Jongdae. "Hey Dae, do you want to come see? The guy's amazing!"
Jongdae shrugged and said, "Yeah, why not," as he set his glass down onto the bar and followed after Sehun.
Chanyeol grumbled and continued to massage his temple. He didn't know if it was the alcohol or the pounding music or just a mixture of both that was giving him this massive headache. He also didn't want to be a party pooper, but he was seriously considering ditching his jerk friends and taking a cab back home.
As he continued to sit at the bar, lonely and annoyed with a headache, he glanced up at the mirror along the back wall behind the bar and caught a glimpse of a dancing figure. Chanyeol couldn't stop staring for two reasons. One being, that he wore a mask that covered his eyes and most of his face —- that kept his lips and chin exposed. Two, those lips, and the way his body moved to the beat of the music —- hypnotic and alluring —- was all strangely familiar. The club was too dark, and he couldn't make out any other features. He couldn't even tell the guys hair color.
When the song came to an end, so did his dance. An ducking his head he pushed his way out of the circle that had began to form as he had danced. He made his way towards Chanyeol, presumably headed for the bathroom. He passed under a beam of light and Chanyeol gasped before practically falling off his stool.
"Holy shit," he whispered. "Those idiots." Then he quickly scrambled to his feet and followed after the guy. He slipped into the bathroom before the door could close and had to lean back against it to catch his breath.
The little guy had disappeared into one of the stalls and Chanyeol heard him muttering unintelligibly before the door pushed back open —- the mask no longer in place. Chanyeol's breathing hitched and he whispered, "Shit."
The guy glanced up, having heard Chanyeol's not so quietly uttered syllable. His eyes widened in equal surprise as he gasped, "Chanyeol! What—- I didn't...."
Chanyeol stepped forward and placed a finger to his lips as he murmured, "Damn Baekkie, where did you learn to dance like that . . .?" Chanyeol breathed as his other hand dipped down to Baekhyun's jeans and fiddled with the button.
Baekhyun glanced down at Chanyeol's hand before meeting his eyes, his expression bewildered as he hissed, "Chanyeol, what are you doing?"
"Your dancing made me all hot and bothered," he murmured as he ducked his head to kiss below Baekhyun's jaw.
"But you didn't even know it was me . . ." Baekhyun murmured.
"You felt familiar. You're always familiar."
Baekhyun sighed and fell into Chanyeol's touch, his lips dragging across his cheek as he moved his lips to his ear, replying to Chanyeol's earlier comment when he murmured, "Then should we do something about it....?"
Chanyeol released a low groan and breathed, "A thousand times, yes."
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